

UFO Tries To Imitate Moon To Confuse The Public In Russia, May 30, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 30-31, 2015
Location of sighting: Krasnodar, Russia

This UFO tried to make itself appear as if it were the moon, in order to confuse the people that look up. The object moves much to fast to be the moon and changes its glow. Smart trick on their behalf, but smarter people are catching on to alien tricks. SCW

News states: 
In the night from 30 to 31 May at the sky over the Krasnodar appeared mysterious ball of light like the moon, and then abruptly flew to the sky !!


  1. Tough to say if it's real or not

  2. I agree, it looks very staged by the non reactions of the spectators and how they hardly follow the crafts movements accurately enough. If multiple spectator s pointed at the craft's positionand followed it with their fingers, that would help pJust got done. It went really well, and looks promising, with a decent work environment & people & prove it greatly, as the staging work becomes near impossible to coordinate such movement.

  3. Looked pretty convincing as well as compelling until the object took off. and the questionable acting from all the comrades what u think u and whomever u r with would react or (not) react especially when it took off I know me and my buddies would be pretty pumped up to see that. someone probably would've ducked when it zipped off. maybe Russians r just that tough IDK!

  4. About 3 years ago I was in, at the time, a small rural town in Mexico and saw an object that appeared to be the moon, however the full moon was 90 degrees away from the object that appeared to be the moon. Very strange indeed. It also disappeared but didn't shoot off just simply disappeared. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me but can attest to the fact that I experienced a similar situation where an object appeared to be the moon but wasn't. Very interesting. I haven't heard of a UFO/moon scenario before this I hope that if someone else has similar experience they will share with the rest of us.

  5. Is this true reality or is this just editing ?

  6. Saw the same 7/4/2015 in FL but they were more orange and about 8 of them. Would have never believed prior to that. Google orange orbs and watch 100's of vids and pics of them with NO answers. The director of ufo sightings said "they defy any terrestrial aircraft characteristics... We just dont know what they are". I've read more in the last 2 months than all my 40 years combined. Google Cern or 9/23/2015...the answer to everything...may be the end of everything

  7. Saw the same 7/4/2015 in FL but they were more orange and about 8 of them. Would have never believed prior to that. Google orange orbs and watch 100's of vids and pics of them with NO answers. The director of ufo sightings said "they defy any terrestrial aircraft characteristics... We just dont know what they are". I've read more in the last 2 months than all my 40 years combined. Google Cern or 9/23/2015...the answer to everything...may be the end of everything

  8. Saw the same 7/4/2015 in FL but they were more orange and about 8 of them. Would have never believed prior to that. Google orange orbs and watch 100's of vids and pics of them with NO answers. The director of ufo sightings said "they defy any terrestrial aircraft characteristics... We just dont know what they are". I've read more in the last 2 months than all my 40 years combined. Google Cern or 9/23/2015...the answer to everything...may be the end of everything

  9. I have seen a moonlike UFO also in 1970, TX. It appeared to be a huge huge bright moon. It started out at ground level as a bright light in the woods, then rose up to treetop height, appearing to be the moon. It then disappeared, and reappeared like a falling star growing very quickly into a huge moon - Not a far off in the sky moon, but a very close, very large moon. I am a true believer that whoever/whatever are UFO's are very adapt at magician-like illusions.


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