Showing posts with label mothership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mothership. Show all posts


5km White UFO In Crater On Planet Ceres, June 17, 2021 UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: June 17, 2021
Location of discovery: Dwarf Planet Ceres, Astroid Belt

While searching a Ceres map I noticed that the map was deliberately lightened by NASA to hide the details. So I added some contrast and the things started popping out. Adding too much light, making photos black and white and also using false color (mars photos) to confuse the public so that we don't notice the alien artifacts on the surface of the moons and planets. But once you become use to this...its easy to focus it and restore the photo to its original glory most the time. 

This UFO is parked in a crater, where most the UFOs I find on planets and moons are commonly found. The crater is about 25km by 35km more or less and that would make the size of this spaceship 5km from wing tip to wing tip. It could easily carry tens of thousands of passengers. It's like a small city inside this craft. 

Can you imagine what Elon Musk would say if he knew about this craft? I bet it would be, "I'll get there in 30 days." But I'm sure Elon Musk gets alot of alien tech from DARPA program. They leak it out bit by bit to get it into the public sectors. I think even President Biden has no clue to the existence of this alien spacecraft and others out there. Even US presidents are kept on a need to know basis about aliens and alien tech. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Creepy Diamond UFO Over Bogota, Colombia On Dec 31, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 31, 2020
Location of sighting: Bogota, Colombia

The eyewitness noticed a dark diamond shaped UFO in the sky over his neighborhood last week. The UFO was seen hovering in place and remained there for a while, but when the eyewitness returned to the location it was nowhere to be seen. The bottom of the UFO looks almost round with a diamond skirt around its middle. This is a real UFO. This is what they look like close up  and this is 100% proof that they are in the skies watching how humans deal with this worldwide pandemic. Humanities stress levels have never been higher than right now. Even democracies across the globe have had to impose Marxist-like rules governing lockdowns and control over the public in order to stop this horrible virus attacking the world. Change is hard, but loosing freedom is harder. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

UFO Exit Volcano Popocatépetl Dec 28, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 28, 2020
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl, Mexico

Watch this recent video from last week of a UFO shooting out of a volcano near Mexico City on Dec 28, 2020. It was caught on live cam and this UFO is huge. Its coming from the right side of the volcano. I have seen UFOs come from the left side and even land on the left side before flying away, but this is the first time I have seen one on the left side shooting out. It did not come from the mouth of the volcano, but instead from a volcano duct on the side. Volcanos have many such tunnels and this volcano is very active, making new exit tunnels every month. How much more evidence is necessary to prove that an alien base sits below this volcano? 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Two UFOs Enter Volcano Popocatépetl In 4 Minutes! Dec 20, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 20, 2020
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico

What you are looking at here is not one but two UFOs entering a volcano near Mexico City, Mexico. After the first UFO enters the mouth of the volcano, a second UFO is seen four minutes later coming from an opposite trajectory. Both entering the mouth of Popocatepetl. The odds of two meteors this big falling into the mouth of the volcano in four minutes from different directions...would be astronomical in size. You got a better chance of wining a pick six lottery than seeing such an event happen. So we know its not meteors. This is 100% proof that an alien base sits 6-8km below the volcano. A city thats over 10,000 years old. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Orb Recorded Moving Through Living Room, Possible Alien Entity, 10-20-2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: 10-20-2020

This orb was caught traveling through a guys living room and the person had his infrared camera recording at the time. The orb is an alien entity, a living being, superior to us in every way, and can even change themselves to look like us, but prefer this shape. Some call them spirit orbs, and in essence they are...the spirit...the energy...the being of an alien entity. Very amazing how it moves around the home so casually. 100% proof aliens not only watch outside our homes, but also enter our homes too. 
Scott C. Waring 

Blue UFO Crashing Into Ocean At Hawaii Was Top Secret Area 51 Spacecraft! Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 1, 2021
Location of sighing: Hawaii, USA

A blue UFO was seen falling very slowly in an almost controlled fall over Hawaii this week. I know what it is and I have reported a similar occurrence...back in 2008 when in Needles, California a similar blue object was seen falling over the desert and eyewitnesses reported that within 30 minutes they saw helicopters coming in with a cargo helicopter and carry it area 51. I say Area 51, because at that same moment...two top secret Janet Planes landed at the Needles airport...which is unheard of. I lived in Needles when I was in elementary school for two years, but that was 20 years before this happend. This UFO over Hawaii...its from Area 51, its a top secret alien tech craft flown by a human pilot.'s still hard for humans to control it...since it's controlled by the mind. Yes, like bluetooth tying in the earphones with a computer, the alien craft links to the pilots mind...which can overwhelm the human pilots. This is 100% USAF technology. Check the FAA landings in Hawaii...I would bet money that two Janet planes landed there a few hours later. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

I will include a news video of the Needles, California 2008 info below for you to check it out and compare. 
Scott C. Waring 


White Disk Over Nairobi, Kenya Jan 3, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Jan 3, 2021
Location of sighting: Nairobi, Kenya

