

Robotic Arm And Doorway Found On Mars, May 18, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 18, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars

I was looking at some Mars photos and discovered that there was an arm on the ground. The arm looks robotic and powerful. It is not a delicate arm, but an arm for a robot that needs power claws and grasp. On one part of the arm...the joint between the end and the top, I did notice that there was a sort of hide with a bolt-like object on it. 

I also found a stone door in front of a cave. This doorway is about 2.5-3 meters high and blocks an entrance to a cave or may be an underground entrance to something more high tech like a base, but its camouflaged to look like the surrounding area. SCW


  1. Good picture,continuous anomalies.At the top was clearly some sort of building.

  2. 12 hours from your findings is the skull of a lizard.

  3. Optimus Prime's torso T_T

  4. That door reminds me of the story about the death of Jesus.

  5. The structure of the rock does seem abnormal and for sure not. Though I don't see a robot arm. I see blocks. I don't see anything with the ability to grasp much. We can't forget we don't know much, and the mind is a powerful thing. Rather than rational explanations, we should look into what we see. rectangular objects on mars. not nature. Really get together and figure it out. Is the image a fake? If not further investigate. With reason and exploitation.

  6. The structure of the rock does seem abnormal and for sure not. Though I don't see a robot arm. I see blocks. I don't see anything with the ability to grasp much. We can't forget we don't know much, and the mind is a powerful thing. Rather than rational explanations, we should look into what we see. rectangular objects on mars. not nature. Really get together and figure it out. Is the image a fake? If not further investigate. With reason and exploitation.

  7. Well Scott on this one it looks a bit stoneish, & i cant see any mechanical structure on it that'll indicate grasping ability either UC....

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You are going to see things you what to see .You can do the same things with clouds in the sky find shapes

  10. Looks like natural stone formations. I backpack all over and see things like this in nature all the time. I think you have wishfull thinking

    1. I mean also to add that does not rule out perfectly cut stones by a MACHINING TECHNIQUE also UC...

      So so many wonderfull things in mars landfill regions....

  11. And no one sees the face. lol

  12. Yeah doesnt that look like a face in the top right hand corner of the "arm" object/s.

  13. Humans are hardwired to see faces everywhere. This is so we can differentiate between millions of people. We see faces in clouds, mountains, even on burnt pieces of toast. I disregard all accounts of faces.


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