

Aliens Create Giant Smoke Running Man To Warn Humans To Run Away From Erupting Volcano, April 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 2015
Location of sighting: Volcano Cabulco, Chile

When this volcano erupted this week, it broke a 50 years silence and in doing so it also created a massive free standing humanoid figure. You also see some UFO lights near it, or in it sometimes. At first I only saw the face, but in the other photos you can easily make out the shoulders, arms, legs, knees, back and buttocks. 

How was this object formed? Alien technology is so advanced for some species that they can change the shape of land, water or clouds with a single though. Clouds are especially easy for them to control their shape and may actually be a subconscious thought of an alien that either created the explosion or predicted the explosion. 

What do I think was his message...thats easy. Run! He made a massive running figure during a very dangerous explosion and he doesn't want any humans harmed. Like I said, he may have created it with his thoughts by accident. Their minds are very powerful and use to molding things, controlling, and morphing things with a single will. SCW


  1. holy shit man, this is very precise! i can actually see lines of proportion in that humanoid shape. Even if its a coincidence i would run anyway.

  2. I see a child held as they are running

  3. Scott. This is not a bash, a troll or a rude comment - but it's honestly things like this that (i'm sure everyone will agree with me) totally diminish the credibility of this site. I am trying to tell you this in a manner that I'm not poking fun, insulting or mocking you. Hopefully you don't feel the need to moderate this comment to not appear on your site.

    1. Since when did the UFO subject have credibility? Scientists do no recognize us as a group. They do not take into account in depth researched UFO cases and encounters. There is no site on the Internet today that has "Credibility," not even Obamas White House page. You see, everyone has a different view of life around them. Its called our perceptual field. Its like a pair of glasses that we wear, but if someone else puts on our glasses, they will be incapable to see what we see and how we see it. What is credible and not credible in your eyes, is not the same for everyone else. We all unique, this site is unique.

    2. Scientists (good ones) don't generally slap a label on things and stop thinking critically about it. It seems a very provincial attitude to chalk up anything that defies easy explanation to faeries, hobgoblins, gods or aliens; if those are in fact different things.

    3. Scott - I do appreciate you not moderating my comments out. I was merely trying to point out your matter-of-fact phrasing of "Aliens Create Giant Smoke Running Man". It's this type of reporting that insinuates that you are privy to solid, direct and confirmed information. It's one thing to speculate - but responsible journalism of any kind does not make these kinds of statements without reasonable backup or proof. You contradict yourself and your site by stating "Since when did the UFO subject have credibility". You have, in the past, posted many videos that look quite credible and have merit as being plausible sightings of UFOs and such. However, I maintain that mixing those in with "alien face spotted on mars" or "alien base found on the moon" or "aliens create smoke monster" - I'm quite sure that people simply dismiss any of the more reasonable and interesting stuff as the rantings of someone who will just say anything that pops to mind. My two cents. Still a great site and I'm still very appreciative of the time, effort and energy you put forth to maintain it.

    4. Anonymous is very correct. I am very involved in scientific academia. My father is PhD Nuclear Physic, mother PhD Geophysic, me Geologist. The science world accepts that alien life exists somewhere in the Universe but lose interest when they hear reports of faces on the moon, smoke men, hybrids or just the typical 'aliens visited me last nite and drank all my moonshine'. In this modern era of disclosure, we all need to get our act together. The UFO phenomenon is NOT a religion with all sorts of flights of fancy. Rigorous scientific research needs to be done BEFORE making sweeping statements, or else scientists like me will stop reading this stuff. Please don't censure this post. It is important that scientific method is followed correctly. Thanx Scott. (Ps love the site, but smoke men made by aliens is a bit much)

  4. I agree with you. Scot should seek help if too much contents are donated for the website. We are here to help to ensure that credibility of the website contents is not hurt.

  5. There is technology out there that explains the creation of matter, light, the universe, and soon existence; that when understood allows each of us to manipulate matter easily. M.T. Keshe technology and his textbooks explains matter and how to control it.Even if you dont believe, one should read it to open their mind to the mysteries of science and it may lead to more discoveries.

  6. So you edit out the comments that don't agree with you? So basically you are censoring just like the government. So all of this is for what? Oh ya, Advertising dollars.

  7. Once saw a rock formation with the uncanny appearance of a man's face in profile. Actually anybody who's seen a New Hampshire license plate's seen it. Gone now and we miss him.

  8. Excellent reply Scott. We've witnessed NASA loose credibility - surely everyone knows the letters stand for Never A Straight Answer. We've witnessed so called credible scientists try to debunk fringe theories with total gibberish yet they retain credibility with the mass media outlets which in their turn have lost credibility with the thinking portion of the remaining audience. Those of us who can think for ourselves are left to decide what is possible and what is slop for the trusting masses.

  9. There are UFO's the government knows this. They play us all for fools! I predict within 5 yrs the truth will be known .

  10. Coincidence or not it looks really cool

  11. Very Interesting, STRANGE but interesting.....

  12. Everything is coming together.

  13. Everything is coming together. I believe...

  14. never in doubt

  15. Yea I don't know about that one.. A face in the volcano ash though? 😒 this alien stuff gettin outta hand

  16. Thanks for the exchanges about the 'Running Man'. There is so much that we take for granted about reality and we are blind to so much that happens around us. Why not a 'Running Man' or the 'Angel of Mons' appearing befoe us.


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