

Thousands See Giant UFOs All Over Australia On Nov 3, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 3, 2014
Location of sighting: Melbourne to Victoria, Australia 

These UFOs hidden in the clouds of Australia were seen this week all across the country. Their outline in the cloud is proof of this. I saw dozens of tweets from all over Australia of people who took photos.

Now, news has stated that these holes in the clouds are a natural phenomenon...which is incorrect. If they had done their UFO research they would know about the 1957 Ft Belvoir case where a US solider saw a metal ring in the sky over his base and he took photos of it. However while he took photos, the UFO created a white smoke cloud around it until it was 100% hidden from view. I have a 50 magazine in which this case was first published in. Also the 2006 O'Hare Airport UFO, where hundreds of people saw the grey disk hovering over Gate C17, after a few minutes it suddenly shot upward at an angle. As it went up, it went though a overhead cloud leaving a perfect round hole in it for 15 minutes! I can go on, and on, but thats necessary is it? SCW


  1. That's amazing, I've had this sight bookmarked on my phone and get on almost daily lol, but maybe they cloak in space to ? The world is getting close to meeting one of them finally maybe one day in the next 20 years hopefully if they stop lying

  2. Wow. Amazing. My buddy saw weird halos around the moon that same night in Melb australia. What is the end game?We find out we are not alone? Independece day type war? We realise US pilots fly most of these ships?
    Blame that on a weather balloon nasa u knobgobblers!

    1. I saw the moon with the Halo also.. Instantly thought it was very strange. I work in the city and could see it from the roof.. Crazy!

    2. The moon has halos often....

    3. Wow, nice cloud formation.

  3. Replies
    1. I thought they ended HAARP, are they still working on it?

  4. This type flew over my house on 3 December 2012 and was disguised as a cloud. It left a huge rain fall in its wake. I felt happy and blessed!

    1. So what you are saying is ".... a cloud passed over your house, and it rained"?

      Somehow that is an alien craft disguised?? REALLY??

  5. This is absolutely fantastic, am always taking pics of the sky, and what surprises I get sometimes on the mobile phone, At long last, our extratresstrial families, have arrived to make themselves known,....I am so happy. thanks for the pics again....Allanah Stanhope, Toowoomba

  6. Bull shit I ain't buying this shit there are no aliens ppl grow up!

    1. So throughout all the billions of planets out there, we are alone. You are ignorant

  7. A fallstreak hole, also known as a hole punch cloud, punch hole cloud, skypunch, canal cloud or cloud hole, is a large circular or elliptical gap that can appear in cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds. Such holes are formed when the water temperature in the clouds is below freezing but the water has not frozen yet due to the lack of ice nucleation particles (see supercooled water). When ice crystals do form it will set off a domino effect, due to the Bergeron process, causing the water droplets around the crystals to evaporate: this leaves a large, often circular, hole in the cloud.[1]

    It is believed that the introduction of large numbers of tiny ice crystals into the cloud layer sets off this domino effect of evaporation which creates the hole. The ice crystals can be formed by passing aircraft which often have a large reduction in pressure behind the wing- or propellor-tips. This cools the air very quickly, and can produce a ribbon of ice crystals trailing in the aircraft's wake. These ice crystals find themselves surrounded by droplets, grow quickly by the Bergeron process, causing the droplets to evaporate and creating a hole with brush-like streaks of ice crystals below it.

  8. Looks like a cloud to me. Like they said its a natural occurance.

  9. I'm amazed that there are still people in Australia who don't recognize these common cloud formations. Not a UFO, not manmade, just plain old meteorological phenomena that have been observed in Australia for centuries.

  10. Hi, I checked for ufos being sighted in November 2014 for fun, and when I saw this photo about possible cloaked ufos in the clouds on nov 3rd in Melbourne, I thought, hang on a minute, I took a photo of a very suspect cloud that I could see from my house sometime in the last week or so. I forget exactly when as I thought I had an overactive imagination, so once I photographed it with my phone, I went inside and forgot about it, until now. It is the 8th of November and I live in Launceston, Tasmania, about 500 km across the water from Melbourne. What I saw was a large cloud, in the direction of the Launceston Airport. It was huge and had a suspect looking round shape, also huge, within it. It was not perfectly round, as in a sharp edge, but the cloud all about it was soft and fluffy. Inside the circle the cloud looked like a spiral. What's more, it looked like there were about maybe 15 chem trails leading into the cloud as if it had flown there and stopped. I thought, if it were an alien ship, it wasn't very good at hiding, and at this stage I dismissed it. Tonight, after looking at this site, I remembered the photos and went to check them out. My phone is only a 5 mega pixels, and when I looked for them there were 3. Unfortunately, they had glared out as the pictures were taken in the direction of the sun going down. On the edge of the photo however, I caught something possibly interesting. I saw it with the naked eye and dismissed it as being a little cloud, but when enlarged, it has a shape unlike any of the surrounding clouds. It is like a perfect half sphere. It is glowing on enlargement like the clouds, but whereas the clouds have a blue type of halo around the enlarged edges, this has a warm pink glow. It might all just be a coincidence, but this is the first time I have noticed and taken pictures of such things. I haven't had a phone before that takes pics, so sorry I can't send it to this blogger to see what you all think as I haven't tried that yet.

  11. Hi, Scott.
    When I see some b.s. on your site, I don't comment here out of respect.
    Here's an example- Some person posted a YT video of two supposed UFOs escorting comet ISON. The video was said to have been a radar image, generated by the Chinese Space Agency. The circling UFOs were making shadows on the surface of the comet. Anyone with just one shred of cognitive ability would realize that radar cannot pick up shadows like that. Also, no link was provided. Also, the video could not be located anywhere else on the net. Also, the original posters' channel was quite cheesy and childish. It walked like a duck, talked like a duck, and looked like a huge fraud.
    From that video, you extrapolated that ISON must be a huge spaceship. C'mon, bro.I believe in extraterrestrial life, AVCs, ARVs, "theirs and ours", Off-World Navy, and have seen three "unexplainable" UFOs in my life, the most recent being quite clear and shocking.
    But not everything on the net bears repeating.
    It only takes one little hole to sink a boat. Repeating such garbage as that fake ISON video only discredits your site, discredits Disclosure, and give the critics ammunition.
    There are other examples, but no need for me to go on.

  12. Why do they have rainbows???

    1. Cloak sometimes causes it. Bending of the light causes normal light to sometimes break apart into its are seeming that effect.

  13. I saw two of them over pickering ontario today. Except the cloud vapor in the ovals had downward steaks and no rainbows

  14. I seen this same anomaly in the movie "savages"

  15. Ok so the photo's of these suposed ufo's are where !Q!!!!
    All I see are rainbow clouds
    Another hoaxer no doubt

  16. they have just left the caves.......some people know!!!!(do never ever come back)


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