

UFO Lou - ''HOW I BUILT MY NIGHT VISION ******CHEAP!******* UFO Sighting News.

This is a great DIY project for any serous UFO researcher out there. It teaches how to make your own night vision camera cheaply. I want to make this if I can find the time. SCW

UFO Lou of Youtube states:
I will try to answer all your questions folks, but I have about 100 hours of footage I have to go through - takes forever! Sorry if I don't respond A.S.A.P - I do try. This is a generation 1 twin cascade tube.


  1. Would you be so kind to list the different types of lenses that I need to buy. Thank you, Melissa

  2. Curiosity rover photo SOL 844: Entity, Entité

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    Curiosity photo PIA 19074 Crash site: Space Rocket, Alien, Machine

    Curiosity rover photo SOL 844: Fossilized or Statue Penis

  3. I thought I had posted this comment earlier but I guess I forgot to post. My question is this,would you be so kind to list the names of the lens types I would need to buy to be able to build this. I am so excited to try this. Thank you.

  4. Hi Scott,
    I built this but when I turn it on there is a bright small light right dead on in the middle of the view finder. Its working but this bright spot dead centre is annoying. I moved the lens in and out but didnt fix the problem. would that be the camera lens or the tube causeing that problem. Do you know what the cause is ?


  5. I built the night vision scope but have a bright white dot right in the middle of the viewfinder. I moved the lens in and out to see if that was the problem but still there. I only have 1 lens and 1 tube so I cant test against each other. Do you know what the problem would be ?


  6. Could I use a Canon T1i Rebel instead of a video camera

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