

Stargate Discovered In NASA Apollo 17 Moon Photo, NASA Source, July 2013.

Date of discovery: July 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Mission: Apollo 17 (last)
NASA source:

Take a look at this amazing ring like object on the surface of the moon. You really cannot see the detail until you enlarge the photo and add light to it. This has the appearance of an actual star gate. If this is true and if NASA knows about it already, then it has probably been moved to Earth. This would also explain Apollo missions 18-20 being suddenly cancelled. Is this a massive structure on the moon, a UFO or a doorway for small ships to pass through from one system to another? The possibilities are exciting. SCW


  1. If these pictures and videos are real on your great website, and I'm not saying they aren't, why are we not seeing them on any mainstream media? I have many questions about you posts, but I have sent you questions before without getting a reply. What is the best way to communicate with you? Love your site by the way.

    Scott B.

    1. If you go to the tabs above you will see "News About Us." The media is slowly accepting these things and so is NASA. I notice NASA has changed their plan of blockading all news of life on other planets and has begun to give in the public by releasing...trickling down tiny amounts of knowledge they have two weeks ago NASA said Mars did once have ancient life on it. Big step for NASA since they were created to hide such things from the public.

    2. How many years before the truth is revealed either by our government or the ETs themselves? Do you think these beings are here to help us or harm us? Does the existence of ET intelligent life suggest that all of earth's religions are bullshit? Do you believe in God? Thanks for your time, Scott. I have been interested in this topic for most of my life. I'm 45 now. I've had at least two encounters with UFOs, but these were just two sightings from some distance away.

      Scott B.

  2. Someone obviously used a scroll of Town Portal >.>

  3. That looks a lot like a medallion pendant of Lady of Guadelupe.

  4. Bu görüntülerin sahte olmadığına dair belge sunun bende inanayım bizden başka yaşam yok demiyorum mutlaka var bir tarlaya bir avuç buğday septir tek bir buğdayın tutması gibi demek bizden başka yaşam yoksa hatta fazlası demek evrenin büyüklüğnü göz önüne alırsak dünya 4.5 milyar yıl önce oluştuğuna göre dünyadaki yaşamda 3.5 milyar yıl önce oluşmaya başlamıştır peki evren 13 milyar bizden çok daha önce basşlayıp teknolojik fizik beyinin kulanımı bizde %5 belki onlarda %55 o zamanda ziyaret etmişlerdik mutlaka dünyamızı

  5. bir de dizideki kapıyı koymanın anlamı ne sanki destekleyecek dizi hipotezi


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