

Angelic UFO Returns To Our Sun Again, SOHO photos, Aug 22, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 22, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This video was made by Myunhauzen74 of Youtube. I have been following him for years, and he only post real UFOs seen in SOHO/NASA photos. I checked it out and yes, the angelic ship is there. This is not the first time this angelic UFO has been seen. Its been seen every few months (click here) for the last two years. Our sun has something that makes them continue to come back. SCW

Eyewitness states:
You need to know and remember that objects and anomalies near the Sun are not recording errors are not noisy equipment and are not coronal mass ejections from the sun, or the solar wind. This is a real giant unidentified objects, which have correct geometrical shape and different sizes. 


  1. ha this isn't a angel,it a sumierian winged craft made of granite,you can see these same images in the pyramids in Egypt.egyptian didn't build them either and date back to panginan era of the earth,nice to see there still around.remember the story in the bible of the good sumierian,and if there back or never left surely they know of us here on this blue marble.

    1. It does resemble the ancient Sumerian wings. I didn't see that before, good eye. Could be linked.

  2. stationary craft has strobe effect,all of them had some type on strobing effect.the morphing effect is cause my hi voltage interaction with atmosphere,this is another vaporizing of air on and close to craft to make it become lighter,and mostly are of earthly orgin,not man made thou.understand?

  3. these orb's are a living things that live above 60 thousand feet,there not ufo in any means,these orb's can be seen in groups,like they know one another.christ said"to die is gain"maybe this is one reason you get to fly around the planet,you don't eat nor need drink and all your friend that have passed on are waiting on you to join the fun for the next 10 thousand years.

    1. I agree. These orbs seem to have AI, which has though reading and recording capability from many km away. They are alive.

  4. yeah these are the craft that protect usa skys from gift from other country and are scattered all over the planet,the white ball sphere in the center is the power supply,hydrodymanic magneto mercury plasma drive,its all 3 spacecraft,aircraft and submarine and needs not to refuel ever.cockpit has fill water substance to dampen out high speeds.this craft has been seen on the moon also.

  5. In accordance with just one questionnaire, in excess of 55% from the National people feel that a great angel had specifically motivated their particular existence or covered these individuals by harm. Obviously, angels are very important figures since a lot of the respondents described themselves since not really being spiritual or owned by a selected religious beliefs.


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