

Giant UFO Near Earth In Photo Released by Brazil Planetarium, March 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: unknown
Location of sighting: Earths orbit
Source: Brasilia Planetarium

You mind tells you that this is impossible, but it is possible. Such UFOs have been recorded before on radar and yes, on similar scales. Just click here to see a past sighting. SCW

ADGUK News states: 
Ok, this image was released by the Brasilia Planetarium recently and seems to show a massive disc shaped object stationed above the Earth. The disc is estimated to be around 3-5 thousand miles in diameter. If you look at the bottom left of the image you can see a cloud formation passing over the top of the anomaly, this indicates that the object is not a projection onto the earth. I have no idea what this object is, i can only speculate at this point. I have contacted the Planetarium for further clarification regarding the slide, and will post an update when I get an answer.

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  1. this is just a photo taken inside the planetarium... ohh dear...

  2. This image comes from this site here in Brazil.,402760/apos-16-anos-de-portas-fechadas-planetario-de-brasilia-reabre-hoje.shtml

    It discusses Brasilia Planetarium opening after 16 years of having their doors closed. The image it self is a demonstration of the power of the projectors at the Planetarium. I believe they created the image just for the re-opening and to demonstrate the new projectors. Otherwise it would have mentioned something about a strange shape over Earth. (I'm sure people would have seen that in the sky as well. Another source of information I ran into described it was simply related to what an asteroid impact would look like so that would go along with the projector demonstration.

    This is not a UFO... its CGI.

    I won't even bother saying that this would have turned up on Radar and many people would have reported seeing it if it was real =)... oh wait, I did!


    1. Excellent source URL, I translated and read it. However we are left not knowing about the photo. I will message them about it and see if I get a response. Till then, its still up in the pun intended. Thank you.

  3. Hi...

    The object looks like a large pancake with butter on the top. Kidding aside. If the object cast a shadow on Earth. Then I can believe the object is real. Something that large would have had an area on Earth that went from day to night, while the object was either still (hovering) or if passed over that area in space. See if there are any reports of day turning to night at the time the object was discovered in space.

    1. It could just be a CGI demo inside the planetarium, but its still unknown for now.

    2. no,it cud'nt be demo?it's a real dear

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You know what that probably is? It's probably a frame from an animation of the Chixulub Meteor hitting the Earth. It has the bowshock wave and the central point. Look at the landmass below and where the planetarium itself is located - this is probably a show on either the History of Earth or the Extinction of Dinosairs - these are the kinds of things that bring people in to pay money.

  6. I am just wondering, why there is always only one single picture. If I would see something like that I would fill up my mobile, tablet, camera as long as it is visible with lots and lots of pictures :)

  7. Is there a location of the ship ...-araiyu. Vancouver BC. Pinkufo007@gmail

  8. Where is the ship located..heru BC Shay BC cora bc Zeius BC or somewhere in Canada by now - araiyu. From Ottawa to bc

  9. Raise Adolf Hitler to Israel with handcuffs to be crucified as it says in a Canadian stamped letter to do so in his nazi jacket... a suggestion Ahliana I know your monitoring

  10. Maybe Tomorrowland Canada Saskatchewan. @ flat lands 2017?


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