

Cross UFO Caught On Live Cam Over UFO Hotspot Volcano In Mexico, Oct 29, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 29, 2013
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico

This is an amazing catch of a cross like UFO that is also caught cloaking on live cam. This footage was recorded at 13:53:50 or 1:53 pm. UFOs have been caught near around and over this volcano for many years. I myself have recorded 3-4 videos of these strange but cool UFOs over Popocatepetl. This particular catch was by a reader of ours at UFO Sightings Daily, who alerted us to his video he made and placed on Youtube. Outstanding catch and at this rate, it won't be long before contact is made. SCW


  1. I'm the one that made this video. Thanks for publishing. But I am not a he. I am a woman.

    1. Hey, sorry about that. You got skills. Nice catch there. Are you the one that sent me the URL to the Youtube link? I love that cam. Its a hotspot.

  2. Yes, I send you the URL of the link. We live in the Netherlands and in 2012 my children and i have seen strange behaving black dots in the sky. Since then I have seen more strange things and I am always look out for more ufo's. On the 'Ufo Meldpunt" in our country the amount of ufosightings is increasing very rapidly, so i also think its time for disclosure.

  3. looks like this video:
    The same date in Mexico.

  4. Man this is so crazy. I have to start looking at this cam more maybe I can catch something myself.


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