

Did An Alien On Russian News Crew Cause Birds To Shape Into Putins Face? Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2015
Location of sighting: New York, New York, USA

Some aliens have the ability to move and shape things, like smoke, clouds, or masses of small things like birds. Sometimes they just think about something and it influences the objects near them to take the shape of their thoughts. They often communicate this way and their telepathic ability is easy for the simple minded birds to intercept and momentarily become part of. What I am saying is that one person with the Russian news station was an alien with powerful telepathic abilities. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A video showing the "strange behavior" of birds in New York is going viral after a Russian news station spotted the shape of Vladimir Putin's face in the flock. The video, posted to YouTube by Sheryl Gilbert, purports to show the "strange behavior of birds" flying in a flock near the Brooklyn Bridge. The video went viral in Russia after news station Zvezda aired the footage and reporters said a shape seen in a close-up of the birds appears to be the face of President Vladimir Putin.


  1. Could this be a subliminal presidential campaign plot to choose him over that bad hair day dim wit Chump, i mean Trump...

    Pun intended.

  2. blatantly cgi, not difficult to do these days with Transformers and Marvel films

    1. Could be CGI to promote Putin on American soil, but it looks real. I still think its not CGI.

  3. You have to be kidding me. Where did you get the leap that aliens can move and shape things. O' I know "Everything you need to know about Aliens 101." Its got to be a best seller.

  4. This looks like Will Smith on crack lol

  5. Already saw breakdowns showing a CGI manipulated hoax...

  6. No other people on the bus reacting!

  7. I recently re-watched the last Indiana Jones film and there's a bit at the start in a clandestine warehouse which is similar, It's show CG gunpowder thrown in to the air and being attracted to the highly magnetised corpse of a Roswell, moves like the flock in the above video. As I said, it's not that difficult to reproduce by someone who knows the craft. WHoever did it knew that Fox, CBS and the rest would pick up on it. Strange how no other reports have surfaced?

    1. It was in Indiana Jones so it must be real.. Oh by the way Jabba the Hutt and I hit up the strip club last night. It was pretty sweet


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