

Wildly Pulsating UFO December 28, 2011 Pennsylvania

Date of sighting: December 28, 2011
Location of sighting: Pennsylvania, USA

Eyewitness states:
"Big and bright as a mini-Sun flaring up in Penn Township, Jeannette PA right near the Murrysville border (22 miles east of Pittsburgh). Houses are on Redoak Drive. High probability it was over woods directly behind those houses & Snyder Rd., but if a really big sphere, was over the police gun shooting practice range across from Waste Management's Valley Landfill. No one couldn't have missed this one if outside…."

"I call them the "Masters of Illusion" because of their ability to morph shape, size, colors, change brightness, change visibility, mimic the outward appearance of our man-made crafts or other objects, and to deceive our depth-perception and ability to locate them with combination of all of these REAL-TIME. Fantastic technology far above what humans can do, so let's be glad they aren't using it against us in a negative way - yet."


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