

House size UFO startles eyewitness in Ocala, Florida On March 16, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 16, 2018
Location of sighting: Ocala, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #90812

Here is an unusual UFO in Florida this week. It looks like its made up of two round pontoon sections tied together. I can't say I have seen one like this before. I like that the UFO itself is reflecting the color of the backgound sky as if its partially cloaked. The eyewitness says it was the size of a mid size house. That is big enough for several people to fly inside of. Being near the ocean UFOs exit under water bases in the ocean and may move over the land to investigate human activity. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Square object about half the size of a 1300 square foot house. Flying not slow, not fast. Made 90 degree directional turn.


  1. Please people. Comment! I’m the poster of this sighting and I am dying for some kind of explanation.

    1. Hey, glad to hear that. Did you catch any video of the object moving? If so, post the youtube link here. That would help a lot.

      Back in January 8, 2008, in Stephenville, Texas, a 300 meter rectangle UFO was seen by the entire city, but not recorded. This could be a smaller but similar craft.

    2. No, there’s no video. It was my dad who actually witnessed it with his friend/coworker of his at work. Trust me, if it had been me, I would’ve definitely taken video, lol. I just couldn’t believe it when he got home and showed me though. Even my dad, he’s a very big skeptic with stuff like this, but he had absolutely no explanation of what it was. He said it actually gave him a queasy feeling in his stomach and made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. And he’s a very manly man, so this doesn’t happen to him easily, lol.

    3. KRISTEN.M1030 I have commented and youd love my connection, DONT KNOW WHY MY COMMENTS AREN'T BEING PRINTED SCOTT ???

  2. I have this craft from the other day over Japan and its following the passenger jet. Also seen in Russia same day , have video. Would you like it?

    1. Sure, upload to youtube and leave the URL here. Make sure the youtube info box has your description of date, time location and what you thought it was.

    2. My Russian friend sent iit on fbook other day , i try and throw it and article over. Cheers

  3. Was there any sound? Did it change altitude and how long did you have it in sight?

  4. Looks like a quadcopter. Your size estimate is suspect.

  5. that looks like a flying boom-box, remember those? but if we identify it then it won't be a UFO any more - it will be an IFO.

  6. I just saw few minutes ago something similar over Hollywwod area, I was completely shocked , the sky this evening was cloudy but the lights and the size of the flying object were like in your pic moved in a circle, stopped and disappeared...I didn't have my phone with me to take a pic or video ughhhh...

    I Live in the Silver Springs Shores area of Ocala & had quite a Sighting while taking my Chihuahua out back one night at 8:20pm in October 2016. ---(Wish I could post the pic. Right here now). ---It appeared to be a Large UFO. Flying Near the Moon. ---No Joke.

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