

Moon Landing Hoax - Wires Footage Created By NASA, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

This is an old video from back in 2006, but most people probably have not seen it. It shows us the parts of the moon landing where there is proof that astronauts had wires holding them during the mission. These wires took caused them to jump to early and also get up to easily. They also shimmered and glowed in some parts of the footage. This is proof that at least some moon walks were faked by NASA.

Also that Apollo 17 footage can't be more fake, look at the wall behind the astronauts. WTF were they thinking when they made this? I can't find the original footage of this one. If you can find it, please post the URL here. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. NASA said they did shoot some footage in there studio as it "was easier to have pre positionEd camera's cos of lighting conditions " like seriously what a load of rubbish

  2. Looking back at the 60's and 70's technology especially computer technology and guidance systems clearly we did not have the ability for a moon landing operation. In fact after a review of both the technology and evidence is it preposterous to believe we ever traveled to, landed on and returned from the moon. Since the 70's no country including the USA has attempted such a feat since. NASA said too expensive ha ha when has the word expensive ever stopped the government from spending money.

    1. Russia, China and Japan have all got "current activities " there and India seem ready to give it a go, hard to believe theyre supposed to have the best program on earth considering how screwed up everything is there

  3. While this does appear as fakery. I stll believe we did land on the moon, although when exactly is anyone's guess. Why NASA keeps secrets from the public is only furthering curosity of all their missions to date. I will probably be a geriatric when or if they ever reveal the truth. But truth will be revealed and history will be rewritten.
    All the efforts of people like you Scott, who question and research data, who dares to stand against the establishment and publish these discreprancies, has allowed the free will republic to make assesments on everything we were told. Never give up and never give in. It is truly turning the tide.. Thank you!

  4. Alternative means of space travel was incorporated via the hidden side of NASA that break away group formed from Proj Paper Clip...

    Stanly Kubrick the famous movie creator was hired by US intell to produce moon scenes...

    NASA , & Gulf Oil Corp at the time had vast investments in the petro industry as they launched there fuel laden bomb of Saturn rockets into the atmosphere then slowly curving back to earth now cameras are off & now SIMULATED SCENES to the world from a studio, & by the way anyone remember this during the apollo yrs watching this on our ancient CRT principle rad beaming TV sets back in the late 60's to early 70's apollo missions...

    Ok while the saturn series rockets were hurtling into the uper atmosphere behind the scenes NASA's other face was allready there on restricted & designated areas given to them by the host on the moon & mars thanks to anti grav research that was done by the german scientist, engineers & techs who worked on Hitlers secret scientific exotic anti grav aero weapons tech sys via the utilization of Magnetic Field Propulsion Sys tech given to the NAZI researchers thru mystical channelling that was accomplished by scientist involved w/ this prog whom contacted otherworldly/dimensional beings who assited them its aledged to create early protoypes as early as the late 40's i understand...

    When the then Global Robber Baron elite realized how this tech could turn the tides of there global oil scam plans for the world well they had to put a stop to Hitler & call that global chest game off UC, so a number of the scientific crews involved w/ the proj were secretly found in the Antarctic regions & had built a secret base, & from there the moon & mars, so this is my theory as short & simplified as i can put it thats whats called "The Break Away Civilization".

    1. I agree with much of this. Anti-gravity technology being discovered by the Germans and perfected in the 1950's here in the USA. I think we have hundreds of people and craft in space and evidence points to many buildings/bases on the moon. Gary Mckinnon and the head of skunk works have both alluded to off world military operations mostly run by the US Navy which continues to be the most powerful branch. Anchors Away.

    2. The USS Submariners are prime recruits i understand for a number of strategic reasons...

      To those brave Submariners, anchors away to the unknowns of time & Space.

  5. The wires people claim they is actually lens flare. It's the sun reflecting off the antenna on the astronauts backpack. All facts and evidence to hoaxers, because they will say that is fake too. The landings are fact. People just need better education, and learn what humans are capable of. Remember Russia was monitoring the mission, any sign of a hoax, they would have exposed us immediately. People need facts, not theorists and their crazy ideas, filled with lies and misinformation.


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