

Aliens Watching Over UFO Sightings Daily Says Google Plus, Oct 2015, News.

Date: Oct 30, 2015

I went to my Google Plus today to talk to someone and my eyes were met with something really unbelievable. I now have 700,000,000+  people who have looked at me. Uh...I don't get it either. The only explanation is that there are alien species out there, watching what I do and say here. There is just no other explanation. Even my UFO site has only 30 million views, so...this is strange and cool. 

According to Google Plus I am the #1 most popular guy in the world. Yeah...I just laughed too, but its true. Team Coco (Conan) has 254 million, Gaga has 302 million, President Obama has 140 million.

So all this fame...LOL, and everything is the same. Just the way I like it. Fame with anonymity. The only way to go.


  1. Congrats!! Interesting site without a doubt...setting a foundation for sites who would like to dedicate their intellect and time for the curious minds. It's all up to the viewer to pick n choose what material is worthy of respect. Thanx for putting it out there though..

  2. Wow,that's intersting in itself ! Someone has a secret and they think you know it ! Cyber stalker or information gathering ,much the same.You are the Man !

  3. Hate to burst your bubble, but views does not equal unique persons. Read more about what counts as a veiw at this site

    1. Uh...I already found that long ago, but it still doesn't explain why I'm #1 in the world.

    2. there's always a know it all pencil neck in the crowd, that thinks he's got one over every body, and of course, "knows it all".
      ......Congrats Scott! on the excellent work you do, and your Godzilla size popularity, I don't know, I'd be nervous if it was me

  4. I am reading your site everyday, thank you for your job.

    1. Kathy, so glad you like it. I am learning with you, My goal is your goal, to learn more of the truth.

  5. Every day I click on this site. Thank you for your excellent job.

  6. Congratulations, Scott. Now get back to work:)! There is a door cut out in the white outcropping on this Mars Curiosity Rover raw image. There is a being on a rock at right. A being in a hoodie far left. and more on the rock. They look like Teddy Bears. Seriously. Check it out.

    1. I see the doorway you are talking about. Very obvious and tall. The beings...I see two possible brings on the right of the door. On far left, but really doesn't matter. The quality of this photo is too poor to use as evidence. Pass it by and find one with 25% or more better quality. NASA does this on purpose to hide the truth. Sorry, but we need a high quality photo. Good finds though. I see it too.

    2. I know. I saw that the images listings that they improve or that have better resolution left this one out of the batch. I thought that was interesting.

  7. Scott: Dwelling with Door and at least three beings. Sent to Nasa but no response. From two days ago. One being in a hoodie.

  8. Scott, I love your website and your passion for releasing the truth about UFOs. It seems the only way the people of this planet will accept that there is aliens, is if it comes right from the US government. For the government to finally cave and release its information, we need to convince enough normal everyday people that they are being lied to. One of the ways this will happen, is if you stop mistaking rock clusters for alien faces. What your doing is basically cloud watching, but with rocks. Rock Watching. I'll admit that some rock formations resemble faces, or arms, or dragons, or whatever shape you want them to be, but you are seriously hurting your own movement when you do this. One of the rocks I saw that you didn't highlight, looked like Tommy Pickles from the Rugrats. That doesn't mean the aliens came up with the idea for the TV show The Rugrats and then went to the moon to chisel a rock in its memory, it's just my imagination. You are mixing in Rock Watching, with real evidence and photos and theories. Your active imagination discredits the real proof you have on your website. So please, for all of us that are fighting to convince the general population (including yourself) stop Rock Watching.

    1. Actually its because I reported the face of an alien species that caused the Google Plus views to skyrocket. A species out there is confused at how its possible that I have identified so many species out there, so early in our evolution.

  9. Scott, I love your website and your passion for releasing the truth about UFOs. It seems the only way the people of this planet will accept that there is aliens, is if it comes right from the US government. For the government to finally cave and release its information, we need to convince enough normal everyday people that they are being lied to. One of the ways this will happen, is if you stop mistaking rock clusters for alien faces. What your doing is basically cloud watching, but with rocks. Rock Watching. I'll admit that some rock formations resemble faces, or arms, or dragons, or whatever shape you want them to be, but you are seriously hurting your own movement when you do this. One of the rocks I saw that you didn't highlight, looked like Tommy Pickles from the Rugrats. That doesn't mean the aliens came up with the idea for the TV show The Rugrats and then went to the moon to chisel a rock in its memory, it's just my imagination. You are mixing in Rock Watching, with real evidence and photos and theories. Your active imagination discredits the real proof you have on your website. So please, for all of us that are fighting to convince the general population (including yourself) stop Rock Watching.

  10. I don`t understand, is this a bug? or maybe the elite are intentionally doing this to direct people`s attention towards you and your site and UFOs in general. But if this is really true congratulations Scott ! honored to know you

    1. Could be a glitch in the matrix who knows? There seems to be too much focus on me. I agree. Its bewildering.

  11. Like many others I log on daily to see if irrefutable proof has finally been achieved. I do think you do a great job of collecting some of the best evidence to date that we are NOT alone. Not by a long shot. One comment however, your focus on faces. You have identified some amazing things, but occasionally the faces are a little hard to believe as more than natural evolution and time on rocks and minerals. Otherwise, keep up the great work... being the most popular person in the world should get you on the team of individuals who get to have first official contact. Congratulations!

