

Giant Glowing Ball Hovering Over Moons Surface, April 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Unknown
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo:

This NASA photo shows a glowing white ball of light hovering over a building, that is probably connected to an underground base. I took the photo and made it into a negative and we can see the detail of the below building much better. Now most of us have seen this before, but it is the first time I posted it on this site. SCW


  1. Maybe they could be used as security & observation probes/bubbles, that I always thought existed on the moon & on mars, some w/mini globes attached to a larger carrier globe, that's I,e. akin in principle to our multiple warhead rocket utilizing baby rockets to abort/release from its nose cone once instructed, so I theorize in priciple regarding the moon & mars that there there I,e. "SECURITY SPHERES"....

    Remember the 60"s TV series called, "The Prisoner", staring Pat McGewin if my spellin's correct on his last name, well anyway Scott & Crew, in that series there was a globe like thing that if a prisoner tries to escape by swimming on this man made lake on the grounds of what looks like more like a resort than a prison, a bubble would on orders would rise from the bottom of the lake like LIQUID PRELL SHAMPO it seemed then would form into a large bubble to submerge & either capture or kill thru suffocation the swimming escapee of the resort prison designed for those misbehave/uncooperative M16 intell agents, then roll there behind over the water ENGULFED inside the thing as it floots & rolls over the water as if utilizing ANTI GRAV itself w/ the escapee dead or alive back to shore, those seens rarely shown I always thought on that show was on of the the strangest...

    A awesome show when I thk back about it in general...

    1. Btw, the prisoner was produced back in the mid seventies...

      My bad crew mates...


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