

UFO Seen Over City Of Richfield, North Carolina, June 14, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 14, 2015
Location of sighting: Richfield, North Carolina, USA
News Source:

News States:
A man reportedly saw a UFO in the sky over Richfield.
Chris Drye, 36, said he witnessed an unidentified flying object sometime between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., June 14. At the time of the sighting, he was sitting inside his car outside the Dollar General in Richfield, he said.

“I was on my phone just messing around then I saw a flash,” Drye said.
Looking upward Drye saw the shimmer of metallic, akin to the dull side of aluminum foil, he said. The sighting, he added, was toward the west at an altitude of about 500 to 1,000 feet.

“It was just floating. It was not moving, but stationary,” Drye said. “It’s not anything I’ve ever seen.”

He described the object as two pieces that seemingly came together as one cigar-like unit.

“There was a flash of light and then it was gone,” Drye added.

Using his cellphone, Drye snapped a photo of the object seconds before it vanished, he said.

The Stanly County Airport is closed on Sundays so nothing was recorded from its radar. No pilots reported seeing anything unusual during the time, Bryce Raybon said from the radar tower.

“We do have more and more military stuff going on now,” Raybon said.

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