

Michio Kaku on Alien Brains And How They Really Will Be, April 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of publication: April 2014
Speaker: Dr Michio Kaku
Occupation: Theoretical Physicist 

Michio Kaku States: 
I love to watch science fiction movies but I cringe -- I cringe whenever I see a depiction of the aliens. First of all the aliens speak perfect English. Not just British English. They speak perfect American English. And obviously they're a human inside some kind of monkey suit. I mean we have Hollywood special effects, right. So why can't we get better aliens. And then the aliens think just like us. They're territorial. They want to conquer. They want resources. They want -- they see humans as inferior. But you see, that's only a byproduct of our evolution. Look at other animals in the animal kingdom. Some animals are not territorial, okay. They don't have to conquer. We have other paradigms in the animal kingdom which are totally different form the way our brain is constructed. But when we look at aliens in the movies we're basically projecting our own consciousness in aliens. Our fears, our desires are projected and they are a mirror of who we are, not a mirror of who they really are.