

Four Alien Faces Found In NASA Mars Photo, Sept 2012.

Date of discovery: September 30, 2012
Location of discovery: Mars

I was looking over Mars photos and came across one in Sol 116A that happened to have not one but multiple faces in it (four or more). These faces look like they were cut from stone and left there long ago. The first face is of a round faced person with very curly hair. And if you look very carefully right above this one and touching it is a bearded face of a species I have never seen before in stone. Then on the far lower right there was another faces…highly unusual with a long hat or crown. Above it is a half face. I took the half face and flipped it over so you could see what the whole face would look like. 

I am not just looking for faces…but using these faces to identify the different species of aliens out there.   There are many, Bob Lazar a nuclear physicist in Area 51 said that when they were training him one of the papers he had to read told him there were 56 different alien species known to the USAF. Oh have you seen the most amazing of all of them? I found Yoda's face on the moon. He is real, I would bet my life on it. (Click here to view Yoda.) SCW

Source photo: 


  1. It looks like the steps up to a temple - something along the lines of the face at the bottom with what seems like right angle edges (although destroyed)...or even more far fetched maybe the remains of wreckage from something that once flew..if you turn the image clockwise until the face is horizontal it looks like one of those mayan planes..pretty cool stuff...You see the missing center section - imagine that the area ejected before crashing..and what could be maybe thrusters...or it could be favorite idea is a downed fighter jet.

  2. It looks like the steps up to a temple - something along the lines of the face at the bottom with what seems like right angle edges (although destroyed)...or even more far fetched maybe the remains of wreckage from something that once flew..if you turn the image clockwise until the face is horizontal it looks like one of those mayan planes..pretty cool stuff...You see the missing center section - imagine that the area ejected before crashing..and what could be maybe thrusters...or it could be favorite idea is a downed fighter jet.

  3. Looks like a downed jet...ornamental face forward - the center mass section missing - the ejection capsule missing - view thrusters at the back when you level the face so its is however crashed on to a slope the reason for such turbulence around what seems a more calm environment..what you have arrows pointed as other faces are actually the center section of the ship..what looks like a four armed creature not unlike those from mars..You see how its all smooth but at crashing is tore earth from under all technicality it doesn't seem to have been a bad crash landing assuming it was a sky vehicle and not whatever these things were made of are pretty strong..

  4. I'd like to add to my idea that maybe it wasn't shot down...look at the bright spots behind the rocks..maybe this being thought it could escape what was coming by ejecting which is why everything is such a grey color -it's because its cinder - a rushing heat must have hit them so fast and so hot that they instantly became carbon...So it begs to question..what the hell happened there if thats true..and if they did have that technology from what it always said to be ancient days..could it stand to say that maybe we're more technologically advancd than mars is right since it's been labeled a desert planet? I believe vegetation and some form of life still remains in mars and possibly outskirts of gypsy's..but not like it might have been in the old days of tiamat...

  5. oh one last thing...those are actually just two parts..The main fuseloge and the escape glider. I guess the escape didnt go as planned..I made a picture of what it would look like not burnt to shit if you would like to see it - email me at

  6. Try to make out faces from rock formations is elementary you need to show something that is worth talking about.


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