Date of news article: March 1, 2016 Location of news: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Source of article: Here is a great article today by George Knapp, a fantastic and highly respected UFO researcher and journalist. He dives in to discus the potential for John Podesta to push for UFO disclosure if Hillary Clinton is elected as US president. A lot of people are saying Hillary was making a joke when she said it, but I believe she was 100% serous. She not a comedian, she is carful about her words overtime she speaks. If she says it, then she will try. Thats all we can ask right? Scott C. Waring
News states:
Several U.S. presidents are on the record, talking about the UFO mystery. Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan say they had UFO sightings of their own, but the current presidential campaign might be the first in which UFO disclosure has been championed by a major party candidate.
During a recent campaign stop in Las Vegas, the campaign manager for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told Politics NOW co-host Steve Sebelius that Clinton will try to get to the bottom of the UFO question.
John Podesta has always been a strong advocate for declassification of government files in general and UFO files in particular.
“I think the American people can handle the truth about this,” he said.
As White House Chief of Staff for former President Bill Clinton, Podesta helped declassify hundreds of millions of documents. If there were UFO secrets being held somewhere, however, they eluded even the president.
Podesta returned to the White House as a special advisor to President Barack Obama. On the day he left the job, he sent out a Tweet saying his biggest disappointment was the failure to find and uncover the UFO files.
These days, Podesta has the ear of another potential president; he's running the campaign for Hillary Clinton. He made it clear to Sebelius that the UFO question has been discussed.
“I've talked to Hillary about that. It's a little bit of a cause of mine, which is, people really want to know what the government knows, and there are still classified files that could be declassified,” he said.
It wasn't an offhand remark. Podesta has encouraged journalists to ask his candidate about UFOs, and a few have done so. Mrs. Clinton told a New Hampshire newspaper that she intends to get to the bottom of the UFO mystery, thinks it is possible the planet may have been visited and would consider creating a task force to investigate Nevada's Area 51 military base. The base became a center of UFO attention more than 25 years ago because of reports that aired on KLAS-TV.
CNN characterized Mrs. Clinton's remarks as jokes, but Podesta makes it clear that he and his candidate are serious.
“I think I've convinced her that we need an effort to kind of go look at that and declassify as much as we can, so that people have their legitimate questions answered,” he said. “More attention and more discussion about unexplained aerial phenomena can happen without people who are in public life, who are serious about this, being ridiculed.”
The Clintons know first-hand how the UFO topic invites ridicule. Many people may remember the frequent tabloid headlines during the Clinton presidency with titles such as “Hillary Adopts Alien Baby” or “Space Alien Endorses Bill.”
More recently, conspiracy theorists have suggested there are UFO secrets hidden in Mrs. Clinton's private e-mails. It comes with the territory.
“I come in for my fair share of people asking questions about whether I am off my rocker, but I've been a long-time advocate of declassification of records,” Podesta said.
Huffington Post writer Lee Speigel has followed the UFO debate since the late 1970s. He notes that Podesta has been way out in front on UFO disclosure in speeches at places like the National Press Club.
“It's time to open the books," Podesta told the club.
“He ended one of his speeches by saying, not only could the public handle it, but we should do it because it's the law,” Speigel said.
In the mid-1990s, billionaire Laurence Rockefeller lobbied the Clintons to end UFO secrecy. Mrs. Clinton was photographed with Rockefeller while holding a book titled, “Are We Alone? The Implications of Discovery of ET Life.”
Bill Clinton has made public statements confirming that he tried to get to the bottom of UFO issues while in office.
“First thing I did is send people to Area 51 to see if there were any aliens there,” he told late night host Jimmy Kimmel.
The government's interest in UFOs officially ended with the closure of Project Blue Book in 1969, but suspicion remains that unexplained encounters involving national security are still being studied by someone.
Podesta suspects someone is holding on to a large cache of UFO files. Speigel says several whistleblowers have surfaced over the years, including the late lunar astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who say secrets are still being kept.
“There's military people coming forward now saying, ‘Yeah, the government never did stop investigating UFOs,’ and we need to own up to that,” Speigel said.
“We can see what's going on here in Nevada,” Podesta said.
Mrs. Clinton's rival for the Democratic nomination, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, was also asked about UFOs. He said he is far more interested in issues that are more pressing for most Americans.
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doesn't know it yet, but she does not have the power to release such information. CIA would kill her before she could, just like they did JFK. Yes, just a week before his death JFK wrote a memo to CIA to release all pertinent info to NASA, but...somehow he was killed before it ever happened. I was 1st to publish this document in my book UFO Sightings 2006-2009. JFK wrote the memo to CIA on Nov 12, 1963, then on Nov 22, 1963 he was killed by the CIA. Thats how US politics work. Hillary will be to scared of the CIA to release such information, or she needs to reassign all heads of CIA to make sure they are on her team. Scott C. Waring
News states: CONWAY — Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gave UFO enthusiasts a reason to cheer at the close of her recent editorial board meeting with The Conway Daily Sun.
