Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts


NASA Labels Craters Mickey Mouse Face, On Planet Mercury, April 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 26, 2018
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury
NASA photo:

Here is a face of Mickey Mouse I found today on planet Mercury, but apparently NASA found it first, because they label the photo "Mickey Mouse Spotted On Mercury!" So, NASA sees faces too. The placement of the three craters is almost perfect, however one ear is a bit too small. Fascinating resemblance and there appears to be some structures inside these craters as you see below. Maybe Mickey Mouse was not a human idea after all, or Walt Disney himself may have been an alien. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant Alien Glowing Worm flys Through Sky To Enter UFO, Chile, Video, April 23, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 23, 2018
Location of sighting: Cuarta Region, Chile

This video is absolute 100% evidence that aliens exist. Watch how this living glowing worm alien flies through clouds. Then it comes out glowing orange, searching for a UFO about to give it a ride. The UFO shows up and the alien enters the craft. Remarkable footage. We have just witnessed an alien species that resembles a giant worm. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Increíble Nitidez de Ovni en Huentelauquen Cuarta Región Chile 23/04/2018.

Do you notice the photo below has long antenna like tentacles?



Black UFO Shoots Past Paddle Boarder In Waikiki, Hawaii On Video, April 16, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 16, 2018
Location of sighting: Waikiki, Hawaii, USA
Source: MUFON #91556

Check out this UFO as it shoots past a paddle boarder at such high speed, the human eye can't even keep up with it. However, it was caught on camera and the eyewitness must have found it later while looking at the video. The UFO is too fast to be a lost balloon and its to thick to be a frisbee. This object is a disk shape, thick and is seen on the front and its  back as it flips and flies at the same time. Very odd. This UFO does have a similar shape as one recorded on infrared video by the US Navy as the UFO flew over the water. Video below to compare. Why is this UFO here among so many people? To record and better understand the thoughts of humans during when they are involved in a relaxed activity that they enjoy. It is info gathering. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
April 16, 18 I photographed in Hawaii Waikiki If you watch the video, something goes fast in about 2 seconds. Please confirm Thank you.

Below is a UFO recorded by a US Navy jet as the UFO was flying over the ocean. 


Disk UFO Near Space Station Spits Out Orb On Live Space Station Cam, April 13, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April Friday the 13th, 2018
Location of sighting: Space station
Source URL:

This UFO appeared on live cam and spit out an orb that quickly came closer to the space station. As the orb left the main ship, it was visible. However its systems seem to become activated after it left, because it soon cloaked. 

Aliens are not giving up on us, the public. They will continue to send small messages to us all at different locations around the world. When you see a UFO, its probably because they wanted you to see them, so take photos or video and share it, because they would like the public to be aware of them. Its the governments of the world that refuse to let the public know of the existence of aliens. 

If you follow the link, then in that recorded ISS video go to the 2:44 mark, the UFO will be visible, then it disappears and the screen becomes green. 
Scott C. Waring


New Mars Faces Published In Journal Of Space Exploration, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Photo above has been focused only. 

Original photo and drawing above (untouched)

This is interesting. I got an email from a friend and reader of my site and a new face has been discovered on Mars. The face is actually similar to a lot of other smaller faces I have reported to you in that it has not one, but two faces in it. On face wearing an elaborate helmet, and on the helmet is another face. On the persons neck is a alien word "33" but the second 3 is smaller. I believe these mean "friendship." Since the big 3=the big face, and the little 3=the little face. 

But wait, I sharpened the image, and brought out detail of a third face...its on the big faces chin area. I will put it just above here...with the 33 visible in it so you see the location. The sharpens photo is below. So, now we know, "33" really means "three friends, or cooperation." 

This is a professionally published paper in the Journal of Space Exploration. They evidence is analyzed over and over again. Fantastic! The evidence is growing. Professionals from all walks of life are participating in find the evidence right in front of us. 100% real proof that ancient aliens once existed on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring-Masters in Counseling, BA in El Ed. 

The email states: 
Bearded Profile with Avian Headdress on Mars – featured in science journal.

Purcellville, Virginia –A Geoglyphic formation observed on Mars depicting a bearded profile with an avian headdress is the subject of a new science paper, published in the current issue of the Journal of Space Exploration (Volume 4, Issue 3, November 2016). The paper, “Bearded Profile with Avian Headdress within the Southeast-Facing Slope of an Impact Crater in the Utopia Planitia Region of Mars,” reveals a profiled portrait of a bearded, human head wearing an avian headdress. The facial features include an eye, nose, mouth, mustache and beard, while the headdress consists of a large nesting bird. The formation is documented in four NASA images that confirm the consistency of the portraits human and avian components.  When compared to a collection of similar terrestrial motifs, the Martian structure not only duplicates their aesthetic design but, reveals a lost legacy perhaps shared between two worlds.

