

UFOs flying into entrance on Moon, Confirmed, Sept 22, 2012.

Date of sighting: Sept 22, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

I SCW was amazed at the earlier post we made here about a fleet of UFOs leaving the moon. So I began to wonder about it. Perhaps these UFOs are not orbiting as I assumed earlier…it seems more likely that they are at the end of an incoming space highway and that the base entrance must be close to the location where they were seen last. Many telescopes have recorded UFOs emerging around the far right corona of the moon, so I want to try. Last night I went up to the roof using a Canon SX30 IS Power Shot which has a great zoom and I focused it on the moon for ten minutes. 

I saw some of these UFOs appear every 20-30 seconds on the lower right side of the moon. They came often in groups of 2-3 and were 1 second apart. I should have seen them when they got to the other side of the moon…covered by shadows, but they never went that far. Therefore its safe to say they entered the moon in a location near where I saw them. I will try to upload the video tonight. SCW


  1. I am in baltimore, md me, my cousin and my daughters are outside as i am texting watching what appears to look like moving stars its like over 50 of them and we are sure they are not airplanes , this is amazing and they keep coming they are moving towards the moon. is anyone else seeing this?

    1. That is absolutely fantastic. I hope you got that on video or at least tried. If you got it but its hard to show up you may be able to add light to the video to make the objects more visible. If you got a video, please upload it and tell us the youtube url here. :)

  2. Me, my cousin and daughters are outside rite now watching over a hundred of these things that look like white stars move towards the moon this is crazy and amazing i am in Baltimore Md is anyone else seeing this?

  3. I am in baltimore, md me, my cousin and my daughters are outside as i am texting watching what appears to look like moving stars its like over 50 of them and we are sure they are not airplanes , this is amazing and they keep coming they are moving towards the moon. is anyone else seeing this?

  4. I am in baltimore, md me, my cousin and my daughters are outside as i am texting watching what appears to look like moving stars its like over 50 of them and we are sure they are not airplanes , this is amazing and they keep coming they are moving towards the moon. is anyone else seeing this?

  5. is it posible that the moon is the missing planet that was illustrated in the sumarian text and was moved into a closer position with earth a very long time ago

    1. It is possible. I am confident that the moon will leave one day. Perhaps these UFOs are carrying the crew that know how to make this ship function…lets hope I'm wrong. I'm kinda fond of the moon.

  6. is it posible that the moon is the missing planet that was illustrated in the sumarian text and was moved into a closer position with earth a very long time ago

  7. I saw those moving stars years ago. Something is happening

  8. People please stop posting the same thing over and over. Your post wont show up immediately. Be patient. The moon is hollow and is a base for an intelligent race other than ourselves.

  9. We saw them on September 23 and even got some great pictures of them. In the first picture we too, you can count 12 different blue orbs of light. In the next two pictures, you can clearly see them in different positions.

    1. Post the photos on a blog or site and I will send people to it to see them. The photos sound amazing.

  10. confirmed Guys. ufo is re4l m8s. Obama is a lizard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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