

Small Green Object On Moon, NASA Apollo 16 Mission, April 18, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 18, 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Mission: Apollo 16
Photo with object:
Photo without object:

I found this green object in a Apollo photo and when you look at photos with a lot of grey shades everywhere, even a tiny green object stands out. At first I thought this object was an emerald, however when I found other photos of the same rock...the object was no longer there. This means it had to have passed in front of the camera as it took the photo. Perhaps its some kind of biological life form that can exist in space. If a life form develops not needing oxygen, then whats can stop it from living in space? Nothing. SCW


  1. In Yi-LAN, Taiwan. There is a ufo base under the mountain near the Jiaosi. I saw the very huge rectangle ufo there. I'm from Taiwan, I saw ufo 5 times.

    1. Hey, did you get a photo or video? If so let me know. I sure would like to take a look at it. Send me the photo/video link to "ufodaily @" or to my twitter account @scwbooks

    2. Hi, Scott Waring, my name is Bill, nice to meet you. My English is not good, can you speak Chinese? I used to study in Seattle, USA, in 1997~1999, but my English is getting bad now. I don't have any chance to speak English in Taiwan. Where do you live in Taiwan? I live in Taipei, my friend live in Yi-LAN Jiaosi. His home is very near the ufo base mountain. If you want to see that mountain, I can show you at my friend's home. I'm not a rich guy, I don't have smartphone & digital camera. So I can't take any photo/video when I see that very huge rectangle ufo landing on top of the mountain. I saw that rectangle ufo with my friend, I saw it on 4,15,2014. If you can, we can meet at Taipei, I can show you many Yi-LAN ufo videos. One of Yi-LAN ufo videos owner told me don't show these videos on the ufo web, so I can't sent to you. These 2 links are Yi-LAN ufo sightings at same day, same time, same ufo, 2 different place sightings.

      If you can, we can meet at Taipei.

    3. There is a very huge ufo base under that mountain in Yi-LAN Jiaosi. Many shapes of ufo sightings ln Yi-LAN.

    4. Hi Bill, thanks for the offer, but I will go that way next month, but you really need to get hold of an video camera and record these UFOs. UFO researchers worldwide need your help. thanks,

  2. In Yi-LAN, Taiwan. There is a ufo base under the mountain near the Jiaosi. I saw a very huge rectangle ufo landing on top of the mountain, I saw it on 4,15,2014. I'm from Taiwan. I saw ufo 5 times.

  3. In Yi-LAN, Taiwan. There is a ufo base under the mountain near the Jiaosi. I saw a very huge rectangle ufo landing on top of the mountain, I saw it on 4,15,2014. I'm from Taiwan. I saw ufo 5 times.

  4. In Yi-LAN, Taiwan. There is a ufo base under the mountain near the Jiaosi. I saw a very huge rectangle ufo landing on top of the mountain, I saw it on 4,15,2014. I'm from Taiwan. I saw ufo 5 times.

  5. In Yi-LAN, Taiwan. There is a ufo base under the mountain near the Jiaosi. I saw a very huge rectangle ufo landing on top of the mountain, I saw it on 4,15,2014. I'm from Taiwan. I saw ufo 5 times.

  6. In Yi-LAN, Taiwan. There is a ufo base under the mountain near the Jiaosi. I saw a very huge rectangle ufo landing on top of the mountain, I saw it on 4,15,2014. I'm from Taiwan. I saw ufo 5 times.

  7. In Yi-LAN, Taiwan. There is a ufo base under the mountain near the Jiaosi. I saw a very huge rectangle ufo landing on top of the mountain, I saw it on 4,15,2014. I'm from Taiwan.

  8. what is the stick scoop object leaning on the rock.

    1. The astronauts used the scoop to scoop through the dust/dirt and filter out all the rocks that were 2-4cm or bigger. They actually had trouble doing it at first, but tested it in many locations around a crater. One was bigger than a basketball.

    2. The Astronauts left the scoop because it is not illegal to litter on the moon. Trash it before we hardly even know a thing about it.


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