

UFO Disk Near Space Station On Live HD Cam, Aug 31, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 31, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station.

This UFO caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube has really great detail. The disk comes very close, about 75 meters away from the station. The disk itself is big. About 7-9 meters across. The light reflecting off of the UFO is also really brilliant. The UFO realizes its been noticed and it slowly moves backwards into the darkness. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Light appears at ISS.


  1. Extraterrestrials come in peace. We need to greet them WITH peace. Please sign the Universal Peace Petition:

    1. There are many different species, but overall yes, you are right. But we...humans are being allowed to exist and being protected, or we would have been destroyed by an alien species long ago.

    2. I am wondering every time I see some new appearance of UFO at Some people would say that all is just fiction but I believe we are not alone in this would. superiorpapers is the only place where I choose writing services for my papers about my Extraterrestrials existence theory.

  2. there are benevolent and also malevolent species in the solar system and on the planet and moon.but the malevolent ones are very difficult to handle and dangerous.the benevolent can't do much because the bad guys were invited for exchange of technology and there is no "cosmic law" broken really

    1. On the moon i envision the ET hostess as broken into diff factions of ideologys & opinions just like here, example; either ya Pro or Con for the earth person etc, just like the middle eastern opinion of the US in there sphere of this world UC, & thats why i feel that the SSP is limited to there exploratory travels on the moon & mars, JUST LIKE THE ROVER...

      Also consider that mars major ET hostess thats in charge just may have this same way of thinking too i surmise because just like on the moon i would assume that the SSP is again limited to only fairly safe designated areas of mars & just like the moon there purposely stationed by there host to those designated area locales only for them for there own safety because of a number of potentially dangerous situations that may effect them harshly survival wise in certain moon/mars outback regions.

      Space Cowboys, OR Space bread & highly tech trained "Special Forces Units" possibly most of those SSP operatives could be, & & & possibly under MIND CONTROL to boot also.

      But its pure Speculative Theory from above on my part everyone so calm dwn oK.

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  4. There is a lot of mystery that surrounds UFOs and we can only count on people like you to shed some light on this subject. Personally I'm of the opinion that we cannot ignore the possibility of existence of life on other planets except earth.

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  6. hii guys


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