

UFO Close Up Over Santa Isabel, Bogota, Colombia On Nov 17, 2013, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 17, 2013
Location of sighting: Santa Isabel, Bogota, Colombia
Time: 4:01 pm

Eyewitness states (translated from Spanish):
Video I recorded on the 17th - nov - 2013 in the afternoon at 4:01 PM, UFO sighted flying through downtown Bogota Monserrate straight motion, the object spin on its axis 45 degrees and then I return to its initial position is can see a silver diamond-shaped metal structure apparently powerful by its brightness. In addition it is carrying two objects on the sides black color and smaller rectangle. I would like to know what this is really. If anyone can give info, I would welcome the information or perhaps you sighted the events of this day.


  1. Looks like its came here with two suitcase for holiday.

  2. This looks like the objects in pictures I had taken of the moon a few weeks back. In the sequence I took, it appears an orb lined up and/ or connected to I craft which resembles the one captured here.


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