Contributors to the paper include members of the Society for Planetary SETI Research and The Cydonia Institute; William Saunders (geomorphologist), George Haas (sculptor), Michael Dale (geologist) and James Miller (image analyst).

A direct link to the Journal of Space Exploration paper is provided below.

Photographs and supportive materials are available on request.

If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.

*The Society for Planetary SETI Research (est. 1991) and The Cydonia Institute (est. 1991) are independent organizations of scientists and researchers with a common interest in the study of anomalies observed on planets and satellites within our solar system whose origins may be the result of intelligent design. Their members come from a variety of disciplines including physics, astronomy, engineering, geology, archeology, image processing, and the visual arts.


Guy Spends 50K To Look More Like An Alien, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

This person spent over $50,000 US to have himself look more like an alien than a human. I guess this was bound to happen. If aliens reveal themselves people will begin to copy aliens and how they do things, how they look and even emulate their culture and values. Why? Because a species that is millions or even billions years old clearly has a higher intelligence that humans do, and therefore to copy them is to make yourself more like them...or to appear more intelligent. 
Scott C. Waring


Two UFOs Show Up On National TV Show 48 Hours, March 4, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 4, 2017
Location of sighting: Unknown (48 hours show)

The eyewitness was watching the TV news show 48 Hours when they noticed the two UFOs over the building on the far right of the TV screen. UFO often show up on TV shows. Just last week we showed one showing up on the famous Walking Dead show. They like to show up so that your subconscious will begin to accept UFOs more easily and they can also insert mind manipulation schemes that they may have to control the publics way of thinking. 
Scott C. Waring


Missing Time And The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case, Documentary Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Event: 1961
Location of event: Exeter, New Hampshire, USA

The alien abduction case talked about in this video happened in 1961 to eyewitnesses Barney Hill and Betty Hill.  Betty and Barney Hill announced seeing a UFO and encountered hours of missing time while on a long road trip. When they were hypnotized, they both separately reported how they were snatched by aliens and appeared within a UFO before under going a medicinal examination. Betty said the aliens came from a system called  Zeta Reticulei, yet it wasn't discovered by astronomers until 1969.


Alien Ship Found On Craters In Japanese Moon Photos, Feb 2017, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of discovery: Feb 7, 2017
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

This is a structure that shows a ship parked on the edge of a crater on Earths Moon. Its not particularly unique and normally I would not report something this small unless others structures were also there, but this comes from the most rare of sources...the Japanese. The JAXA site has some great photos and videos, but most are hidden deep in its site, the hard thing is to dig them out. 

The thing about many moon photos is that often structures can be seen at one angle, but not a different angle. This is due to the lunar dust that has covered most of the structures over millions of years. This dust is thickly layered on many structures, but not all. Its similar to the UFOs we seen orbiting the edges of the moon, but cannot see when they are flying over the surface of the moon, because the blackness of space brings out the detail of the UFOs. Those UFOs can be recorded anytime of day and can be recorded with a normal camera.
Scott C. Waring


Meteor Like UFO Following NASA Space Station Only Meters Away Feb 7, 2017, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of sighting: Feb 7, 2017
Location of sighting: Earth orbit at space station
Source url:

This meteor shaped UFO was caught following the space station today on live cam. What happened is I was watching and then the were switching cameras and went to the switching camera screen, and when they came back using a different camera, a UFO was right there in plain sight. The NASA guy operating the camera most have been watching it and accidentally allowed the live cam to get a good view of it. The UFO had perfectly matched its speed with the space station. I really wish they had not stopped showing it, but it switched to the changing camera screen again and then was gone. 
Scott C. Waring


Black UFO Hides Over Clouds Caught By NASA Space Station Cam, Jan 27, 2017, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of sighting: January 27, 2017
Location of sighting: NASA/Russia Space Station, ISS

I was watching the live cam and was a bit irritated that they were going to blue screen and glitch screen about 65% of the time this week. Either they are trying to hide UFOs or they are causing their own glitches so they can finally shut down their spy cameras to the public. Yes, the two new cams which the public are not allowed to use can read a license plate of a car anywhere on the planet. 

A dark object passed on the clouds below the space station. The object has openings and was very black, making it easy to spot on top of the white clouds. Its non reflective black, much like a lot of the structures I have found on Earths moon. That is where the USAF got their stealth materials, alien tech. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Drops Off Whale In Wrong Place, Found On Grass In Oklahoma, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Updated: A reader just sent me an article from 2013 in London of a whale life like sculpture...What the hell? Looking just like this whale, the wrinkles and colors match exactly.