I spoke to the eyewitness and he recorded this white craft moving in and out of the clouds above. He thought it might be the Google Loon wifi balloon but said it was a best guess. He also said it could be a UFO or even a shopping bag that got loose. However I dismissed the bag idea right away and the Google Loon project ballon should be carrying a transmitter that is about 1.5 meters across square shaped...I do not see it having from this white object. I believe this is a very large and alien craft that is taking a very close scan and recording the inhabitants of Nairobi. Fantastic and exciting proof that aliens were over Kenya Today! 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Weather Satellite Catches Long UFOs In Clouds, Nov 20, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


NOAA is reporting that the weather satellite has caught some rings in the clouds on Nov 20, 2020, but I cant say thats true. As I see it, there are no rings. I see no holes or rings at all, but instead what I see are long grey smooth objects that resemble alien ships. Yes you heard me right. These look like an entire armada of alien ships that are in earths clouds hiding until they get to the perfect location over the ocean to descend and move to an under ocean alien base. These UFOs are several miles across so they are huge, but not the biggest ship ever seen before. I made a close up of one of them at the beginning of the video, then gets further away and last 20 seconds is original untouched for you to compare. 100% proof that alien ships are in our clouds and often get dismissed due to insignificant data of what they really are. It also doesnt help when people give up so easily and assume they are just clouds. Things like that really make us the laughing stock of the universe. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Cube Exiting Earths Sun On #SOHO And #NASA Images! Dec 31, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 31, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: SOHO/NASA images EIT 284 at 13:06

Ten years ago I was first to notice and report a huge dark cube exiting and entering Earths sun. I used satellite photos from SOHO/NASA websites. 

Notice two large explosions on the sun, one of which the cube just came from. 

Here again is another cube I caught just last night. The cube is huge, many times bigger than Earth. Also the cube is covered in some of the suns material, which means its coming from inside the sun. If this was pixels, there would never be solar material on the cube, but...this isn't the first time I saw this, but closer to the twentieth time with solar material on it. The two screenshots have added contrast in order to see the cube more clearly. Below are the original photos untouched. You decide, but this really proves my theory of a hollow sun being used and occupied by alien planets and ships. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


UFO In Historical Film Of Flag Raising on Iwo Jima, Feb 23, 1945, ,UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 23, 2020
Location of sighting: Iwo Jima
Source: US National Archives

I was looking at old historical film archives and found this one that really grabbed my attention. Not only is there a UFO that flies past the most memorable and historical moment of the Iwo Jima battle, but as it flies past, the soldiers turn from looking at the flag to looking at the UFO and then its cut out! There is 10-30 seconds missing from this historical film! Why? Because someone else also saw it and wanted to remove it from US history. However they did a poor job and the cut is not only deliberate, but obvious to all who see it.

This is 100% proof that aliens can time travel to any place or moment in history to watch humans and study them. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

White TicTac Over Soul, South Korea On Dec 21, 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 21, 2020
Location of sighting: Soul, South Korea

Watch as this amazing tictac UFO shoots across the sky, recorded from a passenger jet. The UFO has no wings, no contrail, no tail or lights of any kind. It seems impossible, yet there it is. Lucky the eyewitness was recording flying over the area so we have this amazing evidence of the encounter. 100% proof that aliens are not just watching over South Korea, but protecting them from North Korea. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Ancient Faces Off Greenland, Google Earth Discovery! Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 31, 2020
Location of discovery: Between Greenland and Canada
Google Coordinates: 81° 2'0.79"N 84°58'37.99"W

I was using Google Earth map and found a woman's face along the water. I say woman's because I believe the alien artist used the water as part of its art...using part of nature to mesh into the beauty of the woman and to exaggerate how beautiful she was by insinuating that her hair was long and flowing like the ocean itself. She also has a ruffled dress that comes just above the breast area, no straps holding it up. Her bare shoulders are both visible and magnificently done. 

I also found a harbor area that looks intelligently made. And there is also another face, that I believe will frighten people so much that they may try to deny its real. Because the human defense mechanisms are powerful and will fight anything that challenges how we see the world around us. Nothing is more challenging of our reality than the possibility that our reality is not the true reality of things. 

Scott C. Waring 



Burning UFO Falls Over West Virginia Dec 27, 2020, Videos UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 27, 2020
Location of sighting: West Virginia, USA

On Dec 27th a bright burning UFO shot across the sky over West Virginia and neighboring states in the US. The unknown object burned a bright orange and lit up the sky as it fell. Many twitter users tweeted videos of the object they saw in the sky and all of them were baffled at what they were seeing. Clearly no impact from a meteor was recorded, found or reported, so this object as huge as it was didn't impact or burn any area of ground. This is a UFO and it was limping back to the closest alien base with an extremely damaged ship. The alien base is most likely under a tall mountain in West Virginia. How can something so big not hit when falling. The impossible...becomes possible right in front of our eyes. landed safely, but barely made it in one piece to the alien base. Hmmmm....thats new. I didn't know about an alien base in West Virginia. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Amazing Buildings On Mercury Found In #NASA Photo, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 29, 2020
Location of discovery: Mercury

About ten years ago I found a human male face on Mercury. That NASA link has since been deleted, so I went looking for it. I found a similar photo, but the photo was cut smaller so the face was gone. 

