

Giant UFO Caught During Sunset Over China On Aug 4, 2014, -PHOTOS- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 4, 2014
Location of sighting: Xiamen city in Fujian province

This UFO was seen over Xiamen city, southeastern China in Fujian Province. I report this because most UFO researchers that are worth their salt knows that there have been thousands of reports of UFOs coming out of clouds and UFOs making clouds around them. This my friends, is a UFO with a thin cloud cloak around it. This was taken during sunset, a moment when the cloak of the UFO becomes...vulnerable. Let me explain briefly. When light is bent around the UFO, it comes from above it from the sun. This light has to bend 180 degrees around the UFO to make it look invisible. However if the sun is setting (at 90 degrees to UFO), one side of the UFO shield must now bend the light 260 degrees which it cannot do and thus the UFOs are revealed for 1-15 minutes during sunset. SCW


  1. Wow it amazing to see this UFO, keep on updating these UFO and Aliens news. I like to study about them .
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  2. I like how the plane is in the first picture to show size. Did anyone interview the pilot or co-pilot?

  3. That looks like a military radar plane scanning the UFO. I sure hope the aliens in that UFO were not called to China to come trade with them.

  4. It does not look fake at all....

  5. It's just a lenticular cloud, they're quite common and are caused by temperature inversion

  6. It's a Lenticular cloud, quite common and caused by temperature inversion

    1. Please read this case to understand that this is not a cloud.

  7. To big to be a military radar plane. It has to be something along the lines of a 747. Outstanding pictures tho!

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    1. Hey, thank you. Very kind of you to notice. I do not make any money and do not put adds on my site, because money causes the investigator to become confused and they may publish posts that are not real. Thus I am not manipulated by money. I only try to find the truth and share what I find with others. Peace my friend.

    2. I love that! Most people are money hungry idiots and the fact that you don't care about money and just care about the truth amazes me! keep up the good work! thank you for the picture

  9. UFO semi materialized

    1. Maybe, their cloud cloak hides them. For some reason, people just don't look up very often to notice.

  10. I would like to share a few pictures with u!!!

    1. Sure, post it to my Facebook. Thanks

  11. Why all the secrecy. From NASA and for that matter from the aliens?

  12. why is it always hd pics and low def vids? why is there no vid?


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