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Reporter Daymond Steer asks Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for her stance on UFOs when she visited the Sun on Tuesday. (MARGARET McKENZIE PHOTO)
During the meeting, the former first lady, former senator from New York and secretary of state answered serious questions about foreign policy and the economy, and at the end, she chatted with this reporter, who had asked her about UFOs the last time she visited. She recalled that 2007 exchange with a smile and seemed to have fun discussing the topic.
"Yes, I'm going to get to the bottom of it," said Clinton with enthusiasm.
Back in 2007, Clinton had said that the No. 1 topic of freedom-of-information requests that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, received at his library was UFOs.
Last year, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn't be surprised if Earth is visited by aliens since so many planets out there may support life.
"I just hope it's not like 'Independence Day,'" said Clinton, referring to a movie about alien invaders.
When asked about her husband's nonchalant comment about contact with the third kind, Hillary Clinton responded: "I think we may have been (visited already). We don't know for sure."
Clinton also said she would like to look into Area 51, a secret military base in Nevada that has long been rumored to contain aliens. At first, she called it Area 54 and then corrected herself.
But Bill Clinton told Kimmel that he had already looked into Area 51. He said everyone who works there has to stop about an hour away to put on special clothing. Clinton said Area 51 is where stealth technology is made.
"There are no aliens there," said Bill Clinton, adding at the anniversary of the supposed Roswell, N.M., crash in 1947, he released all the documents he could on the subject because he knew there would be popular demand.
Kimmell had Bill Clinton promise that he would have announced the existence of aliens if he had found them.
Hillary Clinton, while at the Sun, added that the chairman of her campaign, John Podesta, is a huge fan of UFO lore. She said he enjoys a sci-fi show on the FX network. Podesta served as chief of staff to Bill Clinton and counselor to the president for Barack Obama.
"He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out," said Clinton. "One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51."
An interesting thing happened this week. Hillary Clinton said on Facebook that she was running for president, as most of you already know. However Hillary was very good friends with Laurance Rockefeller, who was constantly pushing the White House to release UFO documents. Does she want the public to know the truth about aliens and UFOs? Probably yes. The real question is, is being president of the United States a powerful enough position to force the US movement organizations to release such information? No, not possible. You see, the president is a puppet, not the real controller. They can only control the surface issues, the deeper issues are far beyond their control. SCW
People love to ask pilots questions. But my favorite, and certainly the most interesting, is "Have you ever seen a UFO while flying?"
The answer is yes. And here's how it happened.
It was April 10, 1989 and early in my career. I was still a first officer at a regional airline. It was about 8 p.m. and we had just taken off from Kansas City International Airport bound for Waterloo, Iowa. It was a beautiful evening, with a full moon, clear skies and crisp early spring temperatures. The weather forecast for Waterloo was as nice, with clear skies and unlimited visibility.
After a short taxi and take-off, Air Traffic Control (ATC) cleared us to our cruise altitude of 15,000 feet. We established a Northeasterly heading, pointed strait at Waterloo, about 200 miles ahead. There were thin wispy clouds all around us, illuminated by the light of the full moon that shone through the captain's-side window at our left. Despite the presence of these clearly visible wispy clouds everywhere, we weren't flying through any of them. There was also a white disc dimly but clearly visible through those clouds just off to our right.
We flew on and I commented to Bruce, the captain, about this dimly visible disc. He said that he'd been watching the same thing since we had leveled off. It looked similar to the moon faintly visible though thin fog, except the two were visible at the same time on opposite sides of our cockpit. We looked down below for search lights, you know, the kind that's sometimes used for aerial light displays or advertising at a car dealer, but there was no beam of light coming from the ground, no search light from an airport either. The captain and I had cumulatively spent many years flying and were accustomed to seeing — day and night — all manner of airplane, blimp, hot air balloon, satellite and bird. But neither of us had any idea what this disc could be.
We spent 20 to 30 minutes at our cruise altitude, all the while staring at this white disc dimly visible through some clouds that we somehow never seemed to fly through. Within about 40 miles of Waterloo, ATC confirmed the weather, still clear skies and unrestricted visibility at our destination as we began to descend. We got busy with our flying duties and for a short while, maybe for a minute, both of us had looked away from the disc, but when I looked up at it again I saw something that has been burned into my memory.
I yelled to Bruce, "Holy s--t." He immediately looked over from what he was doing. Above the clouds, where the white disc had been, was a now giant red ball. It was big and bright and just sat there above the clouds. It wasn't intense enough to illuminate us with a red glow but it was still plenty bright. We sat there in stunned silence. We obviously didn't want to hit it but quickly saw that it was flying parallel to our course. We weren't on a collision course and we also weren't gaining on it. Time became a blur as we continued our descent, this giant, red ball holding its course.
We slowly lost altitude and at around 13,000 feet, the brightly glowing ball began a gradual descent, too. As it did, it slowly started disappearing behind those wispy clouds. In about 30 seconds, like a setting sun but not nearly as bright, it vanished behind the clouds. The instant it fully disappeared, hundreds of lights began flashing from within the clouds.
