

UFO On Suns Surface Feb 10, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 10, 2015
Time of sighting: 09:14:41
Updated: I finally got the next photo of the object and it was gone! The surroundings looked the same, but the UFO had vanished. (photo below).

While using the Helioviewer I found an object on the sun that looks like a tall ship. This UFO is about the length of the moon yet only half its thickness. There is an Earth photo in the lower left corner to compare. This is a ship. Its thinner in its center and thicker at its top and lower end. Its a perfect rectangle shape. To see the object for yourself, just go to the source link and type in the day and time in the screenshot above. This is what the Russian scientists said they saw many years ago, moon size UFOs that make sudden changes in direction and speed. SCW


  1. This UFO is observing the rare phenomenon of that giant magnetic spiral to the right of it, that is suspending plasma, and if it breaks apart, it will drop some of the plasma back to the surface bombarding it with big explosions called hyder flares. See archives of Feb 9th 2015 at for the article.

  2. These super advanced beings might be using the sun as some sort of a portal to travel between galaxies or universes. God knows what's inside these huge space ships!!

  3. This UFO is observing the rare phenomenon of that giant magnetic spiral to the right of it, that is suspending plasma, and if it breaks apart, it will drop some of the plasma back to the surface bombarding it with big explosions called hyder flares. See archives of Feb 9th 2015 at for the article.

  4. I found this interesting comments in a website. Have a look at this:

    In 2009 myself and several scientists examined SOHO satellite video which showed Earth sized UFO’s entering Sun Spots and exiting. In fact these UFO’s were using our Sun as a Portal to travel between planets in the Universe. If Aliens had arrived in these size of crafts using Interstellar space and crossing our Solar System gravity would have displaced their orbits and caused massive flooding on Earth destroying all life in the process. The reason we see small UFO’s around Earth and in our atmosphere is they have no effect on tidal flows. NASA has known since 2009 when I published and article sighting Nassim Haramein’s theory of Sun’s being used as Portals. The government thinks your stupid, you hear about this everyday in the news, they lie to you daily and you hear from the lips of Barack Obama. Do you really think NASA is telling you the truth, not!!! Today you can observe UFO’s on the SOHO transmission feed and if you are an expert in photography you can enhance these images clearly showing details NASA is hiding. We know that Aliens arrived in our Solar System but not by way of Interstellar space, we would have seen them coming and felt their gravitational effects. They come and go using our Sun, wake up and vote in honest politicians who don’t lie….

    1. Very Interesting theory Sharat, the sun or stars I,g. as a "Time/Space portal/portals".

      Also Sharat could the world size UFO's possibly even harvest the exponential amounts of nuclear fission energies for another reason perhaps im speculating such as a food source for energy regeneration so 2spk, OR maybe just maybe perhaps acts also as a world size storage capacitor/capacitors among all other characteristics just mentioned & even balance star fission energies from overloading perhaps also that personally i've often wondered myself.????

    2. That is very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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