

UFO Hovers Over Car Hitting It With Green Laser, Michigan -VIDEO- Oct 27, 2013

Date of sighting: October 27, 2013
Location of sighting: Near Port Huron, Michigan, USA

Eyewitness states: 
Hello, I live in a rural part of Michigan. The closest major city is Port Huron. I saw this object near my home on the night of Oct 27, 2013. So, I followed it down a public dirt road. Then it turned so I had to turn onto a private unmarked road which is probably used for farm equipment to tend to the adjacent field crop. 

At that point, I was running out of road to go any further. So, I got out of vehicle to take a better view of it. Then, suddenly, the object started moving towards me. It startled me so I ran like hell for a little bit. It was making a very strange low swirling, please try and turn up your speaker volume to hear it better.

Once I moved a distance back, I zoomed out the camera a bit more and noticed the object was hovering directly over my vehicle. Then it started to lower itself as it slowly rotated directly over my roof! At that point, it appeared to be shining a very bright green beam over it. Then suddenly, it shot straight up into the sky and the swirling sound disappeared at the exact time it vanished. This was a very eerie experience and even my hair was standing on end through the entire time and felt as if there was highly dense static electricity in the air!

What the heck do you think this is people?? This thing scared the bejesus out of me!


  1. That is amazing footage! My guess the green beam of light is some sort of scanning or imaging beam. I too would of ran but thanks for the footage. I didn't believe in UFO's until I too had a UFO close up experience in Northern Wisconsin.

  2. Outstanding footage!!! I am guessing the green light is some sort of scanning beam. I must say I would of ran too if I saw that UFO coming at me. I actually didn't believe in UFO's until I had a close experience like you about 4 years ago in northern Wisconsin.

  3. that is true, always prepare and get something to fightback ut your really on danger

  4. Another sighting of this same craft in Ohio! HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS!!!

  5. There was another sighting of this same obect in Ohio.

  6. Incredible footage! Look into the Bob White artifact! In his story he encountered 2 florescent lights like this-to which he also had an artifact "dropped" from the ufo!

  7. Incredible footage! Look into the Bob White story/artifact! His experience involves 2 florescent lights like this, he even picked up physical evidence from the object!

  8. I have also see the green laser beam form the sky crazy sotry i have there


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