

Disk-Shaped Object above Earth in NASA Photograph. UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Found in May 2013 by Streetcap1 of Youtube.
Location of sighting: Earths orbit. 

Look carefully at the NASA photo above and not only will you notice a UFO in it but if your computer  screen brightness is higher you will also notice that there is a glowing aura around the UFO. This indicates the craft is there. Apparently NASA astronauts thought this was interesting enough to take some photos of it and one accidentally made it onto the NASA public site. SCW


  1. I saw something like this yesterday in daylitght... and with little lights around it.

  2. I saw something like this yesterday in daylitght... and with little lights around it.

  3. Get a digital camera and get that puppy on video. Full HD is best, but any video of the object sure would help. Then post it to youtube with the "UFO Sighting, Date, Location).

    They often come back to the same place...but it has to be at the same time you saw it before. Very cool you had a sighting. :)

  4. wow, shit, its almost crystal clear... looks like if the camera focused a little more, then we could see it perfectly :D

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think there's a crescent-shaped object just left of that flying thing. is that the moon or other planet?

  7. That could be an organism. Or most definitely a craft. That blueish glow could be energy built up as it nears our atmosphere.

  8. its nearly impossible travelling to a nearest star in one lifetime. if a life form can`t travel faster than light its not worth trying.
    so i think there are always earth like reasons of seeing `things` like ufo`s.
    you see what u want too see.

  9. but you will never know. the universe is full of life, thats a fact. the earth is just a small rock in a big big ocean. and we are not alone. but not around our solarsystem.

  10. but you will never know. the universe is full of life, thats a fact. the earth is just a small rock in a big big ocean. and we are not alone. but not around our solarsystem.

  11. its nearly impossible travelling to a nearest star in one lifetime. if a life form can`t travel faster than light its not worth trying.
    so i think there are always earth like reasons of seeing `things` like ufo`s.
    you see what u want too see.

    1. Keep figuring .. They are real and they are reptilians!!!!!

  12. There was a UFO cloud for the 3rd time over saint george utah last night

  13. There wadva UFO cloaked in a cloud over st. George Utah last night for the 3rd time i know of accompanied by jet engine noise for long time

  14. There wadva UFO cloaked in a cloud over st. George Utah last night for the 3rd time i know of accompanied by jet engine noise for long time

  15. There wadva UFO cloaked in a cloud over st. George Utah last night for the 3rd time i know of accompanied by jet engine noise for long time

  16. U gotta be stupid to believe that we r the only ones out there


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