As I looked on in disbelief, the flashing lights were brighter than ever and I could see that the section of the cloud that the glowing red ball had descended behind was starting to stretch apart like a piece of "Silly Putty," two halves being pulled slowly apart with the middle getting thinner and thinner. This continued until the halves grew so thin that it tore apart and, pop! Everything was gone. The dimly lit disc, the flashing lights, the thin wispy clouds that we had with us for the last 40 minutes; all of it, gone. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Only the full moon remained off to our left.
Bruce and I just looked at each other. "Oh my God, what the f--k was that", was all I could muster. My colleague just stared out the windscreen, mesmerized. We discussed whether we should report what we had just witnessed. After a few minutes, I picked up the radio mic and asked the Kansas City Center controller if they had anything on radar. "Nope, nothing but you," came the response. "No, not right now but a couple minutes ago, at our one to two o'clock," I replied. "No," he repeated, "It's a slow night. I've got the entire sector between Kansas City and Waterloo and you're all that's been in it for the last hour." Bruce and I again just looked at each other, completely dumbfounded. "So for the last say 40 minutes or so you've had no traffic at all, not at our one or two o'clock?" I asked. "No sir, not at your one or two o'clock, not anywhere, you're all there is," he assured us. (More at source).
Date of interview: March 2015 Person being interviewed: US President Obama This just came out last night. Obama came out on the Jimmy Kimmel show and shot off some smart @!#$ remarks about aliens and UFOs. Why bother reading his facial expressions or the speed his blood vein in his neck is speeding up or slowing down, when you and I both know no US president will ever release such information. Full disclosure will not come from the US movement, but instead will come from the public. That guy on Youtube who made just one video of an alien building he found on the moon in NASA photos, or that guy in traffic that recorded a UFO and then posted the video to the net. It will come from all of our hard work, all of our faith and all of persistence. You see, our information is adding up by the second. If the public knows the truth, then @#$# the US governments views on the subject. We don't need them. We have each other. What we need is alien contact with the public, but when will that become an alien priority? Till then, we are on our own. Post those videos you make of the discoveries you made in NASA photos, or that sighting you had, or post the info of the UFO sighting or contact you had. We are all that matters. SCW
Date of interview: April 2014 Location of interview: Jimmy Kimmel Show Eyewitness: President Bill Clinton President Bill Clinton was being interviewed on the Jimmy Kimmel Show and Jimmy decided to put Clinton on the spot with a question thats been on the publics minds forever...about aliens. He said that he investigated Area 51, but found that no aliens were being kept there. Clinton says that its very likely we are not alone in the universe...Jimmy Kimmel jumps in and says, "Oh, you are trying to give me a hint that there are aliens." At this point Clinton panics and quickly says "no" worried that he maybe breaking his oath to keep it secret. Then Clinton goes onto to say something that is stolen from President Ronald Reagans speech at the UN, "Maybe it's the only way to unite this incredibly divided world of ours." This quote is very close to Ronald Reagans statement which is in the video below Clintons video. SCW
Speech At United Nations...The Quote Clinton Stole From him.
Lazlo recorded these UFOs over Washington DC this week and he used a live cam to do it. Live cams enable UFO researches to be everywhere at once and to record it. Try it sometime. SCW
ColourUFO of Youtube states:
You can see in my video how they Test fly this UFOs. You can see 5- 6 UFOs flying formations over the Washington Capital
Last week Minister Louis Farrakhan made a video in which he called on President Barack Obama to “open up Area 51 and states, “President Barack Obama, call the scientists. Open up Area 51 to the scientists to the world, because you America are the leader that Allah God has raised and made you powerful that he might make himself known through you,” Farrakhan said. “And if America calls the scientists of the earth to such place, they will respond.” How will Obama react to such a forthright request? Farrakhans view is messing with millions of US citizens at the moment, all of which waiting to see how the President responds. Will Obama be true to his promise of transparency, or will he ignore the request from the public, something we have come to expect lately from Obama. SCW
On May 3, 2013, the President of the United States Barack Obama made a visit to Costa Rica during the landing of the presidential plane Air Force 1 at the Juan Santamaría International Airport, on the edge of the airport there were thousands of people who were waiting for the 'arrival of U.S. President ready with the cameras on, to record the event. In one of the many photographs that showed the landing of the plane, you can see a small black dot, a small object that larger, it would show the silhouette of a flying saucer. The photograph was released by Mr. Tacsan Leonardo Sanchez, who through his facebook profile has published the photos that we show below.
Please visit our friends in Argentina in the link below to see all four UFO photos of the UFO over Air Force One.
Even as most Americans wonder what planet politicians are from, is it possible that the government is squelching evidence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth? One former presidential hopeful says yes – and that the conspiracy goes all the way to the top.
Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) says the White House has helped keep the truth about the “extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet” from the public.
“It goes right to the White House, and of course, once the White House takes a position, ‘well there's nothing going on’ just goes down the chain of command, everyone stands toe,” Gravel tells Top Line. Gravel is one of six former congress representatives who were paid $20,000 by the UFO advocacy group Paradigm Research to participate in a Congressional-style Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington this week, where witness after witness has presented first-hand accounts of UFO sightings and extraterrestrial visits.