    1. I believe it the views are coming from aliens, then it has to be that I identified their species with a face posted on this site. An alien species is curious how its possible for that to happen, so they check the Google Plus profile to see my posts.

  12. Wow the most popular person in the world?? There must be someone checking up on you Scott multiple times daily and it doesn't sound like it's any of us (people who check your website frequently) so who does that leave?? Hmm...but congrats anyway!

    1. Us? Meaning us humans? Checking up frequently? Why not check out this site frequently? I do.! Every day ..doesn't mean checking up on Mr. Scott..only material to view..SENSATIONAL ! Lots to view or discard..take your pick!

  13. Hi Scott,
    Greetings from India. A big fan of your work.
    I was just going through the recent fully processed New Horizon image from the spacecraft backlit by the sun. While I found the picture breathtaking, I was zooming in on the bright side, which is the ride aide portion of the picture. When I zoomed in enough, I could see like a lot of pyramid shaped objects, when I rotated the image a bit. What I found intriguing was there was a Sphinx kind of structure right next to one pyramid shaped structure. It resembled the pyramid valley from Earth a lot. Now it could be anything but I thought I'd bring it to your attention. Thank you. And please do clarify.

    Warm regards,

  14. Hi Scott,
    Greetings from India. A big fan of your work.
    I was just going through the recent fully processed New Horizon image from the spacecraft backlit by the sun. While I found the picture breathtaking, I was zooming in on the bright side, which is the ride aide portion of the picture. When I zoomed in enough, I could see like a lot of pyramid shaped objects, when I rotated the image a bit. What I found intriguing was there was a Sphinx kind of structure right next to one pyramid shaped structure. It resembled the pyramid valley from Earth a lot. Now it could be anything but I thought I'd bring it to your attention. Thank you. And please do clarify.

    Warm regards,

  15. Hi Scott,
    Greetings from India. A big fan of your work.
    I was just going through the recent fully processed New Horizon image from the spacecraft backlit by the sun. While I found the picture breathtaking, I was zooming in on the bright side, which is the ride aide portion of the picture. When I zoomed in enough, I could see like a lot of pyramid shaped objects, when I rotated the image a bit. What I found intriguing was there was a Sphinx kind of structure right next to one pyramid shaped structure. It resembled the pyramid valley from Earth a lot. Now it could be anything but I thought I'd bring it to your attention. Thank you. And please do clarify.

    Warm regards,

    1. Sounds cool. I have found many pyramids on may planets in our solar system, so its not unusual. Make a video of it, or post the photo url here and I will have look. Sphinx...yeah, we found a few ranging in sizes and quality, but sure they are out there.

  16. Felicitaciones , muchas gracias por tu valorable aporte de trabajo e investigación.

    1. Bienvenido. Muy amable de su parte decir. Haré mi mejor esfuerzo para encontrar la verdad. Mantener la fe de mi amigo.

  17. Scott, thanks for feedding myself everyday about E.T. I'm from France and I read you on the morning when I wake up and just before to go sleeping. You're THE reference. So, for sure, if entities need to contact us, you'll be the one ;) Thanks, thanks, thanks...

    1. Hey anytime. Thats why I'm here. Thanks. As for will they contact me? That would be cool.

  18. Scott, thanks for feedding myself everyday about E.T. I'm from France and I read you on the morning when I wake up and just before to go sleeping. You're THE reference. So, for sure, if entities need to contact us, you'll be the one ;) Thanks, thanks, thanks...

  19. Keep at it Scott.
    One day all will know this is all real.
    We are not alone.
    and we are all connected.
    Peace always brother

    1. Thanks man, I appreciate it. I will do my best.

  20. ...bleep...bloop...
    Keep at it Scott.
    One day all will see.
    not alone in this mega verse

  21. Hi Scott congratulations mate keep up the good work. I click on this site least 5 times a day in search of the truth thank you for everything mate

    1. Hey thanks. If you find something I missed, leave it in comments somewhere. I will see it, but include a URL.

  22. I also visit everyday. Just show you how curious, and aware of this issue, the public has become. Add the proper leader, or Professor, and this following is easily just starting and will likely increase exponentially as we spread the word. You have to know that we take all these stories to our friends at some point. You have made this a daily destination and help educate the public. Thanks and please keep rolling.

  23. Scott I too have been following your work for sometime as you know. I love what you are doing and secretly wish that I too could be of help to humanity on presenting the truth. Many thanks and blessings to you. One day I hope to meet you personally as we cruise the universe on the mothership. Warp speed ...engage!

  24. Hey Scott, do you have any first hand experiences with ufos or ET phenomenon?

  25. This site makes for my daily read in the hopes of waking up one day and finding that world governments have caved in to the irrefutable evidence and accepted we are not alone.


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