
Gun Fire And Explosions Heard on Ukraine live cam. Other cams fell. God help them all.

Very sad for Ukraine. Such times are horrible to encounters and even worse when other nations refuse to help. I noticed that of the 15 live cams...only about 5 are still working. Others have been destroyed or hacked. Here is my live cam of the capital city. Its still up. I can hear sounds of gun fire, explosions and yelling in the early morning hours right now. This cam will be destroyed when the city is taken in a few hours. 


  1. It is extremely sad for the people of Ukraine and it feels like we have stepped back in time. I agree that we are not doing enough to help these people and need to accept that freedom and democracy will come at a cost for the West.

    We have turned a blind eye at the behaviour of Putin for too long because it was convenient but it now needs to change.

  2. UFO ... Ukrainian Flying Object ... it's a difficult time ... but unless actual UFOs are involved ... if you don't mind

  3. Yes let's park that elephant somewhere else !


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