

Alien Ship And Pilot Discovered On Fram Crater, Mars In NASA Photo, Oct 26, 2014 UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 26, 2014
Location of discovery: Crater Fram, in the Meridian Planum Region of Mars
NASA Source:

This week I found some interesting anomalies in this Mars photo. The photo shows a close up of the crater Fram. In this photo are many unusual objects, including a walking figure. This figure is upright and we can make out the head, neck shoulders and legs. We can even see the feet, which appear very large in proportion to the figure itself. This figure is very short, just over 1 foot tall if we use the Mars Curiosity Rovers tracks as a measure comparison. There are also several faces that show a lion-like species that once existed or may have come from their cultural mythology. 

I also noticed an ancient one man vessel at the edge of the crater. This small ship has a large smiling face at its nose. It has flipper like front and back wings. There is even a pilots cockpit that is open! The size of this cockpit and space craft indicate that the walking figure we saw came from this alien craft. 

Certainly the figure, faces and the ship may be ancient carvings, but I am leaning toward a new theory, that some of the items found on Mars may have been turned to stone through the use of a hi-tech weapon. SCW


  1. Amazing ufo in volcano Xinantécatl, Toluca, México. 27/10/2014 :

  2. Dude this is reaching!!!! I believe some of the other stuff u have but this definitely not

  3. Hi-tech weapon??? #ReachingFartherThanTheUniverse

  4. Scott, these are rocks...

  5. I would really love to see 1 high definition close-up of just 1 of the anomalies you point out. Is there really a conspiracy within NASA to suppress this information? I would imagine if you were the rover operator and noticed just one of these anomalies and had the ability to drive the rover, you would no doubt get as close to it as possible...

  6. First you say rocks are aliens/animals/statues/aircrafts now stuff was turned to stone by a weapon...are you serious dude? Stick to what this sight is good at....UFOs and what's in the skies.

  7. Caro amigo, na minha simples opinião acredito que a primeira figura não seja uma pessoa ou alien ,e sim a sombra das duas pedras...cheguei a essa conclusão virando a imagem,um abraço.

  8. Yep, those some nice rocks

  9. You can't just pick some rocks and pretend to know what they are man.

  10. The faces look Mayan in part (statues); the walking man is outrageous! I don't see the boat, and the space ship is a reach, but the other stuff is really compelling. nice find!

  11. You cant really believe they are anything but rocks? I have an open mind and I wouldn't be that surprised if they discovered that in some distant past there had been life on mars but this is just stupid nonsense.

  12. it is a shadow effect with a rock above and one below

  13. Absolute 100 per cent bollocks - There bloody rocks. I hope this guy is taking the Michael? if he's not well...........!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I think you are on drugs, anything in this world or another can resemble a face. It would be nice to believe, but to have a picture of a stick and say its something earthly is complete rubbish


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