

UFO is hidden in the Crater Manilius on the Moon 1968, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 2014
Location of discovery: Manilius Crater, Earths Moon

Hey guys, I found this this week and wanted to share it with you. This UFO was sitting at the bottom of a crater in an old Lunar Orbiter photo. The UFO looks a lot like the UFO they explored in Deporte crater during Apollo 20. Yes I'm talking Apollo 20, but not some Apollo 18 movie that you guys all heard about. William Rutledge explored this kind of a ship and it is located in a similar crater. This UFO has to be massive, I'm guessing its at least 10-15km across. Have you ever done any research into how many missions have been sent to the moon? You probably think ten or twenty, but try more than eighty missions. And why would they send so many if nothing was there? They wouldn't. They are mapping the structures and technology on the moons surface so that they can decide the best locations to search for alien tech. SCW


  1. what are the nave's aerodynamic shape for? There is no air attrict in space...

  2. this craft was seen on a smaller scale with 2 aluminus crafts near secrect facilty that has been abanded since and during seeing I fell in deep sleep and next woke up next changed my perception of many things....

  3. What about the 60 miles highway that is clearly visible too ?

  4. What about the 60 miles highway that is clearly visible too ?

  5. sa prouve que tu regrde tres mal car il y a une ville en arriere plan

  6. et cette photo date de tres longtemp

  7. Take a look at the left side of the frame, the "highway" is a result of something wrong with the picture itself

  8. 첨단기술은 다시 망한다 달 우주전쟁에 의해 파괴되었다


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