Showing posts with label voyager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voyager. Show all posts


UFO Passes Space Station On Live Cam, Sept 27, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at ISS

I was watching the live space station cam when I  noticed a UFO passing in the background. The UFO seemed bright because of the reflecting light bouncing off of it and the station. The shape was hard to make out, but it does appear to be a curved triangle in shape and could very possibly be a USAF top secret TR3B, or an evolution of that craft. Now looking at the screenshots enlarged...I see it does have four corners, not three as I said in the video. 
Scott C. Waring


Bus size UFO Passes over City In Illinois on Sept 22, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 22, 2018
Location of sighting: Casyville, Illinois, USA
Source: MUFON #95126

This rectangle UFO was seen passing over Illinois yesterday. The UFO is about the size of a city buss and is very flat. This flying object had to have been seen by thousands of residents below. So hopefully there will be a video of this uploaded so we can see its movement. I searched and could not find any other reports of this incident, but will keep you posted.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was driving down 157 through Casyville Illinois after 4pm Saturday 22nd and saw this. 


White UFO Seen On Live NASA Space Station Cam, Sep 20, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 20, 2018
Location of discovery: Earths orbit at space station

I was watching the NASA live space station cam looking for UFOs when I spotted this little guy. A white disk moved over the space station. It was small so I'm sure NASA didn't notice it, otherwise they would have gone to blue screen to hide it. The UFO passes the space station, but at a great distance, as if it didn't want to be noticed by the astronauts. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Reptillian face peeking out of darkness near NASA Spirit Rover, Sept 2018, UFO Sighting Daily News.

Date of discovery: Sept 18, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 624, Spirit rover

Guys I found this reptilian face peeking out of the darkness at the Mars Spirit rover. It looks like its trying to decide if it should attack the rover or stay hidden. It does have a look of a frightened creature, determined from its eyebrow shadows revealing its emotions. Its hard to say if this is alive or a face built into the stone.  It would be nice if NASA would turn the rover around and take a closer look just in case this was a newly discovered might even be intelligent, but NASA doesn't take its directions from the public, even though they disguise NASA as a government and public cooperative administration. 

Scott C. Waring


I recorded a UFO last night during sunset over the Taipei 101 building, Taiwan, July 20, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 20, 2018
Location of sighting: Taipei, Taiwan

Guys I recorded this video myself (Scott C. Waring) from my 16 floor window of my Taipei apartment. It was sunset about 6:15pm and I took a photo for Instagram...then a few minutes later I noticed a bright glowing light flying lower and lower towards the top of the Taipei 101 building. The object moved closer for about 3 minutes and then disappeared. I took the video with my iPhone 7 plus.

Below is the Instagram photo I took with no UFO in it, then the UFO just appeared about 5 min later. Thats when I recorded a video of it. Please follow me on Instagram. I'm UFOSIGHTINGSDAILY.

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

A post shared by Scott Waring (@ufosightingsdaily) on


Planet X Seen Stealing Energy From Earths Sun In 2012 NASA Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 2012-03-11 06:23:24
Solar camera: AIA 171

This video was given to me by a Japanese movie director that came to record me a few months ago. He was a bit discouraged because he wanted to tell me its just gas leaving the sun, but its not. Its a giant UFO sucking the suns materials though a thin stream line. Its gravity is so big that when it leaves at incredible speed, its gravity causes a tsunami effect across the sun below the UFO. 

Amazing evidence of alien with hi tech ships. This is Nibiru, or also known as planet X, the mysterious planet that NASA says does exist, yet has never been seen before, until now. Actual footage of thy legendary Nibiru, which is proof that its not a planet, but a Venus size space ship that moves incredibly fast. 

 Scott C. Waring,


Emerald City Found On Moon In NASA Photo Index, July 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 18, 2018
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source photo: (21MB)

I founds some mind-blowing alien structures in this large moon photo from the Univ of Arizona index controlled by the USGS and NASA. 

The most remarkable thing I found was an emerald green dome over a crater. Reminds me of the Emerald City from the Wizard of Oz. 

There were also two large black shiny domes over craters not far away. I'm not sure how astronomers around the world have ignored such discoverers, but from my research I have learned that NASA has donated a lot of money to observatories around the world, probably to control their research and their released findings. 

