

Over 30 Alien Building Found On Earths Moon By French UFO Researcher, March 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

All photos here are untouched and original. No altering done.  

All photos here are untouched and original. No altering done.  

All photos here are untouched and original. No altering done.  

All photos here are untouched and original. No altering done.  

All photos here are untouched and original. No altering done.  

Date of discovery: March 30, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, south of Dorsum Gast crater
Source: Sebastien Speller of Youtube
Coordinates 1:  21°54'26.17"N    9°20'36.05"E
Coordinates 2:  22°42'38.96"N    8°34'5.18"E
Coordinates 3:  22° 7'29.46"N    8° 7'35.68"E

This is an incredible discovery by French researchers using Google Moon to find structures. There is a lot of structures in this location. How many? I...don't know. I have not seen this many structures on the moon in many months. If I had to guess, between 30-50 sizable ones. This guy made a great video describing it, but he does speak French. Very amazing structures and the coordinates I put above are just the beginning. There are a lot more for you to find in this location. SCW


  1. scott,looks like a load of ships,waiting at anchor

    1. Ships, anchored? on the moon??? We don't want all that lunar water to carry them out to the Sea of Tranquility..

  2. People, wake up!!! Our goverments are hiding the truth from us. There will be more discoveries of bases in the future. The public has a right to know where OUR tax money is going.

  3. Imagine what is on the "Dark side of the Moon",.

    1. I know exactly whats on the Dark side of the Moon...
      "Speak to Me", "Breathe" , "On the Run", "Time" , "The Great Gig in the Sky", "Money", "Us and Them", "Any Colour You Like", "Brain Damage" and "Eclipse"

    2. hahahaha I see what you did there


  5. Invasion Fleet. Waiting for the order.Look closely, Fighter shapes, Cargo carriers,Troop carriers.These are not structures they are craft.

  6. I appreciate all your doing guys, but im not convinced with this. blurry pictures, if they were cleared up and had actual evidence than yeah. But i do believe aliens are out there and the gov is hiding alot of shit, which this could be the one thing to Unite us together. an outside threat that they say we cannot stop. come to together and we shall prove them wrong!

    1. Hello, I am preparing another video with more than 200 objects or structures or forms with the coordinates that will be better quality than my first video. This leaves no room for doubt about me since I have not developed google earth and you can not only find yourself the places listed but you will necessarily find too !!! the questions are:

      we find identical shapes? yes it does!
      find us objects of identical sizes? yes it does!
      find us sructures or sets arranged in the same way? yes it does!
      the sets are there separate you from the same number of kilometers? yes it does!
      all objects and structures alignments are you it natural? I seriously doubt!
      and finally ... there seem to me essential questions: why in 2015 we cappable to have areas of very detailed moon there or there is nothing to do .... and we have a poor quality throughout the rest of the moon?

      the naza can give us detailed fobos jupiter .... ... March (where she wants), but not on the moon? nice "cover up" ...
      what do you think ?

    2. Hello, I am preparing another video with more than 200 objects or structures or forms with the coordinates that will be better quality than my first video. This leaves no room for doubt about me since I have not developed google earth and you can not only find yourself the places listed but you will necessarily find too !!! the questions are:

      we find identical shapes? yes it does!
      find us objects of identical sizes? yes it does!
      find us sructures or sets arranged in the same way? yes it does!
      the sets are there separate you from the same number of kilometers? yes it does!
      all objects and structures alignments are you it natural? I seriously doubt!
      and finally ... there seem to me essential questions: why in 2015 we cappable to have areas of very detailed moon there or there is nothing to do .... and we have a poor quality throughout the rest of the moon?

      the naza can give us detailed fobos jupiter .... ... March (where she wants), but not on the moon? nice "cover up" ...

      what do you think ?

  7. Let the mass probing begin ; )

  8. The Decepticons are coming.

  9. Kerbals. A usual, they have stranded themselves on the Mun.


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