

UFO Hovering Over Wright-Patterson Military Base, Dayton, Ohio On July 11, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 11, 2015
Location of sighting: Dayton, Ohio, USA

Now this may be an incredible video full of evidence, but one thing is clear, its not CGI. You see, most people who make CGI know it takes hours just to make a 20 second video, thats why most are only 12-20 seconds long. This one is much longer. However there is not statement from the person who saw it. Without a statement from an eyewitness, this sighting is not as strong of evidence that it could be. If you live in Dayton and have seen or not seen this UFO, please let us know in the comments below. SCW


  1. Why are the clouds not moving? Is this a video of a still image?

  2. It looks like the USS Defiant from DS9. My gut tells me is not genuine because of the way it "blinks" out of the picture and how it doesn't before blinking out. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

  3. If air farce related, it looks like drivers Ed.... Like they were trying to figure out how to level out before "the next step" could engage,.. Dematerialisation... (maybe

  4. WOW!. 2clear HD sightings of ufos in a week,, what I find strange is people are finally learning to use their camera's! NOT EVEN NASA CAN RELEASE 2 CLEAR IMAGES IN A ROW! Reme

  5. I don't know if it is because of the camera quality this was taken with, but parts of the sky look very pixelated to me. Why does the person keep aiming the camera away from the object so often as well. But anything over a large Air Force base like Wright Patterson in a fair sized citywould most likely be human engineered. It wasn't on the news there to my knowledge either. It's anybody's guess as to what it was. Looks kinda like a Star Wars toy on a string the way it is tilted.

  6. Share this ! [ and make ready ! you need me to show you how to fight them ! ] not long everyone dead ! Please ! Give some who believe a chance ! You ain't seen nothing like what is coming ever ! Good luck ! wink ! this is real wake up ! cloud ships with way advanced weapons to you ? ........... or look at the video ! UK skies ! rehersing killing you all! They are laughing at you !

  7. This is a complete fake. Witness took a static photo image and panned a camera over the image as though it was shot live. Not real at all. Just another fake. Everything in the video is static and not moving. Hoax.

    1. I agree w/ your comment Mr Bell, yes indeed it does not even float in relation to the background clouds, & im surmising that if indeed anything is floating under the influance of anti grav hundreds of meters high in the sky the air tubulance alone would cause the object to at least float slightly around a bit while magnetically feilded stationary, at least AhHum from my observations mind you.

      Also sir aside from the dull almost Scully/Mulder almost X file soudin music in a attempt to make seriousness of this hoax is the idea of filming this near a AF Base to have the viewer to believe a secret testing was going down there, the camara person should call the cousins bro's of thirdphazeofdamoon for this scam to be showed on there show Mu Ha Ha Ha im sure itll be a laugh...

  8. Wright Pat AFB, Dayton Oh, hell now is this the infamous AFB where hanger 18 is located or was...

  9. My only comment is about WPAFB (Wright-Pat) about it being rural and such a highly secure base. I live about 30 miles from the base, grew up here my while life. Wright-Pat is located in Fairborn, or you can use the genaric Dayton area. Wright State University is REAL close to the base. And for the high security...Wright Pat is the location for The National Museum of the United States Air Force where over 1.3 million people visit a year.

    1. Thank you. I used to live on Woodman Drive just a few miles from the base and there is a huge population that surrounds this "Rural Base". They need to study more before impressing ideas into people's heads, expecially if they want to be credible.

  10. I live near Wright Patt and work on it. There's nothing rural about where the base is located. There are people living all around the base. The narrator makes it sound like Wright Patt is a super high security base. It is like just about every military facility in the States, it is secure, you have to show an ID to get on base but it's not like some super secure facility. It's just a normal Air Force base.

  11. Ahum,now now calm dwm you guys, its allright, now listen, how about the "increased" local housing & business structures built around the AFB between what yrs gentlemen?, UC that base been located there for many decades now, & a lot of time those decades past to expand sorounding communities RIGHT gentlemen ...

    Some things are hidden in Plain Sight, all i can say.

    1. On 2days Fox News Nitwit Channel, there seems to be at least what looks to me like a Unidentified Flyin Anvel or "UFA", thats been milling around the skys of Dayton Oh, infact infact now where the Wright Pat AFB is located, mu ha ha ha ha ha, and as i said before gentlemen, some things are just simply in plain sight...

      That is if ya take time to look, mu ha ha ha, just love it, hell don't you, MU HA HA HA HA. to to much dwn here.

  12. There is a new ufo video same location and looks very similar to this one.

  13. I've recently heard of the UFO sitting in Dayton, OH. I have video my husband and I took last year over Wright Patt. No one believe us and we started feel like crazy people. Lol. My neighbors saw it as well. It happen several times at night atound 9:20 pm. It was the strangest thing!! We would see lights no moving and no sound. They would disappear and then come back in a different spot. They would also flicker. I just thought Id share and yes we lived right next to the base maybe a mile away.. Its part of the reason I moved to NC but Im goung bsck at the end of this month and will defiantly be watching the skys!

  14. I've recently heard of UFO sittings in Dayton Ohio. I also have video from last year but I don't know how to share it. My husband and I told people but they just blew us off.. I never believed in UFOs but my mind was quickly changed! Something id defiantly going on at Wright Patterson! We lived apoox 1 mile away and saw many things in the sky. I just thought I'd share. This has become very interesting but I try to block it out because I ended up getting very weirded out if you will.


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