

Alien Structure On Ceres Confirmed In Two More Photos By NASA, April 2015, UFO Sighting News.

 Above screenshot is of a negative color effect. 
Also do you see the red and green lights next to the buildings?

Date of new photo: April 13, 2015
Location of anomaly: Crater on Ceres, dwarf planet
Source photo:\
Source photo 2:

Do you remember the two glowing square objects in a crater on the dwarf planet Ceres? I guess its hard to forget. Well two new photos from NASA this week confirm these two objects are there. As Dawn went into orbit around Ceres it captured these photos, which by the way, are low quality images so that the public cannot see the actual detail of the alien buildings. Have you ever wondered why your old phone from 2008 took better photos than this NASA probe and their millions of dollars they spent on their camera? Well, its because NASA reduces the quality of their images with alien structures by 30-60% in an attempt to keep the public in the dark. SCW


  1. Hi, In the book Alien Interview written by Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, the Alien says that they have built a base somewhere in the asteroid belt. They observe us but do not involve. Human species is too wild, its mindset has not changed since prehistoric age. Thanks.

  2. Thank you for not having posted my previous comment. It was just aiming at communicating with you about Alien Interview. In addition to posting pictures, you must build up the big picture and detect consistencies between all the information available about alien presence.

  3. Perhaps they're building a stadium, so the Martian guitarist can go on tour.

    1. oh that's so funny what a clever person you are. mom's basement must have brain eating mold.

    2. Man. Not only do you lack humour, but you're a mean mofo

  4. And NASA says they will find alien life within the next 20 years! What a joke..

    1. They said 10 recently. How ironic! They are warming us up for hopefully a big reveal. They know tgey can't keep Ceres a secret. Amateur astronomers could see this one.

  5. Please stay on top of this!!!

  6. Please, stay on top of this!!!!

  7. Do you think Alien will sit quiet and look at the star and wait dawn to take pictures?

  8. Ufo in Cali Colombia:

  9. You should add a share button for Facebook.
    I share your links as often as possible and I believe people need to be informed!
    Keep up the great work.

  10. This looks good. The structure was seen at previous times, so we know that there is really something there. The detail of the image and surrounding area gives high confidence that the shape is shown accurately. Is Dawn still orbiting - will we get more images?

  11. Aliens are already here on our planet folks...anything else dose not surprise me,

  12. I am following info about Ceres all time. For me this got the biggest chances to be that "something". Maybe even this is water shooting up or just some happening on planet. Or building. Who know. My guess we will be disinformed as hell by "ones in charge" just to keep all truth away from us. anyway. " I belive'

  13. We live on a planet with animals. Why wouldn't there be other creatures in space?

  14. Pretty deep. But I never had a doubt. NASA has no answers and so they can't inform us about what they don't know about

  15. I definitely would like to be on the post about this although our minds are open seeing is believing. So how can NASA deny What they see And not believe it?

  16. No clear pictures will ever be seen .the camera will malfunction or go out of orbit crash or sum thing NASA will never let us see anything alien related.

  17. NASA will never give us clear pictures the camera will fail or satellite will go off course or crash .NASA is not allowed to show us anything proof of aliens


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