

Alien Figure Found On Moon In Google Map, July 2014, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting: July 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

Wowforreeel of Youtube states:
Remember the 1967 NASA image referred to as "The Shard"? A strange and very large tower type figure that appeared in one still image captured by Lunar Orbiter III (I think). Well, this thing spotted by Jasenko could be eerily similar. An irregularly shaped dark spot he noticed on Google Moon looks like it could be a cast shadow from a massive standing object, or figure. At first I thought maybe it was something drawn into the picture but after going to G. Moon, whatever it is or isn't.. uh, is there. You get the idea. Go check it out and of course decide for yourself. Debunk it, shred it, figure it out.


  1. I really interesting to see Aliens , everyone wants to see how they looks ,every thing about them. I have seen one another site it contains lots of updated news about UFO and Aliens visit -

  2. Woah, I'm freakin out lol.
    That was probly his ship that crashed a few videos back.

  3. I found another Shadow!!

    27°46'00.47" N 12°51'50.41" W

    Must SEE!!

  4. I found another Shadow!!

    27°46'00.47" N 12°51'50.41" W

    Must SEE!!

  5. I stopped counting at # 14 of those same shadows. under them there also seem to be square objects.. they all seem to be in a perfect line going towards the Apollo 17 landing sight. I can give all the coordinates if need be. If you look you can not miss them.. Interesting though because under each shadow there seem to be the square objects... one was even "parked" on the edge of a crater....

  6. I think its a building on the moon. I see that there is a new one every 20-30 miles away, but in a different shape. So maybe its like a defence system.

  7. It’s obviously Obama stuck in a sand trap on the 6th hole at the Vineyard Golf Club

  8. We are aliens as like as them.even our

  9. What is the scale of these pictures? Since we can't even see the lunar lander with these pictures, this being would have to be a mile tall to show up like this. The picture isn't clear enough to conclude that this is a walking being.

    1. Correct. It could be a design laying down, made to only be seen from the Nazca lines in Peru.

  10. another one
    27º36'57.04"N 18º15'11.07W

  11. Scott, I just heard that a man shot down an alien aircraft and 2 days later his body just shut down and he died at 32 years old! Could this be the surviving but pissed off alien, or just a coincidence?


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