Gravel says the strongest accounts of alien encounters are from former military officers, such as retired Air Force Capt. Robert Salas, who testified that UFOs temporarily disabled nuclear weapons on his watch. “The smoking gun of the whole issue, which is when they saw hovering space craft in Wyoming and South Dakota over the ICBM missile silos that the missiles couldn't work,” Gravel says. Gravel says the media has aided what he sees as a government cover-up by not taking reports of ET encounters seriously. “What we're faced with here is, in areas of the media, and the government too, an effort to marginalize and ridicule people who have specific knowledge,” he says.
When asked about the fact that he was compensated for his participation in the hearing, Gravel says it did not influence him to agree with the testimony. “This is an opportunity which I've taken to focus on this issue for an entire week and the preparation I made in coming to it, for my enrichment that's very important,” Gravel says.
For a ride into the outer limits of human knowledge on the possibility of alien life, and to hear how Gravel thinks the world should treat potential alien visitors, come along for this expedition of Top Line.
I was looking for the original video of the alien at the AIPAC conference with Obama and I found this guy in a video. He is at 3:23 into this video. I also found original video with the alien seen from side view. The interesting thing about this is that often people say that the UFO they saw was only visible at a certain angle because their friends couldn't see it. Perhaps this is the same...their technology that hides them also gives them away sometimes, at the right lighting and right angle viewed with a digital camera. I will keep you updated on any new info I find. SCW
Alleged Alien Secret Service Agent Spotted at AIPAC Conference: A Closer Look and Comparisons to Past Sightings
On March 4, 2013, during the AIPAC Conference held at the Washington Convention Center, a peculiar figure caught the attention of viewers and stirred a wave of speculation. As cameras panned across the room where President Obama was delivering a speech, one of the Secret Service agents appeared to exhibit unusual physical traits that some interpreted as non-human. This incident has since fueled theories that extraterrestrials, disguised as humans, are actively infiltrating influential positions around the world. The idea that these beings use advanced technology to alter their appearance raises questions about the extent of alien involvement in human affairs. In this article, we will delve into the details of this sighting, explore the theories surrounding it, and compare it with other similar reports of alleged extraterrestrial infiltration.
The AIPAC Conference Incident: What Happened?
The AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Conference is a significant event, drawing numerous political leaders, diplomats, and influential figures each year. In 2013, as President Obama addressed the attendees, a video broadcast captured an individual among the Secret Service detail who appeared to have distinctly non-human characteristics. This person, who was positioned strategically close to the President, displayed an elongated, bald head, unusual facial features, and a seemingly robotic demeanor.
Theories quickly emerged suggesting that this individual might be an extraterrestrial, possibly from a reptilian species, using advanced technology to disguise its true appearance. The speculation was further fueled by the agent's peculiar behavior—his scanning of the crowd was described as unnaturally precise and mechanical, suggesting a level of awareness beyond that of a typical human. Critics, however, dismissed these claims, attributing the agent's appearance to camera distortion, lighting effects, or simply his unique physical attributes.
Theories Explored
Reptilian Alien Hypothesis:
The reptilian alien theory posits that a race of shape-shifting extraterrestrials, known as reptilians, have been covertly living among humans for millennia, occupying key positions of power to manipulate global events. Proponents of this theory believe that these beings can alter their appearance to blend in with humans, and the agent seen at the AIPAC conference may have been one such entity. The unusual features observed in the video are considered by believers to be a momentary glitch in the alien’s holographic disguise, inadvertently revealing its true form.
Digital Camera Anomalies:
Modern digital cameras are capable of capturing a wide range of light spectrums, including those outside human vision, such as infrared and ultraviolet. This capability has led to the hypothesis that the camera used at the AIPAC conference might have picked up something invisible to the naked eye, such as the true appearance of the alleged alien. This theory suggests that what was perceived as a Secret Service agent might have been an alien entity whose disguise was temporarily disrupted by the camera's technology.
Government Collaboration Theory:
Another theory is that the U.S. government is well aware of extraterrestrial presence on Earth and may even be collaborating with these beings. According to this view, placing an alien entity as part of the Secret Service would be a strategic move to ensure the security of high-profile figures like the President, possibly through advanced technological or telepathic means. This idea aligns with long-standing conspiracy theories that suggest aliens have been involved in human affairs for decades, if not centuries.
Comparative Analysis with Past Sightings
The Men in Black Phenomenon:
The Men in Black (MIB) are often depicted as mysterious figures who appear after UFO sightings to intimidate witnesses into silence. They are described as having an uncanny, almost inhuman appearance, much like the agent seen at the AIPAC conference. Their stiff, robotic behavior and strange, sometimes unsettling physical traits have led to speculation that they might not be entirely human. The MIB phenomenon and the AIPAC incident both suggest a hidden agenda involving entities that monitor and control information about extraterrestrial encounters.