Date of event: January 25, 2017
Location of event: Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA
News source:

It looks like a UFO dropped it off in the middle of nowhere, but as a reader pointed out, its a sculpture that was made life like. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

News states: 
Muskogee| A city worker made an incredible discovery while cleaning up a public park on the banks of the Arkansas river: he found a 40-foot long humpback whale laying lifeless, hundreds of miles away from its natural habitat.

The worker discovered the beached whale around 9:00 this morning, just after arriving to work.

Thinking that the cetacean could have been left there as a creepy prank by some neighborhood youngsters, he contacted the Muskogee Police Department.

The investigators rapidly dismissed his theory, as no traces of vehicles or machinery large enough to carry it were found near the animal.

They admit that they don’t know at the moment, how the marine mammal found its way in the park.

“We found no signs suggesting that the animal could have been placed there by humans,” said Lt Darrell Remmington. “For all we know, it probably probably got lost and swam up the Arkansas river until it got stuck for some reason.”

A team of biologists from the University of Oklahoma has already arrived on the site to examine the whale and collect some samples.

They will perform various tests and analysis on the remains of 25-ton cetacean to try and determine how it made its way to Muskogee. (More at source)


Ancient Foot Found On Mars With Muscles, Also Growing Rock, Alien Full Body Statue And More, Jan 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Can you see the alien foot?

Date of discovery: January 11, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found an alien foot, that has a lot of detail to it, which makes me believe that it is from a living being, not a foot of a statue. The rest of the body is gone. Its just nowhere to be found. I searched, but could not find it, so either the rest of the body was totally destroyed with the weapon that shot it, or when it was shot, only its foot was affected, which broke off, stuck to the ground while the being hobbled off best it could. You can see the muscles or bones in the side of the foot. You can also see that its big too (our big toe area) is much longer and similar in shape to our thumbs. 

I also found what appears like a round colorful rock with two leaves on each side of it. It was sitting on the very edge of a rock cliff. 

There was also an interesting statue, very primitive, naked, but clearly shows that it had two legs, to arms and a head with an extended back cranium. 

There was also some interesting writing. For us its just lines, but for them it had enough meaning to make it permanent. 

A large black odd shaped structure was also visible, but difficult to know for sure what it was used for. 

The more we find, the more questions we have. 
Scott C. Waring, Taiwan

Below are three screenshots of a rock flower. An object that looks like a rock, but blooms and can even move very slowly. For you remember the Mars donut? Or another example is the living yellow rocks found in Apollo 20 mission and were retrieved. 

 Below is another example of the alien writing on this planet. 

Below are two important items, an alien statue standing upright, but wit an extended cranium. Also a big cat face in the lower right, bigger than the statue.


Ancient Statues On Mars And Solid Gold Writing Found, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found this statue of a person that is similar to some ancient sculptures on Earth long ago. The statue also has a second one near it, its face I made yellow and the other orange to help you see it better. There was also a gold world...I say gold, because the material is gold, which I find a lot in NASA photos. Near the single gold word is a drawing in gold of a bull. Also a few tiny structures, but the entrances are in the shape of faces and the doors are the mouth area. There was also a single bone laying out on the surface. I do not believe that NASA could explain any of this away, even if they tried. 

This are of Mars is so odd, I am wondering about all the broken structures...they look more like intelligent tiny creatures the size of termites made them. Have you ever seen termite mounds above the ground? This is what some of their larger structures look like, but with levels. This species seems to have a hive mentality, working together to create a hive mind...something that humanity will have difficulty relating too since each person try to emphasis their own individuality. This difficulty we have, may also be making us overlook important evidence right in front of the NASA rovers.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Watching Over Comet P67, NASA Makes Lander Mission Covert, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 8, 2016
Location of discovery:  Comet P67, Singing comet

Its been a while since I have reported Comet P67, but I decided to have a look at some recent photos and saw a long UFO that is flat, but rectangle shape near the comet. The UFO may be there to greet the NASA/ESA lander that landed on the comet and went silent. This UFO is over 100 meters across when compared to the size of the comet. 

I don't believe for a second that it went silent, but instead, NASA/ESA has a covert mission to wait and greet the aliens that have been sending the signal for over 20 years. Yes, the signal is the reason they are there and they said that themselves dozens of times, so obviously the mission stopped because they had another covert mission to accomplish. Its how NASA gets the Rosetta lander out of the public eye permanently and can keep using it to investigate. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


4.5 Mile Tower Found On Earths Moon In Navy Archives, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 26, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

I found a tower this week in the USN archives. Sadly they have deleted most of their thousands of moon photos from long ago. You know, the ones of structures on the moon that were half blurred out, and half revealed. Yeah, those ones. 

This tower is on the map in the far lower right hand corner of the map. It has a distance measure that says it is 2 miles wide and 4.5 miles tall. Many towers have been seen on the moon in the past, but this does confirm that it does exist, and that this could be the same tower as those seen long ago. 
Scott C. Waring