

Red glowing UFO over White Rock Lake, Texas On May 17, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 17, 2015
Location of sighting: White Rock Lake, Texas, USA

Eyewitness states:
"We were fishing off a pier at white rock lake. It started getting dark and I had my neices my wife and daughter with me and they had to be in school the next day so I thought we'd call it a night. Long story short everybody walked to the car except my 13 yr old neice and myself. We were folding chairs heading off the fishing dock somehow I or we just noticed this huge lighted object right over the treetops.I stood there for a full minute and just stared and yelling at my niece (do u see that cursing a little which she responded (ya what is it)? It just appeared from nowhere silent just sitting there. After about a minute it just glided to the l eft about 50-100 ft.Than i tell her to run and go tell my wife if she sees it. She took off like running a 300 meter dash. I started pulling my phone out I put it up, while trying to zoom the screen it started moving behind the trees like it was hiding from the pictures. I got a 11 second video which only the first 3 seconds show like a orb moving behind the trees, which wasnt at all what our eyes saw! I always keep a digital camera on myself because of alot of weird star like objects I take pictures of which I didnt have this time.well thats another story. Yesterday I asked my neice to draw a pic of what she saw and she said she didn't know how to draw it. Luckily she drew it when she sent it to me I couldnt believe it. What I saw was just like a long line of lights I was thinkin cigar form, maybe because I was staring directly into the lights. I will post her drawing and snapshots of my video. Another weird thing is the next day i looked on websites to see if anyone else saw anything in the area and nothing was reported. I couldnt believe it. Where the object was wouldhave been a couple hundred feet above heavily traveled buckner rd.Unless somehow it only reveiled itself to us which i doubt. I could have amb o st thrown a large rock and hit the object. To close for comfort.Om glad my neice was with me people would have thought I was crazy. And her detailed surprised me.Now I wish I would not have asked her to draw the pic which now she might see more of these things, I dont know if its a good or bad thing, because I had 1 bad experience on new years 2 yrs ago.Thats another story also."


  1. Beautiful story.....I think the ETa are showing theirselves the "big event" for total reveal will not come as quite schoking to the masses. I however can't wait for them to arrive...but understand their approach. Video is way to short, but the sighting was reported and for that I thank I Scot for e. verything you to.Do

  2. The best think about UFO. i really wanna to look UFO with my eyes. So lucky to be look the UFO

    1. It takes some time, but it will happen. It happens more over mountain or ocean areas.


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