The Valiant Thor Case (1957, USA):
Valiant Thor was reportedly an extraterrestrial who, according to UFO researcher Dr. Frank E. Stranges, lived at the Pentagon and advised the U.S. government for three years. Thor was described as a human-looking alien with a mission to help humanity. This case bears similarities to the AIPAC sighting in that it involves an alleged alien working closely with high-ranking officials. Both instances suggest that extraterrestrials may be present in key governmental positions, influencing human affairs from within.
The Skinwalker Ranch Encounters (1990s, USA):
Skinwalker Ranch in Utah is infamous for its numerous reports of paranormal activity, including sightings of shape-shifting beings. Witnesses have described entities that can alter their appearance or become invisible, akin to the theorized abilities of the alien Secret Service agent. The idea that beings can manipulate their physical appearance to blend into their surroundings is a common thread between the events at Skinwalker Ranch and the AIPAC conference.
The Bob Lazar Testimony (1989, USA):
Bob Lazar, who claimed to have worked at a secretive facility near Area 51, spoke of extraterrestrials that had been in contact with the U.S. government for decades. He described seeing evidence of advanced technologies and alien beings that could interact with humans. Lazar’s testimony, if true, suggests a longstanding covert relationship between aliens and the government. The AIPAC sighting, with its implications of an alien working as a Secret Service agent, aligns with the notion of deep-seated extraterrestrial influence over human affairs.
Scientific Analysis and Skepticism
Despite the intriguing nature of the AIPAC incident, a scientific approach requires careful consideration of alternative explanations:
Pareidolia and Visual Illusions:
Pareidolia is the human tendency to perceive familiar patterns, such as faces, in random stimuli. This psychological phenomenon could explain why viewers interpreted the agent’s features as non-human. Lighting conditions, camera angles, and the agent’s unique physical traits may have contributed to an illusion that was then exaggerated by those predisposed to believe in extraterrestrial infiltration.
Camera Distortions and Artifacts:
Digital cameras, especially those used in high-definition broadcasting, can sometimes produce distortions due to compression, pixelation, or lighting reflections. These artifacts can cause normal human features to appear distorted or exaggerated. The appearance of the Secret Service agent could be the result of such a technical anomaly, rather than evidence of an alien being.
Confirmation Bias:
People who already believe in the existence of extraterrestrials may be more likely to interpret ambiguous evidence as proof of their beliefs. This cognitive bias can lead to misinterpretation of otherwise normal events. The AIPAC sighting, for those inclined to believe in alien influence, becomes a confirmation of their pre-existing views, even if alternative explanations are more plausible.
Body Language and Professional Demeanor:
Secret Service agents undergo rigorous training to remain vigilant and maintain a neutral demeanor. Their behavior might seem unusual or robotic to the untrained eye, especially under the intense scrutiny of high-profile events. The agent’s appearance and movements could simply reflect this training, rather than indicate a non-human origin.
Implications of the Sighting
If the AIPAC Conference sighting were to be genuine, it would have profound implications for our understanding of extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs:
Government Secrecy and Control:
The idea that aliens could be embedded within human governments suggests a level of secrecy and control that goes beyond traditional conspiracy theories. It would imply that human leaders are not fully in control of their own policies and actions, potentially being influenced or monitored by extraterrestrial entities.
Technological Advancement:
The alleged ability of these beings to disguise themselves and potentially influence human thought suggests a technology far beyond our current understanding. If such technology exists, it could revolutionize fields like communication, defense, and even medical science, offering insights into advanced forms of life and consciousness.
Human-Alien Interaction:
The presence of extraterrestrials in key positions raises questions about the nature of human-alien interactions. Are these beings benevolent, guiding humanity towards a better future? Or are they manipulating events for their own, possibly nefarious purposes? Understanding their motivations would be crucial to interpreting their role in human history.
The sighting of an alleged alien disguised as a Secret Service agent at the AIPAC Conference in 2013 remains a compelling yet controversial incident. While it has sparked widespread speculation and debate, it also highlights the need for careful analysis and skepticism when evaluating such claims. When compared to other reports of alleged extraterrestrial infiltration, the AIPAC incident fits within a broader pattern of sightings and encounters that suggest a hidden, possibly ongoing interaction between humans and extraterrestrial beings.
Whether this sighting is evidence of an alien presence within the highest echelons of government or simply a case of misinterpretation, it serves as a reminder of the profound questions that still surround the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. As we continue to explore the universe and seek answers to these questions, it is essential to approach each new piece of evidence with an open mind and a critical eye.
The truth, whatever it may be, is likely to challenge our understanding of reality and our place in the cosmos. Until then, sightings like the one at the AIPAC Conference will continue to captivate our imaginations and fuel the ongoing search for answers.
Location of sighting: Conference at Washington Convention Center
Aliens among us. Many of us have heard stories about abductions and even about many species of aliens that live among us. Some look like us with human form, others don't and they must use their technology to disguise themselves as one of us. Most aliens work in influential positions, but some prefer to work in the tech area thinking that it would be the best way to improve humanity...through technology.
Here we see President Obama giving a speech from last year at the Washington Convention Center. As the TV camera pans across the crowd we see several Secret Service agents keeping of which looks to be an alien that many are calling a reptilian species.
