

Evidence Of Ancient Civilization On Mars, May 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 8, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA photo:
Method: Spirit Rover, Sol 2087

I found these two structures on Mars in some Spirit Rover photos. They were both in Sol 2087. The first one looks like it was once an opening to some kind of vent having two 90 degree angles. The second one is a curved structure with a square cut out of it (four 90 degree angles). Both anomalies must have been seen by NASA scientists, but I am sure they didn't plan on the public being so investigative on the subject. SCW


  1. Scott the cut hole looks like a valve handle where the valve spindle would fit through. The broken object could be the broken body of a valve.

    1. Very possibly. Its hard to say without more images and we all know NASA wouldn't turn that rover around for 1min if their lives depended on it.

  2. The object in front of the formed hole object (valve handle with valve stem hole) has a very regular intelligently designed look about it as well Scott.

  3. A great presentation Scott, yes the remains of machinery from a war on mars possibly thousands of yrs ago utilizing hi energy weaponry of various types i imagine...

    And just think of what's underneath that region & other regions of mars & the moon where ruins were discovered by NASA's land roovers, & yes i can envision lots of hidden info that's been gathered w/in the last number of yrs utilizing those moon & mars roover devices.

    The potential for this worlds eminent earth scientist, including garage & basement scientist, engineers & technicians to discover the remains of so called "Free Energy Devices" ect on mars & the moon is a great economical & military risk for the Global Robber baron, & there war hawk counter part who do NOT mind you crew want the ordinary world WE live in to fiqure this big galactic mystery out.

  4. Yes, I would like to see whats below the surface. With Mars getting covered in methane gas (35-45%) about 7 years only comes from life. It came and went in just a few months. Methane comes from life...but NASA shrugs it off.

  5. I am adding your webpage to my favorites one of my new favorite websites thank you very much for the information

  6. people with weak minds see what they want to see.

    1. The people with the weak mined, are the ones that can't see the possibilities!

    2. The people with the weak mines, are the ones that can't see the possibilities!


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