Its up to us, the public to release the truth about the existence of aliens. The truth is...every planet and moon in our solar system has had alien life upon it or within it.
Scott C. Waring


UFO Over Mountains of Sierra Cabrera, Spain June 28, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 28, 2018
Location of sighting: Mountains of Sierra Cabrera, Spain

This UFO was recorded and sent into us at UFO Sightings Daily by Twitter user @RoyGibbo. This is a awesome sighting of a cigar UFO. Its very long and looks like a disk viewed from the side. He says it looks big and boy is he right. This is one big UFO! It looks like its rotating and almost has the appearance of a submarine from the side. A rare sighting indeed. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was taking my dogs for a walk in the evening before going to bed, I enjoy looking at the sky while walking but I hadn't looked up until I was at the end of my driveway on this occasion so when I did look up I was so shocked to see this craft. It was absolutely enormous! I could tell where it was in the distance as it was over some local mountains around Mojacar in southern Spain, I could tell that the size of the thing was like the Empire State building on its side and it wasn't moving at all, it stayed very very still. I ran back to my house in flip flops as fast as I could with my dogs behind thinking what's up. Well I captured this video and I was still in shock at the size off the thing, it slowly faded out slowly in a seemingly controlled manner so it wasn't bright at all so my phone that I took the video on couldn't see it but I could still see it a very little bit for a few more seconds and then it was totally gone, it didn't fly off or move, it just disappeared. It was so strange!!


Pair Of Fireball UFOs Over Las Vegas, Nevada On July 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 11, 2018
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

There two UFOs were caught by Steven Barone of Youtube over Vegas this week. In the video you can see several aircraft pass above and below the UFOs. That tells us the UFOs are flying and are very high up, not lights from a a car on a hill. 

Its my personal belief that these are Tall White ships, because the US gov gave a small allotment of land behind the old firing range at  Nellis AFB for use to the Tall Whites a few decades ago. 

There is another option however. These ships hover in place and move slowly, as if the pilots are cautious and slow...learning the ropes of the controls, which makes me think these could be alien tech (TR3B) in the hands of new pilots at the USAF testing area. 

Either way, awesome video that boggles the mind. 
Scott C. Waring

Steven Barone states: 
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of July 11, 2018.


Trees Found On Mars In Global Surveyor Image, NASA Source! Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo 1:
Source photo 2:

I added color to make it easier to see, because psychology says black and white photos often confuse the mind on first glance.

I found this in the Mars Global Surveyor MOC images. This particular image seems to depict many trees on the Mars surface. These trees are similar to what you see when using Google Earth and looking over a forest, but this is Mars and it should be impossible, but here it is, right in front of us and with the link to the official NASA site as proof that it exists. 

Obviously there are large bushy trees on Mars. There is no geological formation that could explain these features. These are living, growing organisms on the surface of Mars. 

Now why would NASA want to hide trees? Because its a form of life and where there are trees, there are animals and insects. Thus, NASA finds this information to be a threat to national security, because other countries would race to get to Mars if they knew it was more habitable than once thought. NASA does not want competition to get to other plants. Did you hear NASA criticising Elon Musks SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket last week? They did saying it was just too small to be useful, but it didn't seem to discourage Elon Musk at all. 
Scott C. Waring


Must Watch! Earth Alien holographic simulation? UFO Sighting News.

Are you living in a holographic simulation? Recently, the idea that we may be living in a giant video game, or as it’s sometimes called, the Simulation Hypothesis, has gotten a lot of attention because of prominent figures like Elon Musk who have openly discussed the idea. As Virtual Reality technology has gotten more sophisticated, we are starting to contemplate virtual worlds like that of the omni-present Oasis in Ready Player One, soon to be a blockbuster movie directed by Stephen Spielberg.


Crashed AlienUFO Disk Found On Mars, July 10, 2018 UFO Sighting News.

Location of sighting: Mars
Date of sighting: July 10, 2018
Source photo:

I found a crashed alien ship on Mars today. It was in a gigapan photo and the ship is upside-down. The line down the middle from the tail section is similar to that of many military stealth craft. This is one of two craft I found in this photo, along with many faces of statues, walls and other structures. 
Scott C. Waring