Digital cameras are known to see more than the human eye and can also reach far beyond into other spectrums of light allowing the camera to see the true image. For instance an infrared lens on a Sony camcorder allows you to see invisible orbs or UFOs very clearly in the sky during the day, but you will almost never see these objects with your eyes. Perhaps this is what happened to the alien working as a Secret Service agent for Obama.
It really does make sense. Place an alien close to Obama at all times in order to help protect him and to manipulate his thoughts and actions through telepathy. Obama is just a puppet. SCW
Alien Disguised as Secret Service Agent Revealed on Camera at AIPAC Conference: An In-Depth Analysis and Comparison with Past Sightings
On March 4, 2013, during the AIPAC Conference at the Washington Convention Center, an incident occurred that has intrigued ufologists and conspiracy theorists alike. As President Obama delivered a speech, cameras captured what appeared to be a Secret Service agent exhibiting unusual physical features. Some viewers speculated that this individual was not human, but rather an alien being disguised as a Secret Service agent, possibly from a reptilian species. This sighting raises profound questions about the possibility of extraterrestrial beings living among us, manipulating world events from behind the scenes. In this article, we will analyze the details of this sighting, explore the theories surrounding it, and compare it to past notable sightings and reports of extraterrestrial beings infiltrating human society.
The AIPAC Conference Sighting: A Detailed Account
The AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Conference, held annually in Washington D.C., is one of the most influential political gatherings in the United States. In 2013, President Obama delivered a speech that was closely monitored by numerous media outlets. During the broadcast, one of the Secret Service agents caught the attention of viewers due to his odd appearance and behavior.
The individual in question was bald, with an elongated cranium, and facial features that seemed to lack the usual human characteristics. His movements were described as stiff and robotic, and he appeared to be scanning the room in a manner that seemed unusually focused and vigilant. As the camera panned across the crowd, this agent’s peculiar appearance and behavior led some to suggest that he was not human, but rather an alien being using advanced technology to mask his true form.
Theories Behind the Sighting
Reptilian Alien Hypothesis:
The idea of reptilian aliens infiltrating human society has been popularized by conspiracy theorists for decades. According to this theory, these beings are shape-shifters who can manipulate their appearance to blend in with humans. Their primary goal is believed to be the control of global political and economic systems. The sighting at the AIPAC Conference has been cited as evidence supporting this theory, with proponents arguing that the Secret Service agent’s unusual features and behavior are indicative of a reptilian alien struggling to maintain its human disguise.
Digital Camera Anomaly:
Digital cameras, particularly those used in professional broadcasting, are capable of capturing a wider range of light spectrums than the human eye. This capability has led some to speculate that the camera inadvertently captured the true form of the alien, which was otherwise hidden from human perception. Infrared and ultraviolet light, for example, can reveal details that are invisible to the naked eye. This theory suggests that the alien’s disguise may have been disrupted or partially revealed due to the unique properties of the camera equipment used at the conference.
Psychological and Social Influence:
The concept of extraterrestrials working within human institutions is not new. Stories of alien abductions and sightings of humanoid beings date back decades. The notion that aliens could be influencing world leaders through telepathy or other means has been a persistent theme in ufology and conspiracy literature. The presence of an alien disguised as a Secret Service agent at a high-profile event like the AIPAC Conference could be seen as part of a broader strategy to influence global politics and maintain control over human affairs.
Comparative Analysis with Past Sightings
The Men in Black Phenomenon:
The Men in Black (MIB) are a staple of UFO lore, often described as mysterious individuals who appear after sightings to intimidate witnesses into silence. These beings are typically depicted as having unusual physical characteristics, such as overly smooth skin, strange speech patterns, and robotic behavior. The MIB are believed by some to be either government agents or extraterrestrials themselves, tasked with concealing the truth about UFOs and alien encounters. The Secret Service agent seen at the AIPAC Conference bears some resemblance to MIB descriptions, with his unnatural appearance and behavior suggesting he may be part of a similar effort to monitor and control information.
The Valiant Thor Case (1957, USA):
Valiant Thor is a supposed extraterrestrial who, according to UFO researcher Dr. Frank E. Stranges, lived at the Pentagon for three years during the Eisenhower administration. Thor was described as a humanoid being with a mission to assist humanity in avoiding self-destruction. The Valiant Thor case highlights the idea of aliens working closely with government officials, a concept echoed by the AIPAC sighting where an alleged alien is seen protecting or influencing the President of the United States.
The Bob Lazar Testimony (1989, USA):
Bob Lazar, a physicist who claims to have worked at a secretive government facility known as S-4 near Area 51, has stated that he saw classified documents describing "aliens" who have been present on Earth for thousands of years. Lazar’s account suggests that the government is well aware of these beings and possibly even collaborates with them. The notion that extraterrestrials could be integrated into sensitive positions within the government, as suggested by the AIPAC sighting, is consistent with Lazar’s testimony and adds weight to the theory of a long-standing alien presence on Earth.
