
New alien face discovered on the moon, looks human, Lunar Orbiter 2 site, UFO Sighting News.

New alien face discovered on the moon, looks human, Lunar Orbiter 2 site, UFO Sighting News.

I found a new face on the moons surface. Very odd but appears human. It is clearly very old and seems to be falling apart but in the most part we can make out a face and its features. I have to admit I was looking for a face, but found this one by accident. There is another in the area that someone else found, I wanted to record were it was located so I could post it here for other to see and look up its original NASA location.

The source photo is at:

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard” ☯

1 comment:

  1. I really hope you read these and can get back to me because i found some things in this picture and i always check them out but never thought id find or see something else in it 2 things please get back asap it scared me a little bit and nothing really ever does. The one thing is look at the red circle but follow it all the way left it looks like on the left of the picture it has a black windshield look at the back to the front it looks like a ship and i think i see something for sure a real face and body sorta because the camera tint but no face on a rock a face on what i think is i have no clue could it be 100% the first picture with a real alien caught in it ill point it out get back to me asap please


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