

Red Glowing UFO Shoots Over Farmingville, New York Faster Than Jet, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 19, 2015
Location of sighting: Farmingville, New York, USA
Source: MUFON #70627

I saw one of these glowing red UFOs once, moving slowing from the ocean area toward the beach here in Taiwan. The closest land in the opposite direction was 1 hour by jet  (China. They do exist and are as silent as the night, except this guy in NY was lucky enough to see it change direction and and it came back. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Letting dogs out at night clear sky's. I saw huge red orange light not meteor come up over tree line across street a little lower than normal flight levels no sound moving faster than I've seen. I'm ex military and current NYC detective never seen fighter or helicopter or commercial plane move this fast. It came toward me east then changed direction north bobbled a lot and straightens out going higher in front of a plane that was much slower. The plane changed course and followed it that's when the light seemed to just turn off. Called my wife outside to tell her and within two minutes it came again starting about where it was when it first came above trees but followed a different course no bobbling but seemed faster we videoed it, but it's a little crappy was from cell phone. It went to the same area north and disappeared. I looked for a bit, seemed to come back where we lost it, but was hovering lost it again hard to see with ambient light and trees. I can send the video if this looks like something your interested in.

Original photo 1:
Original photo 2:


  1. late breaking!!!...okay ufo people and administrator, go to UFOSNW.COM there is raging debate and many debunkers trying to deny rreality of Montana hufe ufo photo.looks like that photo got a lot of skeptics out of the woodwork!!!!! read comments submitted under report. not usually many comments on that site. that photo appears to have 'pushed some buttons''. that proves it is real huge ufo that's getting lots of attention!!! exclamation points to emphasize this photo in Montana as unique and hard to imagine for many.aliens ''tired''of showing discs and orbs that can be dismissed so they show gargantuan ufo so you will know. people commenting on UFOSNW.COM like they rarely do.-----Montana USA. maybe aliens know that USA leaders are the ''bad guys''. the aliens know they have friends in USA and aliens want to get attention of people.

  2. The proof off extraterrestrial life is overwhelming only the people who's minds are closed can't see this,it's not very intelligant to say we are only advanced beings In the universe in fact it's quite rude to suggest that if I were an alien I would look down on this earth and lmao at what it is ,greed hunger wars poverty homelessness murdering rapes. Etc etc not the actions of an advanced technological or spiritual race and to think us with these actions are the most intelligent it makes me laugh

  3. Hi can you tell me what time you seen this yesterday we also seen it 19/09/2015 at 8.30pm i am from Liverpool england.exactly the same as how you have explained going in different directions I really want to no what we have witnesses also we tried to record it but its not that good. Thank you

  4. I seen this I England last night 19/09.2015 at 8.30pm exactly what you have said please can someone tell me what this is. I thought it was a fireball it also moved left and right straigh up then dropped untill it was out of sight

  5. I saw 7 lights moving across the night sky over south east Florida last night at about 10:40 pm at an altitude of around 120 feet moving to fast to be one of our own and with a change in flight pattern

  6. I saw a string of lights over south East Florida last night around 10:40 pm at an altitude to high to be our own moving at incredible speed and also noticed a change in flight pattern

  7. I saw 7 lights moving across the night sky over south east Florida last night at about 10:40 pm at an altitude of around 120 feet moving to fast to be one of our own and with a change in flight pattern

  8. I saw 7 lights moving across the night sky over south east Florida last night at about 10:40 pm at an altitude of around 120 feet moving to fast to be one of our own and with a change in flight pattern


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