Reptilian Sightings and Lore:
Reports of reptilian beings date back to ancient times and are found in many cultures worldwide. These entities are often depicted as powerful and deceptive, capable of assuming human form. Modern conspiracy theories have woven these ancient myths into a narrative that suggests reptilians are actively manipulating human society. The AIPAC Conference sighting has been interpreted as a modern manifestation of this age-old myth, with the alleged reptilian agent working to influence high-level political decisions.
Scientific Perspective and Skepticism
While the theories surrounding the AIPAC Conference sighting are intriguing, they require scrutiny from a scientific perspective. Several factors must be considered:
Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon where the human brain perceives familiar patterns, such as faces, in random or ambiguous stimuli. The Secret Service agent’s appearance may have triggered pareidolia, causing viewers to see non-human features where there are none. The brain’s tendency to interpret vague or distorted images as faces or other recognizable forms can easily lead to misinterpretation.
Camera Artifacts:
Digital cameras can sometimes produce artifacts or distortions, especially under certain lighting conditions or when capturing fast-moving subjects. These artifacts can make a person’s appearance seem unusual or otherworldly. Given the professional nature of the broadcast, it’s possible that the camera’s settings or lighting contributed to the Secret Service agent’s odd appearance.
Confirmation Bias:
Individuals who are predisposed to believe in the existence of extraterrestrials may interpret ambiguous or unclear evidence in a way that supports their beliefs. This cognitive bias can lead to the misidentification of ordinary events or people as evidence of alien activity. The Secret Service agent’s behavior, while perhaps unusual, might have been completely explainable within a human context, such as heightened alertness due to the security situation.
Body Language and Physical Traits:
The unusual movements of the Secret Service agent could be attributed to rigorous training and a focus on security protocols. Secret Service agents are trained to scan crowds continuously and to remain vigilant, which can sometimes result in behavior that appears abnormal to casual observers. Additionally, physical traits like baldness or a strong jawline, which were highlighted as "alien" features, are common among humans and do not necessarily indicate non-human origins.
Implications of the Sighting
If the theories surrounding the AIPAC Conference sighting are true, the implications are profound:
Extraterrestrial Influence:
The presence of an alien disguised as a Secret Service agent suggests that extraterrestrial beings are not only observing but actively participating in human affairs. This would imply a level of interaction and influence that goes beyond mere observation and enters the realm of direct intervention.
Government Complicity:
The theory that the U.S. government is aware of and possibly cooperating with extraterrestrials raises questions about transparency and the true extent of human control over global affairs. If aliens are indeed working within sensitive positions, it challenges the notion of human sovereignty and suggests a hidden layer of governance that the public is unaware of.
Technological Implications:
The ability of these beings to disguise themselves and potentially influence human thought through telepathy or other means suggests advanced technologies far beyond human capabilities. Understanding these technologies could revolutionize fields such as medicine, communication, and defense.
The alleged sighting of an alien disguised as a Secret Service agent at the AIPAC Conference in March 2013 remains one of the most controversial and intriguing incidents in recent ufological history. While the theories surrounding the sighting are speculative, the event has nonetheless sparked debate about the possibility of extraterrestrials living among us and influencing world events.
When compared to past sightings and reports of extraterrestrial infiltration, the AIPAC incident fits within a broader pattern of alleged alien involvement in human affairs. However, scientific skepticism and the need for rigorous evidence must guide our interpretation of such events. Whether the sighting represents a genuine encounter with an extraterrestrial being or a case of misidentification and cognitive bias, it continues to capture the imagination and provoke questions about the true nature of our reality.
As we continue to explore the universe and search for signs of extraterrestrial life, incidents like the AIPAC Conference sighting remind us of the mysteries that still surround us. They challenge us to remain open-minded while also demanding a commitment to critical thinking and scientific inquiry. In the end, the truth, whatever it may be, is likely to be more complex and fascinating than we can currently
During President Obama's 2013 Inaugural speech alien ship appeared near the top of the Washington Monument. The bluish-green craft was caught when Fox News was panning in and out at the end of a broadcast.
Why would aliens be interested in Obama's speech and the inauguration? Wow, there are so many reasons, but the main one is that they get an opportunity to see many celebrities of America all in one place at one time. The celebrities influence the American people in many ways...shaping the personalities and politics the USA has today. Stars such as Alicia Keys, Brad Paisley and the Mexican rock group Mana, the first couple danced as Jennifer Hudson sang the classic song, "Let's Stay Together," by Al Green. Also James Taylor, Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce were there. Not to mention Joe Biden, congressmen and senators all watched as Obama was sworn in.
This is not the first time UFOs appeared around President Obama but actually the 4th time. The first time was November 1, 2008 at Pueblo, Colorado when he was on the campaign stage being recorded by MSNBC when a grey disk flew past. The second time was January 20, 2009 at Washington, DC (in front of the Washington Monument) when Obama was giving his first inaugural speech, recorded by CNN when a grey disk shot past the Washington Monument at incredible speeds but even the CNN news reporters noticed it and mentioned it. The third sighting was Dec 9, 2009 in Norway when Obama was receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, a giant blue spiral appeared and was so massive that millions of people saw it that night from several countries.
