

Woman In Dress Found On Mars In Curiosity Rover @NASA Photo, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 5, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found something unusual...wait, that sums up the thousands of things I have already found in the past. 

I found a figure, carved in the ground or roof of a structure. Its very crude, but I believe thats due to the fact of time, erosion and possibly a war that may have caused Mars to be this way. 

This is the find of the century, because of many things like it being a figure, a woman in a dress, two arms and two legs, one head. This is one of the few carvings I have found on Mars that depict a human-like species. I have found hundreds, but never looking human, and her dress is raised up in the front, and longer in the back, much like the ladies of use to wear back in the 1700s here on Earth. 

Something confusing is her chest, it has the breasts one above the other, unlike women on earth who have them side by side. No, I was not looking for this. It just stood out so much it was obvious what it was. It took a whole 3-5 seconds of looking at the photo to see it. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. I just noticed I colored the right leg too thin, she has a wider upper thigh

  2. and you still think FBI is watching you ..
    how can you think that, with that kind of posts?

  3. Marginally interesting. A rock that somewhat looks like the shape of a female. It might be something, but it might not.

    Find of the century? Wtf? Get over yourself. What kind of ego does it take to color a rock that KIND OF resembles a humanoid shape, then call it the find of the century? No wonder most people can't take this blog seriously.

    Wow. Just.. wow. And not in a good way.

  4. A lot of people assume everything alien we find is frightening, mind-blowing and extraordinary, but here we see, some is just plain similar to Earth. If earth was wiped out, what would aliens find in photos if they sent a rover here 30 million years later? What strange and boring fragments of our civilisation would still exist? How would aliens interpret each of those objects they find?

    1. Congrats, you made it into the Daily Star.

  5. From the position of the feet, the head and the arms it appears that we are looking at the figure's back. The two spots do not appear to be breasts. They look more like tears in the dress.

  6. First I'd like to say that I do believe in the existence of other intelligent civilizations. Whether we will find definitive proof in my lifetime is doubtful. That being said, the images being posted of bears, humanoids and technology from NASA photos are at the very least ridiculous. People can find what they want to see in the clouds, that doesn't make it so. I find that posting such speculative pictures only hurts the case of alien existence and makes theorists look foolish.

  7. The infamous Marilyn Monroe picture holding her dress?

  8. I see a third one of the circles farther down. Maybe those are decorations or buttons.

  9. I see a third circle farther down. Maybe they're buttons or decorations.


  11. I think it is just a figure that we want to see. Our minds are just making it up to see the exact figure we want to see in the first place. - just a comment people

    1. Wrong, I didn't want to see it nor was I looking for figures. I only look for any sign of intelligent life, and find a lot, but pass by 95% and only report the best 5% of my finds. It is what it is. Had this been found on Earth, there would be no concerns about it not being a woman, but its about location, and open minds.

    2. Its also about figuring out what is actually an artifact and what is a rock that somewhat looks like something.

      Scott hasn't been able to do that. He just claims things are 100 percent true when he has LITERALLY no way of knowing. It's very foolish especially when he has ZERO proof.

      It's frustrating to read but also hilarious.

    3. Sorry Scott but all I see is a rock mate but we all see what we want to see 😋 but keep up the great work most of your postings are top notch 👍

  12. its just the surface...come on...give us something goooood!


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