
UFO Over Fresno Could Be Sign Big Earth Quake Is On Its Way, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 10, 2016
Location of sighting: Fresno, California, USA
Source: MUFON #80359

It the photos above you can clearly see a flying disk over Fresno this week. The disk appears to be metallic and has a blur around it. The blur was explained long ago by Bob Lazar of Area 51, who said, the blur is associated with the propulsion of the craft. I agree, every points to this being an alien craft over Fresno, but its kind of brazen to be over such a high populate area, unless they examining the San Andreas quake line. This may be a sign of a very big earth quake coming. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was in my backyard in Fresno,Ca. I was taking random photos of the sky just before and during sunset. The weather was warm with scattered light clouds. I did not see the object in question I only saw the object on my photo after I uploaded it to my Mac iPhoto. I was very surprised and taken back when I captured another UFO on my photos. This clearly did not look like a typical plane. This object was ovals/disc shaped and solid black with no windows, wings and not sound. It must have travelled fast since I did not see it. I was the only person in my backyard. This happened on November 11, 2016 around 6pm or so. I have over 200 photos of UFO's that I have when I take random photos of the sky. Some photos have one other may have three objects. I do not have photoshop. I own a Nikon D3300. I have also included other photos to share.

1 comment:

  1. They'll be studying CERN creating the Earthquakes to. People must learn that these Hadron Colliders are really Tesla towers buried into the ground to screw with our Ionioshere


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