Instead I found these cool structures inside fake craters. The entire photo needed contrast added because NASA added light so that the public would not see anything. Simple trick with an even simpler cure. What I found is that every square inch of the surface of Mercury in this area is covered with structures. Mostly fungi shaped but nevertheless structures. I made some close ups of a few below. 100% proof that NASA is hiding alien life from the public. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Two Black UFOs Over Clouds Matching Speed With Space Station, Dec 26, 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 26, 2020
Location of sighting: Space Station

Was watching the live cam and noticed two small black objects in the distance below. The objects were matching speed with the space station and there were two of them. At first I thought it could be the ISS shadow...but there are two of them! So I ruled that out. Something is keeping a close eye on the space station. The UFOs speed is equal to the space stations. This is 100% proof that aliens are keeping a close eye on humanity. We shouldn't call them aliens, we should call them watchers. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Correction: UFOs Near SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launch from Vandenberg AFB ~ 10-7-18, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: 10-7-18
Location of sighting: Vandernberg AFB, USA
Source: Email report

 He said it may be a rocket launch, but seemed more like a failed rocket launch. However in the video I can see at 16 seconds into it...there are three glowing objects in the path ahead of the 18 of them actually comes so close that it may have hit the 45 seconds into explosion occurs. It looks like aliens did not approve of the payload aboard this rocket launch in and the aliens destroyed it. 100% proof that aliens not only watch over us, but watch out for us and keep us safe. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Alien Face Found On Mars Almost Looks Human, Why Is NASA Missing These Things? Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 25, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found an alien face and it is important, more important than any other discoveries you can make on Mars. But is it life? Is it fungus? Is it a plant? Is it an animal? No...but NASA has never shown you such things either, but if you have been watching me over the last 15 would already know that I have reported most of those already. A face is a sculpture of the ancient species that once walked this planet...that once owned this planet we call Mars. They lived, concurred and died on this planet. A cycle that we humans are also following. Criticize this face as being ugly, a rock a figment of my imagination, but know this...its fate and the same in the end. Nothing in the universe can change that. So, lets focus on the positive shall we? We now know the facial appearance of this alien species. Something 30 seconds ago you never knew existed. In just 30 seconds...I changed your whole perspective on life. Imagine what I could do with a full hour. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Tower Found On Earths Moon 2.5km Tall, A Testament To Alien Intelligence On Our Moon! NASA Source! Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 25, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

I found a tower in this old Lunar Orbiter photo today. The tower is about 2.5 km tall. Its probably gone unnoticed so long because it sits on a crater edge in the shadows. The bottom base has six legs supporting it, but only four are viable at this angle. Defiantly proof that a species far more advanced than our own lives on the moon right now.  This is why we don't go back and never will. Its occupied and they don't want us inferior species messing up their society and culture. Humans...we do what we want, how we want. It seems futile to aliens to try to change us. 

I also found a lot of other things, but will only report a few below. Most people wont have the experience or practice at seeing these things...but any university student in the art department would pick them out without trouble. Or...test yourself, can you see below what I saw? you see nothing? Its not luck, not a gift, not a curse, just good old practice at my passion. I'm sure your passion is something I probably don't get too. Why am I so good at it? Because I don't require others approval of my discoveries. I already know...without doubt what they are, who possibly has my experience about this that I could possible need their approval? No one exists with such experience. Just me...and I approve. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Huge Black structure in below photo. 


UFO Over Mexico City, Mexico On Dec 20, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 20, 2020
Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico is a hotbed of UFO activity year round. I have long believed that the ancient Aztecs, Incas and Mayans were all planted on earth by aliens...or they may have willingly planted themselves here abandoning all the technology of the future do to it stealing away the fun of life. Thats what technology takes away our humanity and makes us more like it and less like humans. Until one day, we abandon this body of ours for a more technologically advanced and eternal mechanical robot body. Technology is not without its little surprises here and there. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


4 Mile Cross Under Ocean Near Macquarie Island, Google Earth Map, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 23, 2020
Location of sighting: off Macquarie Island

I was using Google Earth Map and I found something really intersting off Macquarie Island. There is a huge cross structure under the ocean there and each line measures the same. It is 4 miles across end to end on both arms. Thats about 7km long! Also not far is another area...a huge 1.5 mile across rectangle opening below a 1 mile bridge on the ocean floor. This opening is for larger UFOs to come down and enter the tunnels to reach the underground base. Yes the base is not on the ocean floor, but more current bases have moved 4-6km below the floor. This way the bases are safe from human detection...however...I did discover the cross and entrance I guess I'm breaking human stereotypes. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan