Showing posts with label unidentified flying object. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unidentified flying object. Show all posts


Propeller UFO Found On Mars Leave Huge Trail Behind it! NASA Source! May 5, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 5, 2017
Location of discovery: Meridiani Planum, Mars
NASA source:

 I found a crashed propeller shaped UFO on Mars this week. The UFO has left a long crash trail behind it as proof from the direction it came. As the UFO fell slowly to land, it hit the edge of the rock cliffs and broke the cliff. Then it slightly rotated and the tracks turn about 45 degrees then go straight to the UFO. The tracks are the same width as the UFO bottom, so this is 100% evidence that the UFO did make the tracks behind it. This is the first time I ever found a propeller shaped UFO, however its not the first time I ever saw one.

I once recorded a propeller UFO that turned like a wheel over my apartments here in Taiwan about 6 years ago. The UFO was about the size of a motorcycle and it rotated inside of a cloud. I had it on infrared video, however, back then I didn't know how to keep the resolution of the video and when I uploaded it to Youtube, the resolution dropped, so the UFO was almost impossible to see. It was already hard since it was just 3 propeller blades rotating slowly in the cloud like an upright wheel, slowly rotating, churning the cloud. IR video recorders are the only way to get the hard core evidence quickly that you want. 
Scott C. Waring

Glowing UFO Seen Over British Columbia, Canada On April 27, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 27, 2017
Location of sighting:  British Columbia, Canada
Source: MUFON

As you can see, these four orbs are not individual craft, but area actually moving together, keeping the space between if they were the propulsions engines of the ship. I believe this is just one ship that is cloaked, but the engines are visible due to the climate and the night setting in.
Scott C. Waring 

Video states:
On Thursday April 27, 2017 at approximately 7:30 pm in West Kelowna, British Columbia, I was traveling home with my 3 daughters. My 6-year-old daughter said 'Daddy, what are those flashing lights in the sky?' I was traveling in the southwest direction and I looked up to my left and I noticed several (approximately 6) flashing lights up in the sky that appeared to flashing and what I would describe as dancing in the sky. At first, I wasn't sure what to make of them. I thought they were some sort of flares or even military aircraft doing some sort of exercise. But since I live in the Okanagan valley and there is no Air Force bases in the area, I knew they were not any of conventional military aircraft. The objects that I was observing were absolutely silent. Given the way these objects were moving in the sky, I then realized that what I was witnessing was not a normal or easily explainable occurrence and was most likely Extra-Terrestrial in nature. I quickly pulled off to the side of the road and grabbed my phone got out of my vehicle to start video recording the lights.

Crop Circle With Hidden Message In Wiltshire, UK Found On May 4, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Wiltshire, UK
Location of discovery: May 4, 2017

Its thought that crop formations have meaning in them, and that if we can decode them, a very important and life changing message would be found. That each formation is a different message and that these messages may build on themselves, meaning each crop circle may be a part of the next crop circle message. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states: 
New 2017 Crop Circle at Willoughby Hedge, near Mere reported 4th May. Interesting design and there are mounds and a long barrow in the area, but too far away to catch on the camera. There was one last year in the field next to this. Please do not enter formation as it will damage the oil-seed rape.


UFO Passes Over Active Volcano On Live Cam, April 30, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  April 30, 2017
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl, Mexico

Here is another UFO flying over a volcano in Mexico last week. The UFO is flying extremely close to the open mouth of the active volcano, which would rule out any jet. Also the camera would catch the detail of the jets wings if it were a jet. No passenger jet would fly over an active volcano, let alone low and close to one. This object was round and moving slow. Awesome video of a real extraterrestrial craft. 
Scott C. Waring


Dark Black Structure In Lichtenberg Crater, Moon, May 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 3, 2017
Location of sighting:  Lichtenberg crater, Earths moon
Source photo:

I found this dark black structure today. These structures litter the surface of our moon and I have found tens of thousands, but reported only a few, because its difficult to find them in high quality photos so that they can easily be shared. This is a big one and near it is a small building. The stealth black of the building makes it radar resistant and it easily blends into the shadows. The ships are unlike anything you can imagine. They seem bio-mechanical (grown) because most are slightly uneven in in areas. It is very likely that these are ships, or buildings that can move from place to place, much like todays motorhomes on Earth, just 50,000X larger. 
Scott C. Waring

7 Year Old Boy Sees UFO Over New South Wales, Australia Photo, May 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2017
Location of sighting: Tarro, New South Wales, Australia

This is an awesome shot of a UFO. This UFO is similar to one that was seen over the Statue of Liberty just last week. Australia has had an overwhelming amount of sightings this years. They are increasing their exposure to the public little by little. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A local seven-year-old boy has snapped a photograph of an unidentified flying object. The suspicious object was spotted flying over Tarro on Friday evening. Halo Galli is fascinated with the Roswell UFO incident, where a spaceship was said to have crashed in America in 1947. He is convinced his photograph is proof of an alien spaceship closer to home. “He was in the yard with his dad and four-year-old sister when he asked his dad for his iPhone,” mother Tanya Beasley said. “All evening he pestered me to look at his sighting and when he showed me the one and only photo he took of his spaceship, low and behold he actually had captured something.” Halo insisted the photograph be sent in to the newspaper.


1 Meter Alien Statue Seen Near Curiosity Rover On May 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2, 2017
Location of sighting: Mars, Sol 1680, Curiosity Rover
NASA source:

I found this statue of an alien walking. It has a big head like a rabbit and long ears above its head. It also has two visible legs and two arms visible. However the hands, both visible, are a single appendage, unlike humans five fingers. This is an amazing find of an alien species that I have never seen before. The statue is about 1 meter high. Cute little species.
Scott C. Waring

Jellyfish UFO Over Angeles City, Philippines On May 1, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 1, 2017
Location of sighting: Angeles City, Philippines
Source: MUFON #83456

This jellyfish style UFO was seen over the Philippines this week. The UFO has long tendrils which are probably landing legs, but may be arms. The Philippines is a diverse and old cultural area where aliens may find it unique compared to the rest of the world. The person reported three photos, but only two were semi focused. 
Extraordinary evidence that aliens are observing the Philippines. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 

First I will state that being a U.S. Marine, I'm a trained observer. I had already been well awake by 3am and had coffee and was on the computer, when approximately 5:40am I heard my dogs carrying on outside and went to investigate. At first I thought they had barked at nothing, when I suddenly caught sight of the object, I watched it only for 30 seconds or so before realizing that it wasn't a plane, helicopter, or hot air balloon and ran into the house and grabbed my cell phone as it was the closest camera available. The object first appeared to be about 700 ft high, but as the object had moved into the background of my house it appeared to be gaining altitude and I snapped three photos as it passed beyond the peak of the roof over my bedroom, moving in a South or South East direction towards Manila. The object made no sound at all, and it had no visable lights of any kind, it seemed to be moving about the same speed as a small plane at first and was completely out of sight in about 3 minutes or less, apparently gaining speed. When I first looked at the pics, I though I missed it, as it looked like a speck of dust or dirt, I then downloaded them to my desktop computer and cropped the photos, and then I could see better detail. I was a bit stunned when saw it, as I had never seen any craft like this before, and it clearly had a some type of leg structure for landing. Three pics were taken, and numbered in the order taken, the best being the first pic.

UFO Caught Near Space Station, Classic Saucer On NASA camera! April 29, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 29, 2017
Location of sighting: Space Station
Source: MUFON #83465

This is a classic disk style craft that an anonymous person reported this week. Caught on the live NASA space station cam, UFOs are seen every few hours, and even every few minutes during space walks. NASA has become so paranoid about it that they often cut to blue screen or maintenance screen in an attempt to hide these UFOs, but there are just too many. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
On april 29th at around 21:06 g.m.t for around 10-15 seconds during a live stream of the international space station I observed a faint light which got lighter before appearing as two whitish lights before materialising into what I can only descibe as a "flying saucer" the event (which I was hoping would happen) only lasted 10-15 secs which i managed to screenshot the photos on my iphone I know what this wasnt and would hope somebody else has this footage on video.


Tall White Pyramid found On Earths Moon In NASA Photo, May 1, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 1, 2017 (Taiwan time)
Location of sighting: Earths moon
NASA source:

I found this white shiny pyramid in a NASA moon photo. I didn't alter the photos in any way. They pyramid is very tall and there is a smaller structure on the lower right attached to the pyramid. Also there is a large skull building on the left of the pyramid. There was also a tilted over statue (two photos down). The statue obviously has fallen over, but its base and its carving is still very visible. Defiantly indisputable evidence that aliens exist on our moon.
Scott C. Waring

UFO Comes Within 100 Meters Of Space Station, NASA Is Silent On It, April 28, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 28, 2017
Location of sighting: ISS, Space Station

A glowing multi colored UFO showed up on live space station camera this week and we were fortunate to have Streetcap1 catch it for us. The UFO changes colors and is round, but is so bright its impossible to see any detail on it except its outer edges. The UFO is about 75-100 meters off side of the space station, clearly coming so close it must have been seen by the astronauts through their windows, not to mention the station radar. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 
I got up early this morning to get the full footage from the 5 hour archive to make sure that the 'live capture' I uploaded last night was legitimate. It was. Here is a link to the live capture video.


Alien Ship Near Earths Orbit In Old NASA Photo, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Location of sighting: Near Earth
Apollo 10 date: May 18-24, 1969
Photo source:

 Here is an amazing capture during Apollo 10 mission. In the NASA archives Streetcap1 of Youtube discovered this great photo of an alien craft in Earths orbit. The craft has a raised center dome in the craft, and the front 80% is a disk, while the back 20% is flat, which indicates it the back of the ship, compounded by the fact that the thin rounded side is facing the Earth, I have easily determined which is the front and which is the back side of this craft. Its hard to believe that such obvious evidence is right in front of us in NASA photos, in easy reach of the public, and yet, 99.9% of the Earths population will never see any of this evidence.  This NASA photo is 100% evidence that earth is being visited by alien from another world. 
Scott C. Waring


Mayor Of Salem Sees Old Witch Face In Street Lamp Watching Her! April 27, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 27, 2017
Location of sighting: Salem, Massachusetts, USA

Today Mayor Kim Driscoll was wandering around her city of Salem...yes...the one where all the witches were killed, and she happened to look up and noticed a face looking back down at her. She stated, "Anyone else see this face in the light?...Totally eerie, eh?"

Famous for the 1692-1693 witch hunts and hangings, over 150 men and women alike were imprisoned, and at least 27 executed.

So take a close look at this face above. It looks like a male in his late 20s, has a beard and moustache. His not is straight, short and his eyebrows are large and tilted as if very angry. In Salem 19 men and women were hung, 1 man was crushed, and 7 people died in prison. 

Now imagine being an alien visiting the settlement and you got caught up in this situation, and then crushed to death. Some species of aliens have such a powerful life force, that even the afterlife is a bit under their control. He's there, in the place where he was crushed to death, watch people of Salem, hating them for why they did to him, stuck in the lamp, the hate holding him to this station. 
Scott C. Waring

Crop Circle Found At Hill Top In Wiltshire This Week, UFO Landing Mark, April 24, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 24, 2017
Location of discovery: Wiltshire, England

This crop formation was found on a hill top in Wiltshire this week. Such formations in fields are believers to be the landing prints of an alien space craft, but some say its a message sent to us by future humans. Either way, they are extraordinary and very exciting to contemplate how they were made. 

A new crop circle is found in Whiltshire every month, you would think that some farmer would have $50 to buy a live cam and set it up to watch their fields...since a farmer usually has a crop of $75,000-500,000 depending on the land size. Video of the making would change how science sees these formations forever. 
Scott C. Waring

Ancient House Found With Dark Doorway On Mars, April 28, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 28, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found this house in a Mars photo today. This little house is only about 9-12 inches high and 15 inches across. There is a doorway on one side (notice the dark rectangle). This is more evidence that an ancient culture of intelligent small beings exited on Mars and may still have some existing descendants.

Its up to the public to search for these, because NASA will not search for alien artefacts. They only search for DNA evidence of lifes building block, all the while, missing the most important evidence right in front of them. 
Scott C. Waring

Rainbow UFO Over Philippines Is Seen By Neighbourhood, April 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 27, 2017
Location of sighting: Pagadian City, Zamboanga, Philippines 
News source:

This UFO was recorded by Anne Elle Salikala of Facebook, who personally witnesses the is glowing iridescent UFO hovering over a cloud near her home. The colors are scientifically impossible for them to occur in clouds, however for a cloaked UFO its very possible. As a matter of fact, I once saw a tiny baseball size UFO just 2 meters from me with the exact same colors, so I know first hand. The easiest and most relaxing way a UFO can come close to a human community is by making itself appear as a cloud. At this time there is a small chance that the odd position of the sun and the eyewitness will allow them this rare look at a UFO observing them back. This is a magnificent alien craft we are looking at here. 
Scott C. Waring

Video deleted for unknown reasons.