

GIANT UFO light next to the Sun, July 22, 2012 On NASA Camera!

Date of sighting: July 22, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun

UFOs have been recorded using NASAs online cameras and filters (about 100 types) online for several years but only recently has it been getting the attention it deserves. In this most recent video, someone caught a mothership near the sun and there can only be two reasons for this. One it may be harvesting some kind of field from it. Two they live within or orbiting it. Check out this amazing video recorded directly from the NASA site.


  1. In order to inhabit Planet Earth again it is necessary to purify the planet by destroying all biological entities first. By collecting solar energy they can use that energy to set the entire landscape and life forms on fire as hot as the surface of the sun.

    They possess the technology to make it happen and to stop it from burning at a later date.

    Goodbye & good luck to all of my fellow crispy critters.

    Fred Culiner
    Midlothian, VA

  2. For accuracy's sake, NASA's cameras pointed at the sun do not take videos. They take photographs about every 30 minutes then show them as a slide show. I think it would be more accurate to say, "NASA photos show...."

  3. For accuracy's sake, NASA's cameras pointed at the sun do not take videos. They take photographs about every 30 minutes then show them as a slide show. I think it would be more accurate to say, "NASA photos show...."

  4. It's not a video. It's a series of photographs taken about every 30 minutes and shown as a slide show.


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