

Leonardo da Vinci Face Found On Moon, Sept 15, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 15, 2014
Location of discovery: upper right from Tsiolkovsky crater, Earths moon.
Source NASA Photo:

I was looking over moon photos when I was taken aback by a familiar face...Leonardo da Vinci.  The face even has the unique dark shading that Leonardo often used. People often tell me Leonardo was an alien, because of he was a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". This face stands out really well inside the crater. Did a alien species celebrate da Vinci's life by creating this face in the crater or is it just a famous face among their own culture that just happens to look like da Vinci? We may never know, but one thing is obvious, this portrait in the crater was created by a species not unlike our own in appearance. SCW


  1. I am an art teacher and I find this fascinating and a bit strange. That is him. Why do they make faces everywhere?

    1. Probably to self advertise their species, letting other species know they were there.

  2. U gave me something to think about.

  3. Great find! Leonardo reminds us to look beyond and to 'think outside the box'...
    Alien or Human, Leonardo is an excellent choice...


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