

Hundreds of UFOs Recorded Around Suns Corona With 4K Camera, Aug 11, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 11, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This video was taken by Youtube user UFOvni2012 and he said he used a SONY FDR-AXP33 4K Ultra HD, which is one serious camera. Understand I do not recommend looking at the sun with your camera unless you have an IR filter over it. The camera can be damaged. UFOvni2012 didn't seem to know this. The risk may have been worth it, this video is worth a lot since it shows massive UFOs shooting from place to place at light speed, hovering, then shooting off again. The 4K quality of the camera has caught something very unusual and unexplainable. I'm sure we will see more such videos from him, and I hope he gets it on a tripod next time so we can see it more steady. My guess is that these objects are gathering something important that is pushed to the suns surface, and they are competing with one another to get this rare element.  Also know, this is the suns corona, which make UFOs easier to see, there is still the entire front and back we can't see. That means there are about 500-1,000 of these UFOs gathering that rare element. Very amazing video. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. Wow , looks like moths to a flame

    1. These are what the Russian scientists described to the press about 6 years ago.

    2. They travel at light speed, jumping from place to place. If its real, it is more likely massive drones. I don't see how a living body could handle so many jumps per minute, but maybe their bodies are much stronger.

    3. You aren't subjected to gravity, heat, or g-force when you can simply bend our human like dimensional reality around your body or craft.

  2. If this can be duplicated by another person this would be a extremely interesting discovery

  3. Maybe that's where they get there metal elements to build such durable ships? Cos if they did make it out of a mixture of every element off the sun,, it explains how there ships are able to enter the sun without problems. (maybe)

    1. To jump at light speed that many times, I don't thing they will have living beings on them. Just giant drones.

  4. Thanks for enlarging the freeze frame pics. The camera is just too shaky to really get a good look at what's going on. If it wasn't up for your work with capturing and enchancing some of the vid shots, people wouldn't be able to see it. Nice job!

  5. It has to be something that involves your camera because of the intensity of light it is taking in through the video

    1. Could be a glitch, caused by the sunlight, thats why we need some more videos of it, on a tripod to look at it more carefully.

  6. Couldn't it just be the result of the bright light and damage to the camera? Like you said it's not the best idea. As sweet as a find this would be I would guess it's a fluke

    1. That is possible, but the only way to confirm it, is for someone else to risk their camera, or for the guy to do it again, longer this time and with a tripod so we can analyse his video better.


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