

High Speed Cloud Orb Caught Over Avare, Brazil On Jan 31, 2015, UFO sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 31, 2015
Location of sighting: Avare, Brazil 
MUFON source:
Case #: 63098

This is a great UFO report from Brazil. He describes a fast moving object. Notice the softness of a cloud forming around it. This is a cloud orb, but caught in a sky with few clouds making an easy catch. SCW

Eyewitness states:
In early January 2015 I sent some pictures for you MUFON and that was de Pesquisa them to me. You could not reach an agreement, the objects were undetermined. Well, this object photographed 31/01/2015. You see the photos. Unlike last time, this time I and three more witnesses observed the object move at high altitude and high speed in front of us. The phenomenon moved around for 1 minute and 20 seconds until it disappears. I took some pictures of the object 7 with the zoom lens at maximum position of 300 mm. Only those coconut trees are to give the reference of the object distance to the ground, where it went. Do you think I should send these photos to MUFON? I think the page there very difficult and time consuming to load. I did all the photos in RAW (high resolution). If you can help me thank you.


  1. I'd like to know which photo editor you are using?
    That image looks pretty clean and clear for being blown up and that far away! And minimal distortion? And what do you mean by high resolution? 2400 DPI..?...3200...?...what kind of camera,etc...?

  2. I'd like to know which photo editor you are using?
    That image looks pretty clean and clear for being blown up and that far away! And minimal distortion? And what do you mean by high resolution? 2400 DPI..?...3200...?...what kind of camera,etc...?

  3. Theres a new video from the ISS and it shows a UFO that looks similar to this .

  4. I had like to know which camera you had, dude. I gotta buy one then

    1. Canon 60D with lens 75-300mm. I did photographed

    2. Thank you. But would it be the same if i use a Canon -EF 75-300mm III USM lens intsead?

    3. Yes....and Lucky....F8,... ISO 200 or ISO 100

  5. Wow. I witnessed a similar object over my house early morning July 96. It looked like a bright star, too big to be a star. So I watched it as it began to drop altitude. As the sun began to rise one side of it was pink like the the clouds in the morning as the sun rises. It began to slowly move north and after witnessing this for a few hours two jet fighters approched the object from the east. When they got close and began to circle the sphere it shot up at in unbelievable speed. It made the jet fighters look as if they were standing still. Amazing event to see, I was blown away.

  6. J'ai vu la même chose vers novembre / décembre 2014. Je l'ai suivi en photo mais 1 photo est exploitable. L'objet venait de l'est et à tourner à un angle de 45degré vers le nord. Il se déplaçait plus lentement qu'un avion et ne faisait aucun bruit. Ou puis je envoyer la photo ? Cordialement

  7. J'ai vu la même chose vers novembre / décembre 2014. Je l'ai suivi en photo mais 1 photo est exploitable. L'objet venait de l'est et à tourner à un angle de 45degré vers le nord. Il se déplaçait plus lentement qu'un avion et ne faisait aucun bruit. Ou puis je envoyer la photo ? Cordialement

  8. I've seen this type of UFO over the pacific & over the west coastal beaches many times crew, & personally i thk that its a ET intell probe myself, & from my observations it'll float almost like a balloon for awhile then in most cases stop dead in mid air hovering approx 5K-10= feet then after a period of time gradually move off if not zip real fast to another sky location when observing it...

    I have the impression that its from a west coast under water ET base station tho they might be utilizing this device from many earth locations also i feel....

  9. Hello, you can see a case analysis in:

  10. Hello, you can see a case analysis in:


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