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The Ancient Giants of Nevada and the Mystery of Lovelock Cave, Video, UFO Sighting News.
News source: Here is an interesting story about...
Juno Approach Movie of Jupiter and the Galilean Moons, July 5, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
NASA Jupiter photos: You probably know already that the Juno probe is orbiting ...
Roman Or Nasal Relic Found On Mars This Week, July 5, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: July 5, 2016 Location of discovery: Mars Source photo:
UFO Disk Being Hauled Down Freeway Almost Hits Overpass, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: posted July 1, 2016 Location of sighting: Unknown This UFO was being hauled by a really run down semi tr...
UFO Tracked By Military Choppers Over Cincinnati July 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: July 1, 2016 Location of sighting: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA A large grey metallic UFO was seen over Cincinnati t...
White glowing orbs seen over Shrewsbury, UK on July 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: July 4, 2016 Location of sighting: Shrewsbury, UK Here is an awesome catch last night of some glowing orbs moving...
Shanghai people witnessed the UFO Over City For 10 hours! July 3, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Above photo is enhanced with autoajustment. Below is normal untouched. SCW Date of sighting: July 3, 2016 Location of sighting: ...
White Creature On Mars, Seen Then Disappears In Front Of Rover, July 4, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: July 4, 2016 Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1385, Navcam Left B With object; NASA source photo: http://...
China Will Soon Contact Aliens, Almost Finished With The World Biggest Radio Telescope, July 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Location of radio telescope: China News source:
Google Earth UFOs, Unknowns & Downright Strangeness Revealed! 7/2/16, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of video: July 2, 2016 Makers of video: SecureTeam10 Here is a great video that discusses loads of strange and exciti...
Dinosaur Skull Found On Mars In NASA Photo, Ancient Jurassic Creatures Lived On Mars! July 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: July 2016 Location of discovery: Mars, SOL 732 Source photo:
Deity Statue Found On Mars With Giant Diamond Crown In NASA Photo, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
The photo above was altered to automatically change to its original colors, the photo below is original, but NASA is using a red/bro...
UFO Buzzes Small Town Over Siberia, Excites Local News. On June 29, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: June 29, 2016 Location of sighing: Omsk region, Siberia News source:
Alien Starship 2X Larger Than Earth Seen Skimming Suns Surface, June 30, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: June 30, 2016 Location of sighting: Suns surface Source: NASA/SOHO camera EIT 171, 01:00 I caught this coo...
Faces, Mech Warriors, Towers Found On Comet 67P, The Singing Comet, Come Here The Message, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: July 1, 2016 Location of discovery: Comet 67P, singing comet Source ESA photo:
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