So clearly President Obama has at least one species of aliens that support his ideas and goals for America and the world. We sit and the interest aliens have with Obama just because they want to see history in the making, or are they alien paparazzi that spread the news across the universe. Perhaps the answer is more sinister and closer to home...he may be one of them. SCW
On Tuesday, Nov 6, 2012 when they hold the US presidential election…if the winner is Obama then the prophecy is one step closer to coming true.
Many have asked me about what will happen according to the Mayan prediction that will take place on Dec 21, 2012? I have to say we have little info to help us, but the greatest of all the information happens to be the last page the ancient Mayan Dresden Codex. This book is thousands of years old and is inscribed with unknown hieroglyphs, was written by Maya Indians who once ruled over much of Central America. The number 13 was magically important to the Mayans and they believed that, starting from the Birth of Venus, after 13 of these longest periods, or baktuns, the world would come to an end.
But lets look at this page from our current perspective. What do you see...a black god at the bottom with an eagle over its head. The only black leader in the world whose symbol of power is the eagle happens to be US President Obama. Now this sounds odd, however if you look at the upper right hand part of the Dresden Codex page you will notice a silhouette of what looks like a woman...not just any woman. It looks like Michelle Obama, President Obama's wife. This seem to indicate that the Obama's will have a very important role in this prediction and Barack Obama will have almost God-like Powers. This power could be his official Government powers or he could be an alien.
Next to Michelle Obama in the next box is a clock like picture...with twelve hour marks on it. Its hands are on the 11, 2, 5, 8. If you take 11+2=13 (one baktun of time) and 5+8 again is 13 or one baktun of time. This indicates the last two baktuns are finished.
The long reptile is spewing out water which is indicated mostly by its colour. Had it been fire there would have been an orange or reddish tint to it, but this could be either a devastating flood or a symbol of cleansing or renew. Possible involvement of a reptilian species. Remember Earth was once ruled by reptiles and may yet be again.
The History Channel reported:
"The last page of the Dresden codex actually shows the destruction of the world via water…"
"This graphic illustration depicts the destruction of the earth by flood…Others see it as a day of rebirth…Others see it literally, with very severe consequences (Mayan Doomsday Prophecy, Decoding the Past. Original air date 08/03/06)."
Notice what Mark Van Stone at the website of the Foundation for the Advancement of MesoAmerican Studies, Inc. states:
"In any case, p. 74 of the Dresden does indeed appear to be a Flood, maybe even the one described in the Popol Vuh…Except there are no people being washed away, nor other indications of destruction, except the black warrior God L, who also presided at the 4 Ajaw 3 Kumk’u Creation (3114 BC) on the Vases of the 7 Gods and of the 11 Gods…"
So although the "transit of Venus" does happen in 2012, and is part of the Mayan Dresden Codex, this does not mean that the world ends this year. Perhaps the water is a symbol of cleansing...meaning humans everywhere experience a higher level of awareness all at once, changing our species can do this and is. We will find out in...79 more days. SCW
So few people in the world have the courage to walk up to Obama and ask the big question, but a child has taken steps that congressmen and governors couldn't even ask, do aliens exist? I think its great that Jaden did the. It goes to show that the next generation of America does believe and won't sit ideally by and accept everything the government tells them. The funny thing is, Obama assumed that the kid was going to ask about meetings with aliens…however Jaden only wanted to know if they exist. So Obama not only let the cat out of the bag about where he has meetings with aliens, but surely if this is the meeting place, then THEY DO EXIST. In a way Obama admitted it. This kid has courage, more than most Hollywood celebrities today. Great work Jaden! SCW
News states:Will Smith is completely endearing on BBC Radio 1 describing a visit to the White House with his family. Which I guess is a perk of being a movie star? But do adolescent boys mind their fathers when it comes to the important matter of the existence of extraterrestrial life? No, they do not. Find out what happened, after the jump.
“I was at the White House with my family and we were getting a tour. Barack and Michelle and Sasha and Malia and me and Jada and the kids, we’re walking through the White House. The night before, Jaden had said to me, ‘Dad, I gotta ask the president about the aliens.’ And I said, ‘Dude, no. No, it’s not cool. It’s not cool, it’s embarrassing.’ I was, like, ‘Jaden, DO NOT ask the president.’”
“So we get into the Situation Room and Jaden gets the look in his eye and he says, ‘Dad, what’s my punishment?’ And I was, like, ‘Jaden, DO NOT.’ So Barack is talking about the Situation Room and Jaden says, ‘Excuse me, Mr. President?’ And I was like, ‘Hey, Barack, man …’ [pretends to make a distraction] and Barack said, ‘Don’t tell me.’ In perfect form — this is why he is the president — he stopped and looked at Jaden and said, ‘The aliens, right?’ And I was, like, ‘Oh shoot!’
And [the president] said, ‘Okay, I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of extraterrestrials. But I can tell you if there had been a top secret meeting and if there would have had to have been a discussion about it, it would have taken place in this room.’ And Jaden was like, ‘AGGGGHGHHGH!’”
The Above Photo Is the White House Situation Room.