

Coffin On Mars In Rover Photo, NASA Source Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found this coffin last week, but was so over  burdened with 12-13 hour days that I never got to it. Glad to see there are others who caught it for us. This stone object looks like a coffin. Coffins are made to stand the test of time, but this one is made from a stone like substance. What would it take to get NASA to turn the rover around and examine the contents of this box? It looks to be about one meter across and a foot and a half wide and high. Lots of alien species are short, including a species of greys. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
My buddy Kjell send this over to me and said "Sure would love to know whats buried in that coffin." This little box sure does look like a modern coffin concrete liner. As well as the stonework on the back part of the hill that looks like stairs or some left over stonework from some old civilizations constructions. I am sure it has been found by plenty of anomaly hunters by now!


  1. I truly believe Comet ISON - when it passed Mars in late 2012 - caused a planetary explosion so big that it eliminated all life on Mars at that time... meaning there WAS life on Mars prior to. All the greenish-grey colored rocks on Mars' surface look as if they were formed - and scattered - in a huge explosion. Plus, if these rocks have been on Mars for thousands of years - I would think they would be completely covered by Mars' orange colored dust dirt. AND - if one remembers correctly - the US Government "shut down" (furloughed) that very week - thus not allowing any of its space agencies to view anything in space. Luckily, many non-governmental astronomers saw and recorded the explosion thus proving late 2012 was "the end of the world"... for Mars. :-(

    1. Illuminati nukes others that are ahead of us from our planet that tried to take technology and run and bad nasa is bombing all over because they are all over now on all planets uknow exactly what i 'm saying, peace is not a option for them

  2. folks remember this ONE thing . we are talking about ALIEN life. as in NOT of this earth. so why would aliens be using coffins? are their religious beliefs the same as ours? do they have the same manufacturing we do? wood? plastics, ceramics? the same forms we give our objects? what I see here is an earthling casket..with domed lid and trim.. why would an ALIEN do the same? not an plain box? or hexagonal tube (like a honey comb ). this is merely projecting Earth life on another planet.. if you want to look for ALIEN you need to look for things not of this earth!

  3. Its a bus people start thinking big

  4. If you find a infocus picture of this coffin and enlarge it and let the focus relax you will see homes cars people right angles structures and that coffin is a big structure

  5. If you find a infocus picture of this coffin and enlarge it and let the focus relax you will see homes cars people right angles structures and that coffin is a big structure

  6. A coffin is a rectangular box that has a part top to see the body of the expired while a coffin is a decreased hexagonal or octagonal box. my response


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